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来源:吉林大学 作者:曹凡
发布于:2020-08-10 共16292字









  esearch on Parking Space Selection andAutomatic Parking for Intelligent VehiclesParking is one of the most complicated yet difficult driving maneuvers, in particular,to many amateur drivers. Therefore, intelligent technology can be integrated into thevehicle  control  to  realize  the  automatic  parking  function.  That  frees  humans  fromtedious driving tasks and improves driving safety, which has broad market prospectsand practical  significance. At present,  research on automatic parking has become ahotspot in the industry and has achieved staged results, but there are still limitations inthe research of some functions that need to be resolved.

  Parking space selection is an important part of automatic parking fuction, the currentresearch mainly relies on the induced allocation strategy of parking lots. This strategydoes not take into account the dynamic obstacle information during the parking process,so it cannot adapt to complex and dynamic parking lots. In the study of berth allocationrules,  the  existing  studies  have  not  performed  a  rational  analysis  on  the  selectedattributes, It is very likely that there is a large correlation between the selected attributes,which  not  only  complicates  the  calculation,  but  also  increase  the  probability  ofsuperimposing weights. That will make the berth allocation result unreasonable.

  Therefore,  a  parking  space  selection  model  with  vehicles  as  the  main  body  wasproposed. This article assumes that vehicles use network information, map information,and on-board camera and radar detection information as the basis for berth selection,and extracts several factors that affect berth selection. Aiming at the problem that theparking  lot's  induced  allocation  strategy  cannot  consider  the  dynamic  obstacleinformation, this paper uses a multi-arc pre-planning method to convert the impact ofobstacles on the difficulty of parking into the size of the trajectory safety region, andfinally converted into the corner margin of the front wheels according to the Ackermansteering, which was considered as a new attribute into the parking space selection. For the selected decision attribute, this article first performs a factor analysis on the attributeinformation, excluding the correlation between the attributes, and ensuring the accuracyof subsequent decisions. Based on the entropy weight method, the data value reflectedby each attribute information is mined, and assign weights to each attribute based onthis; When evaluating the merits of each berth, the best berth is determined based onthe "ideal point" solution combined whith the weight information; Finally, this paperdesigns a typical parking lot scenario and verifies the the model's rationality for attributeweight allocation, and the berth optimization results meet expectations.

  For the research of parking motion control, most of the researches regard parking asa stable low-speed process. Based on this assumption, the vehicle model is simplifiedto rigid body motion, ignoring the vehicle's dynamic response and lateral sliding. Goodresults were obtained when the vehicle was stable at low speeds, but the adaptability tospeed was weak. The actual speed of reversing and entering the warehouse is not stable,and there is a change in speed. On the other hand, under the spacious conditions thatallow, especially after the popularization of intelligent technology in the future, humanswill  participate  less  in  the  parking  environment.  Increasing  the  speed  to  improveparking efficiency, but if the speed is slightly increased, the dynamic response of thevehicle cannot be ignored. Therefore, the simple rigid body assumption cannot welladapt to changing vehicle speeds, nor can it provide convenience for vehicle speedcontrol during parking.

  Therefore, this paper re-establishes the parking dynamics model. For the case wherethe parking control of vehicles was limited to low speed in the past, this article attemptsto increase the vehicle speed and amplify the dynamic response of the vehicle. Firstly,by analogy of forward driving, a reverse monorail model is established to fully comparethe difference of vehicle dynamics during forward and reverse driving. The conclusionof the instability of the system when reversing is obtained through analysis; the yawangular velocity  and lateral  velocity  of the vehicle are fed back to  the  front  wheelrotation angle using the state feedback method, and the closed-loop pole of the systemis corrected to the negative half-axis, which changes the stability of the vehicle; Theclosed-loop pole adjustment takes into account the system's response speed and vehiclesteering structure limitations, ultimately making the system not only stable, but alsocloser to the motion characteristics of the actual vehicle when reversing, ensuring thepremise  that  the  system  must  be  stable  before  vehicle  control.  Finally,  a  modelpredictive control method based on the reversing dynamics model is established. In thispaper, the reversing dynamics model is brought into the model predictive control, whichfully  considers  the  dynamic  characteristics  of  the  system;  The  discrete  reversingdynamics model at different vehicle speeds improves the adaptability of the systemcontrol to the vehicle speed; Based on the robustness and peace of the model predictivecontrol Compliance, the system can still ensure better control results after increasingthe vehicle speed.

  Keywords:Intelligent Vehicle, Entropy Weight Method, Parking Kinetic model, State Feedback,Model Predictive Control.

