摘 要: 目的 感觉异常性股痛(MP)常由股外侧皮神经(LFCN)的机械嵌压引起,通常发生在股外侧皮神经走行至髂前上棘的部位。MP最佳手术治疗方法有待确定,部分原因是LFCN周围筋膜平面的精细结构尚未阐明。本研究的目的是利用生物塑化和超声确定LFCN在髂前上棘附近的筋膜结构。方法 选择11具尸体(6名女性,5名男性,38~97岁)制作薄层生物塑化切片。对34名健康志愿者(19名女性,15名男性,20~62岁)进行LFCN超声评估。结果 LFCN在腹内斜肌筋膜纤维和髂筋膜之间出骨盆,然后在缝匠肌表面和位于髂前上棘(ASIS)下方的阔筋膜张肌之间走行。在缝匠肌和阔筋膜张肌之间,LFCN走行在独立封闭的筋膜鞘中。结论 LFCN在髂前上棘处位于腹内斜肌腱膜内。LFCN在缝匠肌表面及外侧走行至大腿前外侧区域。超声定位LFCN有助于外科手术。
关键词: 股外侧皮神经; 感觉异常性股痛; 塑化; 超声; 解剖学; 人;
Abstract: Objective Meralgia paresthetica( MP) is commonly caused by mechanical entrapment of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve( LFCN). The entrapment often occurs at the site where the nerve exits the pelvis. Its optimal surgical management remains to be established,partly because the fine architecture of the fascial planes around the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve has not been elucidated. The purpose of this study is to determine the fascia structure of lateral femoral cutaneous nerve nearby the anterior superior iliac spine using anatomy and ultrasound technique. Methods Eleven cadavers were selected for plastination( 6 female,5 male,age range 38-97 years). Ultrasonography was performed on 34 healthy volunteers( 19 women,15 men,age range,20-62 years). Results The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve exited the pelvis via a tendinous canal within the internal oblique-iliac fascia septum,and then between the sartorius muscle surface and the tensor fascia lata muscle located below the anterior superior iliac spine( ASIS). and then ran between the sartorius muscle and the tensor fascia. Conclusion Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve is located in the aponeurosis of the intraabdominal oblique muscle at the pelvic outlet. Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve travels on the surface and outside of the sartorius muscle. These two segments of lateral femoral cutaneous nerve can be localized by ultrasound scans.
Keyword: Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve; Meralgia paresthetica; Sheet plastination; Ultrasound; Anatomy; Human;
感觉异常性股痛(Meralgia paresthetica,MP)是一种引发疼痛,麻木,瘙痒和前外侧大腿感觉异常的神经系统疾病,一般是由股外侧皮神经(lateral femoral cutaneous nerve,LFCN)的机械嵌压引起[1,2]。目前,针对MP的治疗包括保守治疗和手术治疗,治疗的原则和目的均是为了缓解LFCN受压,减轻相关症状。保守治疗一般通过理疗和神经阻滞镇痛;手术治疗包括简单减压,浅表和深层减压,髂筋膜切口减压,内侧移位和360°减压[3,4,5,6,7,8]。MP诊疗的前提是明确LFCN的解剖位置和毗邻结构。研究表明,LFCN的走行存在解剖学变异,但最常见的走行是经髂前上棘(anterior superior iliac spine,ASIS)内侧进入大腿区域,髂前上棘附近又是LFCN最常见的嵌压部位[9]。然而,由于目前缺乏对LFCN周围解剖结构的精细观察,相关治疗的效率和潜在机制仍然有待精准[4,5,6,7,8]。因此,明确LFCN在该区域的精细解剖可以为临床治疗MP提供解剖学依据。
我们共研究了11具尸体(6名女性,5名男性,年龄范围38~97岁)和34名健康志愿者(19名女性,15名男性,年龄范围20~62岁)。志愿者均无任何大腿或骨盆损伤史或手术史。本研究根据奥塔哥大学制度伦理指南(institutional ethical guidelines of Otago University)进行,并获得安徽医科大学伦理委员会和奥塔哥大学(the institutional ethics committee of Otago University)批准。
选取经4%甲醛固定的成人尸体盆部标本,流水24 h冲洗处理后,将标本放置-80℃冷冻1周,使用立式带锯床将标本水平位锯成2.5~3 mm切片。将切片置入-25℃纯丙酮内脱水4周。脱水完成后常温下纯丙酮脱脂3周,待丙酮颜色接近纯丙酮后脱脂完成。最后将标本放入环氧树脂混合液(Biodur E12∶AE20∶E1=100∶15∶28)中,真空泵24 h置换出标本组织内的丙酮。完成后,切片置入60℃烘箱内硬化1周,生物塑化标本制备完成。扫描标本获取图片资料观察。
使用西门子Acuon Antares机器(Siemens Medical Solutions)和西门子vfx13-5线性超声探头获得超声图像。志愿者取仰卧位,大腿伸直,脚尖朝上,将超声探头横向放置在ASIS外侧远端处,首先显示阔筋膜张肌和缝匠肌的横断面。将髂前上棘、腹内斜肌和腹外斜肌、缝匠肌和阔筋膜张肌作为识别和追踪LFCN的标志。
图1 LFCN在ASIS区域横断面塑化切片标尺示10 mm
Fig.1 Two transverse plastinated sections at the levels of the ASIS Bar=10 mm
A,LFCN traveled at horizontal position of ASIS;B,LFCN exited the pelvis and traveled into the adipose compartment below the level of ASIS;The black arrow is the iliac fascia;The red dotted line is LFCN;the crossed arrows indicate the orientation;a,Anterior;m,Medial;ASIS,Anterior superior iliac spine;IF,Iliac fascia;IP,Iliopsoas muscle;Sar,Sartorius muscle;TFL,Tensor fasciae latae;RF,Rectus femoris;GMi,Gluteus minimus
图2 超声图像标尺示10 mm
Fig.2 Ultrasound images Bar=10 mm
A,At the ASIS level,LFCN pierced the tendinous canal of the iliac fascia and the aponeurotic fibers of the internal oblique abdominis and traversed within the aponeurotic fibers of the external oblique abdominis;B,Below the level of ASIS,LFCN traveled into the adipose compartment,which is on the surface of the sartorius muscle and the tensor fasciae latae;ASIS,Anterior superior iliac spine;IOA,Internal oblique abdominis;EOA,External oblique abdominis;IP,Iliopsoas muscle;RF,Rectus femoris;TFL,Tensor fasciae latae;Sar,Sartorius muscle
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