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来源:学术堂 作者:王老师
发布于:2019-09-10 共8842字

  绿色会计(Green accountant)又称环境会计,它是以货币为主要计量单位,以有关法律、法规为依据,计量、记录环境污染、环境防治、环境开发的成本费用,同时对环境的维护和开发形成的效益进行合理计量与报告,从而综合评估环境绩效及环境活动对企业财务成果影响的一门新兴学科。下面是搜索整理的绿色会计英文参考文献,欢迎借鉴参考。


  [1]Nicholas A. Azzolina,Wesley D. Peck,John A. Hamling,Charles D. Gorecki,Scott C. Ayash,Thomas E. Doll,David V. Nakles,L. Stephen Melzer. How green is my oil? A detailed look at greenhouse gas accounting for CO 2 -enhanced oil recovery (CO 2 -EOR) sites[J]. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control,2016,51.

  [2]Matthew Dennis,Philip James. Considerations in the valuation of urban green space: Accounting for user participation[J]. Ecosystem Services,2016,21.

  [3]Artie W. Ng. From sustainability accounting to a green financing system: Institutional legitimacy and market heterogeneity in a global financial centre[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production,2018,195.

  [4]Zengkai Zhang. Technology-adjusted national carbon accounting for a greener trade pattern[J]. Energy Economics,2018,73.

  [5]Moinul Islam,Shunsuke Managi. Green growth and pro-environmental behavior: Sustainable resource management using natural capital accounting in India[J]. Resources, Conservation & Recycling,2019,145.

  [6]A. Marissa Matsler. Making ‘green’ fit in a ‘grey’ accounting system: The institutional knowledge system challenges of valuing urban nature as infrastructural assets[J]. Environmental Science and Policy,2019,99.

  [7]Nie Yuan,Foster Charles S P,Zhu Tianqi,Yao Ru,Duchêne David A,Ho Simon Y W,Zhong Bojian. Accounting for uncertainty in the evolutionary timescale of green plants through clock-partitioning and fossil calibration strategies.[J]. Systematic biology,2019.

  [8]Chu Chien-Chi,Ji Yun,Lee Hsiu-Yu,Lin Yu-Ting. Top Management Attributes, Psychological Capital, and Green Accounting Effectiveness in Public-Private Partnership Context.[J]. Frontiers in psychology,2019,10.

  [9]Lin Lin. Study on the Construction of Green Accounting System Based on “the Belt and Road” Strategy[P]. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Culture, Education and Economic Development of Modern Society (ICCESE 2019),2019.

  [10]Ayu Dwi Yuliathi,Putu Wiwiek Ary Susyarini,I G P Fajar Pranadi Sudhana. Green Tourism Innovation Through the Application of Environment Management Accounting[P]. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS 2018),2018.

  [11]Shofiana Hanifa,Abdul Kahar. Green Accounting: Comprehension of Accounting Students[P]. Proceedings of the International Conference on Economics and Banking 2015,2015.

  [12]I P Astawa,C Ardina,I M S Yasa,I K Parnata. A new model in achieving Green Accounting at hotels in Bali[J]. Journal of Physics: Conference Series,2018,953(1).

  [13]Kecheng Chen,Yunchen Wang,Huiling Feng. Research on Optimization Effect of Environmental Pollution Accounting Control Based on Green Low Carbon Background[J]. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2018,208(1).

  [14]Xinna Zhao,Shiyue Liu. Analysis on Industrial Correlation of China: Considering the Energy Resources based on Green Accounting[J]. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2019,237(4).

  [15]S. Baselli,A. Molinari. Sintering shrinkage of uniaxial cold compacted iron: a new shrinkage kinetic equation accounting for the microstructure of green parts[J]. Powder Metallurgy,2019,62(1).

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