智能家居(smart home, home automation)是以住宅为平台,利用综合布线技术、网络通信技术、 安全防范技术、自动控制技术、音视频技术将家居生活有关的设施集成,构建高效的住宅设施与家庭日程事务的管理系统,提升家居安全性、便利性、舒适性、艺术性,并实现环保节能的居住环境。下面是搜素整理的智能家居外文参考文献,欢迎借鉴参考。
[1]Larissa Nicholls,Yolande Strengers. Robotic vacuum cleaners save energy? Raising cleanliness conventions and energy demand in Australian households with smart home technologies[J]. Energy Research & Social Science,2019,50.
[2]Hongbo Zhu,Yan Gao,Yong Hou,Zongyao Wang,Xue Feng. Real-time pricing considering different type of smart home appliances based on Markov decision process[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems,2019,107.
[3]Mohammed Alshahrani,Issa Traore. Secure mutual authentication and automated access control for IoT smart home using cumulative Keyed-hash chain[J]. Journal of Information Security and Applications,2019,45.
[4]Ima O. Essiet,Yanxia Sun,Zenghui Wang. Optimized energy consumption model for smart home using improved differential evolution algorithm[J]. Energy,2019,172.
[5]Priti Paudyal,Zhen Ni. Smart home energy optimization with incentives compensation from inconvenience for shifting electric appliances[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems,2019,109.
[6]Muhammad Raisul Alam,Marc St-Hilaire,Thomas Kunz. Peer-to-peer energy trading among smart homes[J]. Applied Energy,2019,238.
[7]Ivo Gon?alves,?lvaro Gomes,Carlos Henggeler Antunes. Optimizing the management of smart home energy resources under different power cost scenarios[J]. Applied Energy,2019,242.
[8]A. Rezaee Jordehi. Binary particle swarm optimisation with quadratic transfer function: A new binary optimisation algorithm for optimal scheduling of appliances in smart homes[J]. Applied Soft Computing Journal,2019,78.
[9]Roschelle L. Fritz,Gordana Dermody. A nurse-driven method for developing artificial intelligence in “smart” homes for aging-in-place[J]. Nursing Outlook,2019,67(2).
[10]Marie Schill,Delphine Godefroit-Winkel,Mbaye Fall Diallo,Camilla Barbarossa. Consumers’ intentions to purchase smart home objects: Do environmental issues matter?[J]. Ecological Economics,2019,161.
[11]Brennan D. Less,Spencer M. Dutton,Iain S. Walker,Max H. Sherman,Jordan D. Clark. Energy savings with outdoor temperature-based smart ventilation control strategies in advanced California homes[J]. Energy & Buildings,2019,194.
[12]Peng Liu,Guichen Li,Shengqian Jiang,Yufei Liu,Minmin Leng,Jinping Zhao,Shuo Wang,Xiangfei Meng,Binghan Shang,Li Chen,Samuel H. Huang. The effect of smart homes on older adults with chronic conditions: A systematic review and meta-analysis[J]. Geriatric Nursing,2019.
[13]Jordan D. Clark,Brennan D. Less,Spencer M. Dutton,Iain S. Walker,Max H. Sherman. Efficacy of occupancy-based smart ventilation control strategies in energy-efficient homes in the United States[J]. Building and Environment,2019,156.
[14]Sukhpal Singh Gill,Peter Garraghan,Rajkumar Buyya. ROUTER: Fog enabled cloud based intelligent resource management approach for smart home IoT devices[J]. The Journal of Systems & Software,2019,154.
[15]Yun Huang,Kai Wang,Kaizhou Gao,Ting Qu,Hong Liu. Jointly optimizing microgrid configuration and energy consumption scheduling of smart homes[J]. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation,2019,48.
[17]Hong Xian Li,Peter Horan,Mark B. Luther,Tarek M.F. Ahmed. Informed decision making of battery storage for solar-PV homes using smart meter data[J]. Energy & Buildings,2019,198.
[18]Luciana M. Miu,Christoph M. Mazur,Koen H. van Dam,Romain S.C. Lambert,Adam Hawkes,Nilay Shah. Going smart, staying confused: Perceptions and use of smart thermostats in British homes[J]. Energy Research & Social Science,2019,57.
