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来源:学术堂 作者:师老师
发布于:2019-10-11 共4407字

  摘 要





  关键词:阿里巴巴, 统分结合, 财务管控模式



  With the rapid development of economy, enterprises have shown the trend ofcollectivization across industries, regions and even countries The scale of enterprisesis expanding day by day, and the organizational structure is becoming more and morecomplex Due to the existence of principal-agent problems, the management andcontrol of collectivization, especially the scientific and effective problems of financialmanagement and control, has become a prominent issue that affecting the healthy andsustainable development of enterprises Control power is the core competitiveness oflarge enterprise groups But there is a general problem of excessive centralization orexcessive decentralization in the management of enterprise groups in China A modeof finical management and control with moderate centralization or decentralizationhas become the fundamental guarantee for large enterprise groups to maintain theirvigorous vitality

  As a representative of the emerging internet enterprise group, Alibaba Group has ahuge scale It not only has to face the management problems that brought by theexpansion of the enterprise, but also has to deal with the test of the uncertainty of theexternal environment, technological innovation and the variability of user’s needs,which puts forward a higher requirement for the sicentificity and effectiveness of itsmode of financial management and control In order to meet these challenge,Alibaba's model of financial management and control has also experienced thedistress of centralization and decentralization in its development process, until it putforward a combination of centralization and decentralization mode of financialmanagement and control based on its "Big Middle office, Small Front Office" operation strategy

  This paper chooses Alibaba as a case to study the mode of financial management andcontrol of large enterprise groups and mainly uses the method of combination of thetheory and case study In the light of the theory of principal-agent and group financialmanagement and control, this paper sorts the evolution process of its mode offinancial management and control, and clarifies the centralization, decentralizationand combination of centralization and decentralization of its finical management andcontrol and the characteristics of these three phases, and emphatically summarizes thesicentificity and effectiveness of its combination of centralization and decentralizationmode of financial management and control based on the "Big Middle Office, SmallFront Office": the "rotation" system of employees with innovative normality is animportant prerequisite for Alibaba Group to implement the "combination ofcentralization and decentralization" mode of financial management and control;flexible, efficient, timely and reliable "Middle Office" not only meets the needs ofrapid expansion of the group, but also brings advantages such as staff become mak-er,organization simplification, process standardization, means intellectualization, controlprecision and achieve significant results and so on

  Algieba's combination of centralization and decentralization mode of financialmanagement and control based on the integration of " Big Middle Office, Small FrontOffice " provides useful experience for the group development of other enterprises:

  enhance the competence of healthy and sustainable development of enterprises basedon organizational reengineering, build the core competitiveness of enterprises basedon the moderation of centralization and decentralization of financial management andcontrol, and achieve the organizational transformation based on the full use of moderninformation technology

  Key words: mode of finical management; combination of centralization anddecentralization;Alibaba

  目 录

  第一章 绪论

  1.1 研究的背景和意义

  1.1.1 研究背景


  进入 21 世纪,市场竞争日趋激烈,许多企业在经济发展的推动力下迅速成长起来,通过并购和合并,企业规模日益扩大,并出现了集团化的发展动向。作为企业现代化之后的必然结果,企业集团以一个具有投资功能的核心企业为母体,以若干个在资产、资本、技术上有密切联系的企业为成员企业,通过产权安排、人事控制等纽带结成一个稳定的多层次的大型经济组织。集团公司依靠其巨大的资本体量,更容易开拓市场和实施创新,往往能在行业中占据优势竞争地位。









  1.1.2 研究意义
  1.2 文献综述
  1.2.1 财务管控模式
  1.2.2 互联网时代的组织结构变革
  1.2.3 文献述评
  1.3 研究目标、内容、框架与方法
  1.3.1 研究目标.
  1.3.2 研究内容
  1.3.3 研究框架
  1.3.4 研究方法
  1.3.5 创新点

  第二章 概念界定与理论基础
  2.1 相关概念界定
  2.1.1 集团财务管控
  2.1.2 集权式集团财务管控
  2.1.3 分权制财务管控模式
  2.1.4 混合型财务管控模式
  2.2 理论基础
  2.2.1 委托代理理论
  2.2.2 财务风险管控理论
  2.2.3 柔性组织理论
  2.2.4 组织变革理论

  第三章 案例选择
  3.1 行业概况
  3.2 案例选择的典型性
  3.3 阿里巴巴集团化财务管控变革的背景
  3.3.1 战略与组织结构发展不匹配
  3.3.2 财务数据整合期限长
  3.3.3 集团管控权责定位不清晰
  3.3.4 子公司管理存在漏洞

  第四章 阿里巴巴集团财务管控模式分析
  4.1 阿里巴巴集团财务管控模式发展历程
  4.1.1 高度集权的财务管控体系(1999-2012)
  4.1.2 由集权到分权(2012-20)
  4.1.3 实施“统分结合”财务管控模式(20 至今)
  4.2 阿里巴巴的内控制度
  4.2.1 轮岗制度
  4.2.2 交流培训
  4.2.3 内部沟通顺畅
  4.2.4 自下而上的创新
  4.3 统分结合的财务管控模式
  4.3.1 组织结构平台化的统分结合财务管控模式
  4.3.2 降低管理风险,提高数据客观性的统分结合财务管控模式
  4.3.3 强化财务信息化建设的统分结合财务管控模式

  第五章 统分结合财务管控模式效果分析
  5.1 财务指标分析
  5.1.1 偿债能力分析
  5.1.2 营运能力分析
  5.1.3 盈利能力分析
  5.1.4 发展能力分析
  5.2 非财务指标分析

  第六章 结论与启示
  6.1 结论
  6.2 启示
  6.2.1 不足
  6.2.2 启示

  致 谢
