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发布于:2021-02-24  发布者:学术堂



求助时间2021-02-24 21:11


作者单位:1中国人民解放军总医院第一医学中心骨科,北京 100853;2清华大学生命科学院,北京 100084;3斯坦福大学计算机学院,斯坦福 94305;4哈佛大学医学院,波士顿 02138;


  【摘要】 目的 研发基于人工智能深度学习技术的全髋关节置换术(total hip arthroplasty,THA)髋臼假体型号算法并进行初步验证。方法 回顾性分析2019年4月至2020年4月30例股骨头坏死患者资料,其中男15例,女15例;年龄(54.8±10.5)岁(范围33~72岁),左侧13髋,右侧17髋,均接受初次单侧THA.在完成髋关节图像手工标注的基础上,训练人工智能深度学习卷积神经网络对患者髋关节CT骨质进行分割,而后识别骨盆解剖标志位点,并对骨盆位置进行矫正并模拟安放髋臼杯,分别采用dice overlap coefficients(DOC)、平均误差等参数对上述步骤的精度进行评估,最终形成人工智能髋臼假体型号算法。并使用该算法与Orthoview二维术前规划软件分别对患者髋臼杯大小进行规划,将两组规划结果与已完成的实际手术结果进行比对,分别计算其符合率,从而回顾性验证本算法的规划效果。结果 在算法方面,与其他经典分割网络相比,G-net网络可更精准的完成对股骨头坏死髋关节骨质的分割,DOC为92.51%±6.70%,且具有更好的鲁棒性(robustness),点识别网络平均误差为0.87个像素值。在临床应用效果方面,人工智能组完全符合率为96.7%(29/30),较Orthoview组的73.3%(22/30)高23.4%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=6.405,P=0.011)。结论 深度学习技术可精准分割患者髋关节CT图像,识别髋关节特征点,人工智能THA髋臼杯放置算法与传统二维术前规划方式相比具有较高的准确性。此算法有望实现准确、快速的THA三维术前规划。

  【关键词】 人工智能;学习;神经网络(计算机);关节成形术,置换,髋;规划制订

  【基金项目】 国家自然科学基金项目(81772320);中国人民解放军总医院2019年度医疗大数据与人工智能研发项目(2019MBD-041)

Study on artificial intelligence-based algorithm for acetabular cup in total hip arthroplasty

Wu Dong1, Chai Wei1, Liu Xingyu2, An Yicheng3, Zhang Yiling4, Chen Jiying1, Tang Peifu1

1Department of Orthopedics, the first Medical Centre, Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing 610041, China;2School of Life Scienc-es, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100853, China;3Stanford University of Computer Science, Stanford 94305, USA;4 Harvard Medical School, Boston 02138, USA

  Corresponding author: Tang Peifu, Email: pftang301@126.com

  【Abstract】 Objective To develop a set of algorithms that could predict the precise size of acetabular cup preoperatively by the deep learning neural network technology.Methods Retrospective analysis was performed on 30 patients with femoral head necrosis from April 2019 to April 2020, including 15 males and 15 females. At the age of (54.8±10.5) years (range 33-72 years)。 Thirteen hips on the left and seventeen hips on the right, who underwent primary unilateral THA. Based on the manually segmented hip joint CT database, a deep learning convolutional neural network was trained to realize automatic segmentation. A customized algorithm was created to fit the surface of the acetabulum. By the application of another deep learning convolutional neural network, the identification of anatomical points of the pelvis and correction of the pelvic position were realized. So that the placement of the acetabulum cup could be done. DOC (dice overlap coefficients) as well as the average error parameter were adopt-ed to evaluate the accuracy of the above steps. The novel algorithm and Orthoview software were retrospectively used to template the acetabular cup separately. The results of both groups were compared with the actual size and the coincidence rate was calculat-ed to evaluate the accuracy of the novel algorithm. To verify this algorithm, the conformance rate was calculated respectively.Re-sults Compared with other classical segmentation networks, the G-NET network can segment the pelvic with femoral head necro-sis more accurately (DOC 92.51%± 6.70%)。 It also has better robustness. The average error of the point recognition network is 0.87 pixels. Among the 30 patients, the AI-based algorithm group had a complete coincidence rate of 96.7% and the Orthoview group had a complete coincidence rate of 73.3%. The difference was statistically significant (χ2=6.405, P=0.011)。Conclusion The artificial intelligence-based algorithm can segment the CT image series and identify the feature points of the patient's hip ac-curately. Compared with the conventional 2D preoperative planning method, the AI-based algorithm is relatively more accurate.This artificial intelligence-based 3D preoperative software has promising prospect to makeaccurate surgical plan efficiently.

  【Key words】Artificial intelligence; Learning; Neural networks (computer); Arthroplasty, replacement, hip; Program Devel-opment

  【Fund program】National Natural Science Foundation of China (81772320); The 2019 Medical Big Data and Artificial In-telligence Research and Development Project of Chinese PLA General Hospital (2019MBD-041)

  在全髋关节置换术(total hip arthroplasty,THA)中,髋臼假体的放置对手术效果具有至关重要的作用,其角度、大小及位置不良均会使术后相关并发症的发生率提高[1].目前,THA术前髋臼假体常无法得到精准的规划,大多数术者依赖术中对髋臼假体位置的判断,但由于受患者体位、术者经验的影响较大,此种判断方法常产生误差[2].一直以来,精准的髋臼术前规划都是THA领域的研究热点。以往通过在X线平片上进行术前二维模板测量[3-5],以实现对术中所需髋臼假体的型号、大小进行预判,但由于X线片投照角度、放大率等的影响,且X线片无法准确显示髋臼三维结构,术前规划中髋臼假体放置大多由术者凭临床经验完成,可重复性低、效率低,难以有效满足临床需要[6].三维影像分析软件如Mimics(Materialize公司,比利时),虽可通过CT扫描实现对髋臼假体大小、位置的准确预测[7],但其需要较为繁琐的手动分割、放置,效率较低。



  本研究通过对基于人工智能的THA髋臼假体术前规划算法进行编写、集成,将其深度融入THA术前规划的图像分割、识别、矫正过程中,并对比该算法在精准度方面的相关指标,如dice overlap coef-ficients(DOC)和平均误差,目的在于:①开发一套基于人工智能的THA髋臼假体术前规划算法;②验证该算法在髋臼骨质分割、骨盆矫正、髋臼表面拟合、网络识别过程中的准确性;③初步验证该算法的临床适用性。



  纳入标准:①经临床症状、体征以及影像学检查诊断为ARCO分期Ⅳ期股骨头坏死,符合THA手术指征;②对患者影像学资料进行人工智能THA髋臼假体规划;③主要观察指标为dice overlap coeffi-cients(DOC)、平均误差、假体型号符合率,对该算法进行评价;④回顾性病例研究。


















结 果






讨 论













  回顾性临床研究表明,本算法可以有效估计实际应用的髋臼假体大小,准确率达到96.7%,显着优于Orthoview组(73.3%)。既往研究中只有使用操作较为复杂的三维术前规划软件才能实现接近的准确率(94%~96%)[26-27].但即使是熟练掌握上述三维规划软件的规划者,其平均规划时间约30 min,本系统从导入DICOM数据至完成臼杯放置,平均耗时为(4.01±1.08)min(图像处理器:Nvidia GeForce GTX TITAN X GPU),显着高于传统三维手术规划方式。在人工智能组中存在1例规划结果与实际结果差2号的患者,因其原髋臼周围存在有内植入物,内植入物伪影对人工智能分割过程造成影响,从而导致规划结果不准确。




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