[19]Julien Walzberg,Thomas Dandres,Nicolas Merveille,Mohamed Cheriet,Réjean Samson. Assessing behavioural change with agent-based life cycle assessment: Application to smart homes[J]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,2019,111.
[20]Zhiwen Tao,Zhiyong Zhang,Xiaoli Wang,Yongqiang Shi,Jeffrey Soar. Comparison of subsidy schemes for reducing waiting time: special focus on smart home care for elderly people[J]. Procedia CIRP,2019,83.
[21]Jane E. Klobas,Tanya McGill,Xuequn Wang. How perceived security risk affects intention to use smart home devices: A reasoned action explanation[J]. Computers & Security,2019,87.
[22]Simona Vasilica Oprea,Adela B?ra,George Adrian Ifrim,Lucian Coroianu. Day-ahead electricity consumption optimization algorithms for smart homes[J]. Computers & Industrial Engineering,2019,135.
[23]Benjamin Eckstein,Eva Krapp,Anne Els?sser,Birgit Lugrin. Smart substitutional reality: Integrating the smart home into virtual reality[J]. Entertainment Computing,2019,31.
[24]Mengxia Shuai,Nenghai Yu,Hongxia Wang,Ling Xiong. Anonymous authentication scheme for smart home environment with provable security[J]. Computers & Security,2019,86.
[25]Ahmed Shuhaiber,Ibrahim Mashal. Understanding users’ acceptance of smart homes[J]. Technology in Society,2019,58.
[26]V.T. Dao,H. Ishii,Y. Takenobu,S. Yoshizawa,Y. Hayashi. Intensive quadratic programming approach for home energy management systems with power utility requirements[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems,2020,115.
[27]Amina Jarraya,Amel Bouzeghoub,Amel Borgi,Khedija Arour. DCR: A new distributed model for human activity recognition in smart homes[J]. Expert Systems With Applications,2020,140.
[28]Sugam Sharma,Johnny Wong. T h r ee-b u tton gat e way smart home inter face ( TrueSmartface ) for elderly: Design, development and deployment[J]. Measurement,2019.
[29]Petri Kettunen,Niko M?kitalo. Future smart energy software houses[J]. European Journal of Futures Research,2019,7(1).
[30]Francisco J. Gutierrez,Diego Mu?oz,Sergio F. Ochoa,José M. Tapia. Assembling mass-market technology for the sake of wellbeing: a case study on the adoption of ambient intelligent systems by older adults living at home[J]. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing,2019,10(6).
[31]Syed Rehan Abbas Jafri,Tehreem Hamid,Rabia Mahmood,Muhammad Asjad Alam,Talha Rafi,Muhammad Zeeshan Ul Haque,Muhammad Wasim Munir. Wireless Brain Computer Interface for Smart Home and Medical System[J]. Wireless Personal Communications,2019,106(4).
[32]Jordi Mongay Batalla,Franciszek Gonciarz. Deployment of smart home management system at the edge: mechanisms and protocols[J]. Neural Computing and Applications,2019,31(5).
[33]Nadine Mittermüller,Thomas Fischer,René Riedl. Digitaler Stress im Smart Home: Eine empirische Untersuchung[J]. HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik,2019,56(3).
[34]Dan Popa,Florin Pop,Cristina Serbanescu,Aniello Castiglione. Deep learning model for home automation and energy reduction in a smart home environment platform[J]. Neural Computing and Applications,2019,31(5).
[35]Pradip Kumar Sharma,Jin Ho Park,Young-Sik Jeong,Jong Hyuk Park. SHSec: SDN based Secure Smart Home Network Architecture for Internet of Things[J]. Mobile Networks and Applications,2019,24(3).
[36]Valère Plantevin,Abdenour Bouzouane,Bruno Bouchard,Sebastien Gaboury. Towards a more reliable and scalable architecture for smart home environments[J]. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing,2019,10(7).
[37]Zahrah A. Almusaylim,Noor Zaman. A review on smart home present state and challenges: linked to context-awareness internet of things (IoT)[J]. Wireless Networks,2019,25(6).
[38]Jordan Tewell,Dympna O’Sullivan,Neil Maiden,James Lockerbie,Simone Stumpf. Monitoring meaningful activities using small low-cost devices in a smart home[J]. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing,2019,23(2).
