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来源:吉林大学 作者:刘彪
发布于:2021-12-03 共6797字

  摘 要





  关键词 :   臭氧污染,影响因素,VOCs,臭氧生成潜势,源解析,控制策略。


  With the continuous expansion and deepening of the scope and degree of ozonepollution in China, and the great harmfulness of ozone pollution, ozone pollution hasbeen widely concerned, ozone pollution has become one of the important factorsrestricting the environmental air quality in China. So the characteristics and source ofozone pollution in the city has the important practical significance, this paper selectedhinterland of a typical city in northeast China as the research object, maincharacteristics, influence factors of ozone pollution in cities and precursor contentsources is studied, and put forward the urban ozone pollution control strategy, in orderto provide feasibility for China's northeast city ozone pollution prevention advice.

  It is found that ozone pollution in northeast China is increasing year by year.Based on the analysis of the daily and annual variation laws of ozone pollution, it isconcluded that the daily variation of ozone concentration presents a “single peak”

  trend, and the peak value appears around 15 PM. The annual variation also showed a“unimodal” trend, the highest in summer, the second in spring and autumn, and thelast in winter. On the whole, strong solar radiation, higher temperature, relatively lowhumidity and relatively low wind speed are conducive to the generation of ozonepollution. Research on the relationship between ozone and NOxand particulate matterfound that ozone and NOxare positively correlated, and particulate matter isnegatively correlated.


  On the basis of VOCs monitoring data in the city, based on the maximumincrement coefficient of reactivity of ozone generation potential method to estimatethe conversion of VOCs generated O3ability, it is concluded that the average amountof ozone generation potential for VOCs 26.5 ug/m3, the amount of ozone generation potential olefin biggest (18.5 ug/m3), accounted for 70.1%, followed by alkane (5.2 ug/m3) and aromatic hydrocarbon (2.4 ug/m3), 19.8% and 10.1% respectively. Ingeneral, the potential of ozone formation is: olefin > alkane > aromatic hydrocarbon.

  The EKMA equivalent curve is drawn, and it is determined that within the urban area,O3pollution is dominated by VOCs. In order to control ozone pollution, VOCsemission, especially olefin emission, should be mainly controlled. The orthogonalmatrix factor model (PMF) was used to analyze the source of VOCs pollution. Theresults showed that the contribution of oil and gas volatilization source, plantemission source, industrial production source, transportation source and solvent usesource were 23.2%, 10.0%, 50.6%, 5.7% and 10.5%.

  On the basis of the above research, this paper reviewed a series of policies andstandards on the prevention and control of air pollutants in China, combined with theprevention and control of ozone pollution in the city in recent years, and put forwardsome suggestions on the control strategy of ozone pollution in cities in NortheastChina. First, we will carry out targeted emission reduction for industrial enterprisesand do a good job in the management of industrial parks and enterprise clusters.

  Second, vigorously carry out the source substitution, deepen the technological reform;Three is to strengthen VOCs governance related laws and regulations publicity,organize enterprises to carry out their own monitoring of VOCs; Fourth, to promotethe implementation of more stringent atmospheric emission standards for coal-firedboilers; Five is the preparation of the Northeast China city heavy pollution weatherVOCs key industry emergency emission reduction measures.

  Keywords :   ozone pollution, influence factors, VOCs, ozone generation potential, sourceanalysis, control strategy。

  第1章 绪论




  臭氧的发现可以追溯到1785年,当时德国物理学家冯·马鲁姆[1](Van Marum)实验时发现,当电流在空气中穿过时,就会产生一种难闻的味道,但他并未对这种发现进行深入的探索。直到1840年,荷兰的科学家舒贝因[2](C.F.Schonbein)在做电解硫酸实验时,也闻到了一种带有特殊臭味的气体,同时,他还发现这种特殊的味道在雷雨天气闪电过后也会闻到,但是这种味道的气体之前并没有被发现,他意识到,这可能是一个新的发现。他把新发现的气体命名为“Ozone”,源自希腊文字“Ozein”,表示“难闻”的意思。



  1.1.2、 臭氧污染形成及其危害.

  1.1.3 、选题意义


  1.2.1、 国外研究进展.



  1.3.1、 研究内容

  1.3.2 、技术路线

  第2章   研究的方法和设 备 .





  第3章   城市臭氧污染特 征及影响因素分析.


  3.2、臭 氧污染特征分析.

  3.2.1、臭 氧污染日变化规





  3.3.3、臭 氧污染与颗粒物的影响因素分析.


  第4章   臭氧污染生成潜势研究及污染控制区分析.


  4.1.1、 VOCs 组分分析.

  4.1.2、 臭氧生成潜势(OFP)计算方法

  4.1.3、 臭氧生成潜势(OFP)结果分析.




  第5章   东北地区城市臭氧污染控制策略研究.

  5.1、 VOCs 来源解析






  第6章    总 结


  1. 通过研究发现,我国东北地区臭氧污染呈逐年加重趋势,在目标城市,2019年全年臭氧平均浓度比2013年增长了13.2%。全年中O3浓度的变化呈“单峰型”变化,臭氧污染夏季为最、春秋次之、冬季最末,24小时内O3污染浓度呈“单峰型”变化,峰值出现在下午15:00左右。

  2. 通过研究气象因素、NOx、颗粒物等影响因素与臭氧污染的相关性,我们发现气象条件会对O3生成、传输和消散产生影响。总体上,较强的太阳辐射、较高的温度、相对较低的湿度以及较小的风速,有利于O3污染生成。全年中NOx浓度呈现冬季>春季>秋季>夏季的规律,而在日小时时间尺度上,NOx的浓度趋向于“双峰型”变化趋势。O3浓度与NOx浓度呈正相关关系,相关性可用方程y=1.55x+21.74来表示,相关系数为R2=0.82。颗粒物可以影响阳光辐射通量、改变大气稳定性,影响臭氧及其前体的输送和扩散。O3与颗粒物浓度的月变化趋势大体上呈现负相关态势,相关性可以用方程y=126.86-0.70x,相关系数R2=0.49。

  3. 通过对目标城市超级站的VOCs监测数据分析,在VOCs的所有组分中烷烃的占比最高,占总组分的73.9%,其次是烯烃占总组分的15.9%,芳香烃占总组分的10.2%。计算了臭氧生成潜势,得出VOCs的平均臭氧生成潜势量为26.5μg/m3,烯烃类的臭氧生成潜势量最大(18.5μg/m3),占70.1%,其次是烷烃类(5.2μg/m3)和芳香烃类(2.4μg/m3),分别占19.8%和10.1%。总体上臭氧生成潜势表现为:烯烃>烷烃>芳香烃。绘制了EKMA等值曲线,确定目标城市城区范围内,O3污染为VOCs主导控制。

  4. 利用正交矩阵因子模型(PMF)对VOCs进行源解析,结果表明,来源中油气挥发源贡献23.2%,植物排放源贡献10.0%,工业生产源贡献50.6%,交通移动源贡献5.7%,溶剂使用源贡献10.5%。

  5. 依据我国出台的一系列大气污染物防治方面的政策标准,结合目标城市近几年对臭氧污染的防治工作,提出了东北城市臭氧污染控制策略建议。一是开展行业企业精准减排,抓好产业园区和企业群管理;二是大力开展源头替代,深化工艺技术改革;三是加强政策法规宣传,营造自觉守法良好局面;四是推动燃煤锅炉执行更严格的大气排放标准;五是编制东北城市重污染天气VOCs重点行业应急减排措施。


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原文出处:刘彪. 东北某城市臭氧污染特征及控制策略研究[D].吉林大学,2021.