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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-05-16 共2372字





  关键词:中小企业 融资难 问题成因 对策研究


  Small and medium-sized enterprises are important part of national economy and anew growth point of social productivity,also the most dynamic main body of nationaleconomy.China,as a large developing country, the position and function of its small andmedium-sized enterprises is particularlyimportant,they are playing important role inensuring the growth of national economy,relieving employment pressure,socialstability,realizing technology innovation,optimizing the industrial structure,etc.Butfurther development of small and medium-sized enterprises is now in trouble,especiallythe difficult financing problem has become bottleneck of restricting itsdevelopment.Therefore,the research on development of small and medium-sizedenterprises and difficult financing problem restricting its development has become anurgent need at present.

  The whole article is divided into six chapters.1st chapter:introduction.It mainly makes researchon selected topic background and significance,current status of domestic and foreign research, research content, methods and innovation point.2ndchapter makes research and description on the definition of small and medium-sized enterprise,conception of financing and its characteristics, financing methodas well as financing related theories.3rd chapter analyzes the development situationofour nation's small and medium-sized enterprises, current financing situation aswell as existing problems in financing.4th chapter takes small and medium-sized enterprises of Sujiatun districtfor instance, analyzes the causes of difficult financingproblem restricting small and medium-sized enterprises,including internal factors,financial system factors, macro-economic environment factors, government policy factors, financing channel system factors, social intermediary agencies factors,etc.5thchapter raises countermeasures for difficult financing of small and medium-sizedenterprises based on preamble,including intensify the building own ability and qualityof small and medium-sized enterprise,intensify government support,vigorously develop financial institutionsfor small and medium-sized enterprises, perfectcredit guarantee system for small and medium-sized enterprises,establish and perfect intermediaryagencies,actively developing new model of asset pawn financing and other means.6th chapter makes research conclusion.

  Key words:Small and medium-sized enterprise,Difficult financing,Cause of pro-blems,Countermeasure research




  第 1 章 绪论

  1.1 选题背景及意义

  1.1.1 选题背景

  1.1.2 研究意义

  1.2 研究方法

  1.3 研究思路、研究内容及创新点

  1.3.1 研究思路

  1.3.2 研究内容

  1.3.3 创新点

  1.4 国内外研究综述

  1.4.1 国外研究动态

  1.4.2 国内研究动态

  第 2 章 中小企业融资相关理论

  2.1 中小企业融资的基本内容

  2.1.1 中小企业的定义和特点

  2.1.2 中小企业融资的概念

  2.1.3 中小企业融方式

  2.2 中小企业在国民经济发展中的作用

  2.3 中小企业融资的相关理论

  2.3.1 信贷配给理论

  2.3.2 不对称信息理论

  2.3.3 MM 理论

  2.3.4 金融约束理论

  2.3.5 企业平衡理论

  2.3.6 激励理论

  第 3 章 中小企业融资现状及问题

  3.1 中小企业发展状况

  3.2 中小企业融资现状

  3.3 中小企业融资存在的问题

  第 4 章 中小企业融资难问题成因--以苏家屯区中小企业为例

  4.1 企业自身的原因

  4.2 金融体系的原因

  4.3 政府政策经济环境的原因

  4.4 社会中介担保机构的原因

  4.5 融资渠道体系的原因

  第 5 章 中小企业融资困境的解决对策

  5.1 加强自身素质能力建设

  5.1.1 完善内部制度,科学管理

  5.1.2 坚持人才培养和技术创新

  5.1.3 拓展多元化融资渠道

  5.1.4 夯实与金融机构的人脉关系

  5.1.5 加强与相关联企业间的战略联盟

  5.2 加大政府扶持力度,完善政策法规

  5.3 健全中小企业信用担保体系

  5.4 建立健全融资中介机构,完善综合辅导体系

  5.5 拓宽融资渠道,积极发展资产典当融资

  5.6 发展和完善中小金融机构

  第 6 章 结论