[39]Ahmad Jalal,Majid Ali Khan Quaid,Kibum Kim. A Wrist Worn Acceleration Based Human Motion Analysis and Classification for Ambient Smart Home System[J]. Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology,2019,14(4).
[40]Stephen Adams,Steven Greenspan,Maria Velez-Rojas,Serge Mankovski,Peter A. Beling. Data-driven simulation for energy consumption estimation in a smart home[J]. Environment Systems and Decisions,2019,39(3).
[41]Sharif Naser Makhadmeh,Ahamad Tajudin Khader,Mohammed Azmi Al-Betar,Syibrah Naim. Multi-objective power scheduling problem in smart homes using grey wolf optimiser[J]. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing,2019,10(9).
[42]Fiachra O’Brolcháin,Bert Gordijn. Privacy challenges in smart homes for people with dementia and people with intellectual disabilities[J]. Ethics and Information Technology,2019,21(3).
[43]Panagiotis Giannoulis,Gerasimos Potamianos,Petros Maragos. Room-localized speech activity detection in multi-microphone smart homes[J]. EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing,2019,2019(1).
[44]Noah Apthorpe,Danny Yuxing Huang,Dillon Reisman,Arvind Narayanan,Nick Feamster. Keeping the Smart Home Private with Smart(er) IoT Traffic Shaping[J]. Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies,2019,2019(3).
[45]Nat? M. Barbosa,Joon S. Park,Yaxing Yao,Yang Wang. “What if?” Predicting Individual Users’ Smart Home Privacy Preferences and Their Changes[J]. Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies,2019,2019(4).
[46]Chen Yung-Yao,Lin Yu-Hsiu,Kung Chia-Ching,Chung Ming-Han,Yen I-Hsuan. Design and Implementation of Cloud Analytics-Assisted Smart Power Meters Considering Advanced Artificial Intelligence as Edge Analytics in Demand-Side Management for Smart Homes.[J]. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland),2019,19(9).
[47]Park Mookyu,Oh Haengrok,Lee Kyungho. Security Risk Measurement for Information Leakage in IoT-Based Smart Homes from a Situational Awareness Perspective.[J]. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland),2019,19(9).
[48]Hamad Rebeen Ali,Salguero Alberto Gabriel,Bouguelia Mohamed-Rafik,Espinilla Macarena,Quero Javier Medina. Efficient activity recognition in smart homes using delayed fuzzy temporal windows on binary sensors.[J]. IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics,2019.
[49]Nolich Massimiliano,Spoladore Daniele,Carciotti Sara,Buqi Raol,Sacco Marco. Cabin as a Home: A Novel Comfort Optimization Framework for IoT Equipped Smart Environments and Applications on Cruise Ships.[J]. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland),2019,19(5).
[50]Liu Peng,Li Guichen,Jiang Shengqian,Liu Yufei,Leng Minmin,Zhao Jinping,Wang Shuo,Meng Xiangfei,Shang Binghan,Chen Li,Huang Samuel H. The effect of smart homes on older adults with chronic conditions: A systematic review and meta-analysis.[J]. Geriatric nursing (New York, N.Y.),2019.
[51]Vanus Jan,Kubicek Jan,Gorjani Ojan M,Koziorek Jiri. Using the IBM SPSS SW Tool with Wavelet Transformation for CO? Prediction within IoT in Smart Home Care.[J]. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland),2019,19(6).
[52]Winnicka Alicja,K?sik Karolina,Po?ap Dawid,Wo?niak Marcin,Marsza?ek Zbigniew. A Multi-Agent Gamification System for Managing Smart Homes.[J]. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland),2019,19(5).
[53]Sánchez-de-Rivera Diego,Bordel Borja,Alcarria Ramón,Robles Tomás. Enabling Efficient Communications with Resource Constrained Information Endpoints in Smart Homes.[J]. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland),2019,19(8).
[54]Reeder Blaine,Chung Jane,Lyden Kate,Winters Joshua,Jankowski Catherine M. Older women's perceptions of wearable and smart home activity sensors.[J]. Informatics for health & social care,2019.
[55]Shin Sooyeon,Kwon Taekyoung. A Lightweight Three-Factor Authentication and Key Agreement Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks for Smart Homes.[J]. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland),2019,19(9).
[56]Petnik Jiri,Lhotska Lenka. Suitable Data Representation for Abnormal Pattern Detection in Smart Home Environment.[J]. Studies in health technology and informatics,2019,261.