  目  录

  摘  要 ................................................... I

  ABSTRACT ............................................... III

  目  录 ................................................. VII

  第 1 章 绪论 .............................................. 1

  1.1 课题研究背景 ....................................... 1

  1.2 自动泊车功能组成 ................................... 3

  1.3 自动泊车国内外研究现状 ............................. 4

  1.3.1 自动泊车的市场应用现状 .......................... 4

  1.3.2 泊位选择研究现状 ................................ 5

  1.3.3 自动泊车路径规划研究现状 ........................ 8

  1.3.4 自动泊车运动控制研究现状 ........................ 8 基于人工智能的运动控制方法 .................. 9 基于路径规划与路径跟随控制结合的方式 ........ 9

  1.4 本文研究内容 ...................................... 12

  1.4.1 本文研究重点问题 ............................... 12

  1.4.2 本文工作内容和章节安排 ......................... 12

  第 2 章 泊车位优选模型 ................................... 15

  2.1  泊车位选择的影响因素 ............................. 16

  2.2  泊位“有效性”判定 ............................... 19

  2.3  泊位因素的“因子分析” ........................... 20

  2.3.1 引言 ........................................... 20

  2.3.2  KMO 检验 ...................................... 21

  2.3.3  “因子分析”一般步骤 .......................... 22

  2.4  基于信息熵的多属性权重分配 ....................... 25

  2.4.1 准备知识 ....................................... 26 信息熵 ..................................... 26 熵权法具体步骤 ............................. 26基于灰色关联度的最优方案选择 ............... 28

  2.5  本章小结 ......................................... 29

  第 3 章 自动泊车轨迹规划 ................................. 31

  3.1 基于多段圆弧的轨迹安全域的确定 ..................... 31

  3.1.1 确定轨迹上边界 ................................. 32

  3.1.2 确定轨迹下边界 ................................. 33

  3.1.3 坐标系转换 ..................................... 35

  3.2  最优轨迹获取 ..................................... 35

  3.2.1  最优轨迹影响因素 .............................. 36

  3.2.2  最优轨迹确定 .................................. 37

  3.3  本章小结 ......................................... 37

  第 4 章 基于泊车动力学建模的运动控制 ..................... 39

  4.1  基于“单轨模型”的泊车稳定性分析 .................. 40

  4.1.1  正逆向行驶动力学区别 .......................... 40

  4.1.2  二自由度模型假设 .............................. 41

  4.1.3  车辆运动加速度分析 ............................ 42

  4.1.4  单轨模型倒车稳定性分析 ........................ 43

  4.2  基于状态反馈的改变系统稳定性 ..................... 46

  4.2.1  反馈后状态空间表达式 .......................... 46

  4.2.2  最优反馈矩阵的确定 ............................ 47

  4.2.3  最优反馈目标函数 .............................. 50

  4.2.4  反馈后系统动态响应 ............................ 51

  4.3  基于泊车动力学模型的运动控制 ..................... 53

  4.3.1 MPC 基本原理 ................................... 53

  4.3.2 MPC 基本步骤 ................................... 53

  4.4.3 mpc 仿真验证 ................................... 57

  4.4  本章小结 ......................................... 60

  第 5 章 仿真验证 ......................................... 61

  5.1 实验平台介绍 ...................................... 61

  5.2 泊位优选模型仿真验证实验 .......................... 63

  5.3 自动泊车模型仿真实验 .............................. 69

  5.3.1 PanoSim 场景设计 ............................... 69

  5.3.2 自动泊车控制算法设计 ........................... 71

  5.3.3 自动泊车仿真结果 ............................... 73

  5.4 本章小结 .......................................... 77

  第 6 章 全文总结与展望 ................................... 79

  6.1 本文研究内容总结 .................................. 79

  6.2 未来工作展望 ....................................... 80

  参考文献 ................................................ 81

  作者简介 ................................................ 89

  致谢 .................................................... 91

  第一章  绪论

  1.1 课题研究背景

  随着经济社会的不断发展,人民生活水平的不断提升,汽车已然成为人类出行必不可少的伙伴。截止到 2020 年 1 月,中国汽车保有量高达 2.6 亿辆,个别城市达到了 300 万辆,机动车驾驶员多达 3.97 亿[1],汽车保有量的增多使得原来的马路、小区、街道等区域变得异常拥挤,用于泊车的空间也变得更狭小,寻找合适的泊位就变得很困难;另一方面,汽车驾驶员数量以每年千万级的数量增长,而驾驶经验的不足又使得新手在泊车入位时尤为困难,不仅浪费了大量时间、甚至造成剐蹭和碰撞等安全问题。Paul  Green 经过分析交通事故数据库发现,跟泊车相关的事故占各类事故的 44%,其中有 60%左右是倒车中的碰撞事故,如下表 1.1 和 1.2 所示[2]。在倒车入库的过程中,经验的缺失使得驾驶员无法规划出合适的路线;视野的不足也使得驾驶员无法获取完整的车身周围环境,天气和光线等因素又使得后视镜的效果无法保证,增加了碰撞的风险;以上因素促使的紧张情绪又使得部分驾驶员无法连贯的操纵方向盘离合与刹车,车辆就无法按照预想的轨迹泊车入位。