[57]Blott Jonathan. Smart homes for the future of dementia care.[J]. The Lancet. Neurology,2019.
[58]González-Landero Franks,García-Magari?o Iván,Amariglio Rebecca,Lacuesta Raquel. Smart Cupboard for Assessing Memory in Home Environment.[J]. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland),2019,19(11).
[59]Yu Jingyu,An Ning,Hassan Tanbir,Kong Quan. A Pilot Study on a Smart Home for Elders Based on Continuous In-Home Unobtrusive Monitoring Technology.[J]. HERD,2019,12(3).
[60]Chadborn Neil H,Blair Krista,Creswick Helen,Hughes Nancy,Dowthwaite Liz,Adenekan Oluwafunmilade,Pérez Vallejos Elvira. Citizens' Juries: When Older Adults Deliberate on the Benefits and Risks of Smart Health and Smart Homes.[J]. Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland),2019,7(2).
[61]Kong Lei,Mayorga-Martinez Carmen C,Guan Jianguo,Pumera Martin. Smart Microdevices Laying "Breadcrumbs" to Find the Way Home: Chemotactic Homing TiO<sub>2</sub> /Pt Janus Microrobots.[J]. Chemistry, an Asian journal,2019,14(14).
[62]Norell Pejner Margaretha,Ourique de Morais Wagner,Lundstr?m Jens,Laurell Hélène,Sk?rs?ter Ingela. A Smart Home System for Information Sharing, Health Assessments, and Medication Self-Management for Older People: Protocol for a Mixed-Methods Study.[J]. JMIR research protocols,2019,8(4).
[63]Nagapuri Swetha,Maeder Anthony J,Williams Patricia A H. Health Smart Homes: User Perspectives.[J]. Studies in health technology and informatics,2019,266.
[64]Calderon Carolina,Addison Darren,Chopra Nishtha,Mann Simon,Maslanyj Myron,Peyman Azadeh. Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields From Smart Utility Meters in GB; Part III) On-Site Measurements in Homes.[J]. Bioelectromagnetics,2019,40(6).
[65]Helal Sumi,Bull Christopher N. From Smart Homes to Smart-Ready Homes and Communities.[J]. Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders,2019,47(3).
[66]Ghods Alireza,Caffrey Kathleen,Lin Beiyu,Fraga Kylie,Fritz Roschelle,Schmitter-Edgecombe Maureen,Hundhausen Christopher,Cook Diane J. Iterative Design of Visual Analytics for a Clinician-in-the-Loop Smart Home.[J]. IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics,2019,23(4).
[67]Kern J-B,Strola S,Quintas J,Moulaert T,Jacquet J-P,Benhamou P-Y. My Little Smart Personal Assistant: A Co-Designed Solution to Ensure an Optimized Ageing-Well at Home in Rural European Settings.[J]. Studies in health technology and informatics,2019,264.
[68]Li Cindy Zhirui,Borycki Elizabeth M. Smart Homes for Healthcare.[J]. Studies in health technology and informatics,2019,257.
[69]Vasylkiv Yurii,Neshati Ali,Sakamoto Yumiko,Gomez Randy,Nakamura Keisuke,Irani Pourang. Smart Home Interactions for People with Reduced Hand Mobility Using Subtle EMG-Signal Gestures.[J]. Studies in health technology and informatics,2019,257.
[70]Xinyan Zou. The Dilemma and Countermeasure of Technology Application of State-run Nursing Home Facing Smart Endowment[P]. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economy, Management and Entrepreneurship (ICOEME 2019),2019.
[71]Al Rafni,Suryanef Suryanef,Azwar Ananda. The Election Smart House Management as a Society Political Education Facility[P]. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Education Social Sciences and Humanities (ICESSHum 2019),2019.
[72]Wataru Umishio,Toshiharu Ikaga,Kazuomi Kario,Yoshihisa Fujino,Tanji Hoshi,Shintaro Ando,Masaru Suzuki,Takesumi Yoshimura,Hiroshi Yoshino,Shuzo Murakami. Cross-Sectional Analysis of the Relationship Between Home Blood Pressure and Indoor Temperature in Winter: A Nationwide Smart Wellness Housing Survey in Japan[J]. Hypertension,2019.
[73]. Networks - Computer Networks; Findings from University of Science and Technology Provides New Data on Computer Networks (A Novel Ontology Consistent With Acknowledged Standards In Smart Homes)[J]. Computers, Networks & Communications,2019.
[74]. Computers; Investigators at University of Los Andes Report Findings in Computers (Learning and Managing Context Enriched Behavior Patterns In Smart Homes)[J]. Computers, Networks & Communications,2019.
[75]. Information Technology - Cloud Computing; Reports Summarize Cloud Computing Findings from King Saud University (Iot Big Data Analytics for Smart Homes With Fog and Cloud Computing)[J]. Computers, Networks & Communications,2019.
[76]Anonymous. Smart Home Stroll[J]. TWICE,2019,34(4).
[77]. The Francis Crick Institute; Scientists engineer mouse 'smart house' to study behavior[J]. NewsRx Health & Science,2019.
[78]. Convida Wireless LLC; Patent Issued for Smart Object Identification In The Digital Home (USPTO 10,256,982)[J]. Computers, Networks & Communications,2019.
[79]. Energy; Findings from Chang'an University in the Area of Energy Reported (Optimal Household Appliances Scheduling of Multiple Smart Homes Using an Improved Cooperative Algorithm)[J]. Energy Weekly News,2019.
[80]Maria Taylor. Smart Homes Are Getting Smarter[J]. Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration News,2019,266(14).
[81]. Computers - Computer-Aided Design; Recent Studies from Michigan Technological University Add New Data to Computer-Aided Design (Combating Coordinated Pricing Cyberattack and Energy Theft In Smart Home Cyber-physical Systems)[J]. Computers, Networks & Communications,2019.
[82]Maria Taylor. Contractors Who Haven't 'Broken Into' Smart Homes Are Missing Out[J]. Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration News,2019,266(15).
[83]Anonymous. MAPEI HELPS WELCOME WOUNDED HERO TO NEW SMART HOME[J]. Stone World,2019,36(5).
[84]. North Carolina State University; Design flaws create security vulnerabilities for 'smart home' internet-of-things devices[J]. NewsRx Health & Science,2019.
[85]. Energy; New Findings on Energy from University of Salamanca Summarized (Multi-agent Recommendation System for Electrical Energy Optimization and Cost Saving In Smart Homes)[J]. Energy Weekly News,2019.
[86]. Smart home systems from Grenton[J]. Gulf Construction,2019.
[87]. Sensor Research; Research Conducted at VSB-Technical University of Ostrava Has Provided New Information about Sensor Research (Using the Ibm Spss Sw Tool With Wavelet Transformation for Co2 Prediction Within Iot In Smart Home Care)[J]. Computers, Networks & Communications,2019.
[88]. Information Technology - Information and Data Security; Research Data from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Update Understanding of Information and Data Security (Private Blockchain-based Secure Access Control for Smart Home Systems)[J]. Computers, Networks & Communications,2019.
[89]Aaron Boyd. White House Makes Subtle But Significant Changes In Final Cloud Smart Policy[J]. Nextgov.com (Online),2019.
[90]. Smart House Dreamers Awaken[J]. EC & M,2019.
[91]. Energy; Studies in the Area of Energy Reported from University of Coimbra (Optimizing the Management of Smart Home Energy Resources Under Different Power Cost Scenarios)[J]. Energy Weekly News,2019.
[92]. Energy; Findings from University of Algarve Provides New Data on Energy (NILM Techniques for Intelligent Home Energy Management and Ambient Assisted Living: A Review)[J]. Energy Weekly News,2019.
[93]Anonymous. Top 10 Smart Home Technologies for the Kitchen & Bath[J]. Kitchen & Bath Business,2019,66(5).
[94]Erinn Loucks. Living Better in the Smart Home[J]. Kitchen & Bath Business,2019,66(5).
[95]. Science - Applied Sciences; National Research Council Reports Findings in Applied Sciences (Towards the Real-World Deployment of a Smart Home EMS: A DP Implementation on the Raspberry Pi)[J]. Science Letter,2019.
[96]Jessica Guyon. CONTROL4 UNLEASHES THE SMART HOME OS 3[J]. Dealerscope,2019,61(3).