  表 1.1 据车辆动作统计事故资料

  表 1.2 车过程中事故统计资料

  表 1.3 密歇根市泊车相关事故统计资料


  图 1.1 垂直泊位入库                  图 1.2 侧方泊位入库

       1.2 自动泊车功能组成


  1)  泊车位搜寻 。


  2)  泊车位选择 。


  3)  路径规划:


  4)  运动控制合理利用控制算法控制使得车辆按照规划路径移动。

  图 1.3 自动泊车架构图 。

  1.3 自动泊车国内外研究现状

  1.3.1 自动泊车的市场应用现状 。

  自动泊车系统(APS)最早出现是在 1992 年,大众公司试运行在其概念车 IRVwFutum 上,该系统搭载于一整台电脑,体型庞大,成本较高,运算速率很慢,故而没有投入量产[3]。

  2003 年,丰田公司趁着电动技术的成熟,在其油电混合车型 Prius 上搭载了一款泊车辅助系统。该系统基于车后方的 CCD 相机获取车位信息,基于初始相对位姿规划路径,由车辆电控系统控制方向盘完成倒车,但在系统运行中并不控制车速,需要驾驶员参与控制刹车。而且该辅助泊车系统只配有垂直方位的倒车入库模式,无法完成对侧方位和斜方位的泊位的引导,存在比较大的局限性[4]。

  2005 年,雪铁龙推出其泊车辅助系统。2007 年,雪铁龙公司与博世集团合作,引入其定位测量系统,在其 C4 车型上车辆四周加装了6个雷达测距传感器,配以成熟的电控系统,形成了一套比较完备的自动泊车辅助系统。该系统具备泊位搜寻功能,在行进过程中可自动探测泊位空间大小,用以决策泊位有效性;在倒车过程中可探测障碍物,有效防止车辆发生碰撞。

  第一章 绪论 。

  2007 年,丰田公司在其高端品牌雷克萨斯上推出了智能泊车辅助系统。这套系统依靠超声波传感器检测泊车位,并辅以摄像头识别泊位角点和泊位中心线。



  2018 年,百度基于 Apollo 平台,在重庆的自动驾驶园区内实现了共享汽车的自动泊车试验,该共享汽车搭载了 6 个摄像头和 12 个超声波雷达用以探测周围环境,检测行人和障碍物,具备自主搜寻泊位、自主导航、自动泊车入位和自动还车的功能。初步解决了百度提出的“最后一公里自由”的目标。

  2019 年 7 月,初创公司 Momenta 推出其自动泊车解决方案 Mpilot Parking。

  该系统需要用户在手机端主动选择泊车位,之后车辆将自动规划路径,引导车辆到达目标点并完成泊车入位。Mpilot  Parking 依托 Momenta 公司强大的高精度地图和视觉处理算法,在车身四周布置了多种传感器,包括相机、鱼眼相机、超声波雷达、惯性 IMU 和 GPS,能在车辆行进的过程中准确识别行人、障碍物和车位,并执行等待或避让操作[5]。

  图 1.3 选择泊位                         图 1.4 视觉检测1.3.2 泊位选择研究现状

  图 2.4 障碍物对泊车影响

图 3.1 泊车轨迹安全域

图 3.2 倒车几何轨迹图

图 4.1 模型预测控制架构图

表 4.4 模型系统矩阵按车速离散表


  第六章 全文总结与展望。

  6.1 本文研究内容总结。






  6.2 未来工作展望。


  1) 为泊位属性分配权重时,信息熵只考虑了数据所反映的价值,并没有考虑到各属性对于车辆和驾驶员本身的主观重要性,使得在数据在发生变化时,模型选择结果与主观选择有时并不相同,只是主观选择的次优选。后续可以考虑将主观权重分配与客观分配相结合,使得主客观选择趋于一致。

  2) 本文泊车路径规划采用多段圆弧的方式,只保证了将泊位依赖空间缩小,但存在曲率跳变点,使得泊车中途车速存在较大的波动,不利于泊车连贯性。后续在设计评价函数时,可以考虑将曲率变化率这一因素考虑进去,在泊车可行驶安全域宽裕的情况下可以选择一条曲率及其变化率都柔和的路线。

  3) 本文在运动控制中着重研究了侧向运动,对于纵向车速控制只是利用简单反馈控制保持匀速,然而实际倒车时,在方向盘回转点处附近应该适当减速给车辆足够的反应时间防止车辆出现偏离,后续考虑加入速度设计,在方向盘变化率超过一定阈值时予以减速,使得车辆整体控制效果更加平滑顺畅。


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原文出处:[1]曹凡. 智能汽车泊位优选和自动泊车研究[D].吉林大学,2020.