[97]. Machine Learning; Researchers from East China University of Science and Technology Report Findings in Machine Learning (A Machine-learning-enabled Context-driven Control Mechanism for Software-defined Smart Home Networks)[J]. Computers, Networks & Communications,2019.
[98]Anonymous. BT Smart Home Cam[J]. Computer Act!ve,2019(558).
[99]Anonymous. Extron Helps Vivint Smart Home Arena Create a Multimedia Hit with Fans[J]. Systems Contractor News,2019,26(8).
[100]Patrice Samuels. Expansion Strategies For Smart Home[J]. Residential Systems,2019,20(8).
[101]Anonymous. Smart Homes Drive Energy Efficiency[J]. Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration News,2019,267(12).
[103]Ali,Augusto,Windridge. A Survey of User-Centred Approaches for Smart Home Transfer Learning and New User Home Automation Adaptation[J]. Applied Artificial Intelligence,2019,33(8).
[104]Choi,Choi,Shon. Future changes to smart home based on AAL healthcare service[J]. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering,2019,18(3).
[105]Santosh R. Durugkar,Ramesh C. Poonia,Radhakrishna B. Naik. “Water” Use it - Wisely WSN-Irrigation System (WSN-IS) for Smart Home Garden[J]. Recent Patents on Engineering,2019,13(2).
[106]Jinghuan Guo,Yong Mu,Mudi Xiong,Yaqing Liu,Jingxuan Gu,Jose Garcia-Rodriguez. Activity Feature Solving Based on TF-IDF for Activity Recognition in Smart Homes[J]. Complexity,2019,2019.
[107]Anupam Grewal,Maninder Kaur,Jong Hyuk Park,Davide Mattera. A Unified Framework for Behaviour Monitoring and Abnormality Detection for Smart Home[J]. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing,2019,2019.
[108]Marco Hubert,Markus Blut,Christian Brock,Ruby Wenjiao Zhang,Vincent Koch,René Riedl. The influence of acceptance and adoption drivers on smart home usage[J]. European Journal of Marketing,2019,53(6).
[109]Yanfei Peng,Jianjun Peng,Jiping Li,Ling Yu. Smart Home System Based on Deep Learning Algorithm[J]. Journal of Physics: Conference Series,2019,1187(3).
[110]Dar Hung Chiam,Kay Li Ng,King Hann Lim,Ke San Yam. Wi-Fi Enabled Modular Sensing System For Smart Home Applications[J]. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,2019,495(1).
[111]V Gopinath,A Srija,C Neethu Sravanthi. Re-design of smart homes with digital twins[J]. Journal of Physics: Conference Series,2019,1228(1).
[112]Munawir,Ahmad Ihsan,Eka Mutia. Wi-Fi and GSM Based Motion Detection in Smart Home Security System[J]. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,2019,536(1).
[113]Hong Chen,Bo Zhang. Application of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) Algorithm in Smart Home[J]. Journal of Physics: Conference Series,2019,1237(2).
[114]Nan Wang,Aimin Pan,Liexiang Wei. Design and Implementation of Intelligent Home Management System Based on Wireless Control Module[J]. Journal of Physics: Conference Series,2019,1237(4).
[115]Chaolan Zhang,Xiaohan Ge,Hongjian Wang. Design of Energy Self Contained Smart Home System[J]. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2019,252(3).
[116]Manzar Ahmed,Asif Nawaz,Mishaal Ahmed,Muhammad Shoaib Farooq. Decentralized Power Control Strategy in Microgrid for Smart Homes[J]. Smart Grid and Renewable Energy,2019,10(03).
[117]何根戌,陈旸,刘红海. 基于激光压力监测的新型智能家庭监控系统设计[J]. 光电子,2019,09(01).
[118]Jan Vanus,Marcel Fajkus,Radek Martinek,Stanislav Zabka,Martin Stolarik. Smart Home room's occupancy monitoring using Fiber Bragg grating sensor[P]. Optics + Optoelectronics,2019.
[119]Thai Viet Dang,Si Thong Dinh,Xuan Toi Bui. Investigation and Optimization of Power Based Smart Home Module Integrated with Automatic Solar Tracking System and MPPT Technique[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2019,4714.
[120]Adeshina Alani,Isaac Osunmakinde. When multiple weather variables matter: Intelligent STLF of electricity demand for smart homes[J]. Intelligent Data Analysis,2019,23(2).