摘 要
研究样本选择上,选取证券之星网站 2010 年-2019 年 12 家典型农业上市公司为代表。
首先通过描述性统计分析对样本数据进行定性分析,其次通过 LM 检验、Hausman 检验选择个体固定效应模型,通过 Stata 软件利用 LSDV 法对面板数据进行实证研究,综合定性分析及定量分析的结果得出最终结论。
通过描述性统计分析,可以看出:我国农业上市公司股权结构较不平衡,流动负债率较高,净资产收益率均值约是 A 股上市公司的五分之一,资产负债率均值比 A 股上市公司的一半还少。
同时,基于模型的完整性和全面性,选择公司规模、主营业务增长率、总资产周转率、现金偿债率等变量作为衡量公司规模、成长能力、营运能力及现金流能力的指标为本文的控制变量。第一步进行 LM 检验和 Hausman 检验,选择适合的个体固定效应模型进行模型构建;第二步选取我国农业上市公司的相关财务面板数据作为样本数据进行实证,得出我国农业上市公司的公司绩效与资产负债率之间存在显着的负相关关系,与现金偿债率之间呈显着的正相关关系,与股权结构之间没有显着的相关关系。
关键词 : 农业上市公司;资本结构;公司绩效 。
Agriculture is the cornerstone of China's national economy, and food security is closelyrelated to national security. Both the Party and the state attach great importance to the issuesconcerning agriculture, rural areas and farmers. As the leader of modern agriculture in China, thedevelopment performance of listed agricultural companies cannot be separated from theinfluence of financing and capital structure. This paper selects listed companies mainly inplanting industry to empirically analyze the impact of capital structure on corporate performance.
A large number of studies show that appropriate capital structure is conducive to enhancingcorporate performance and maximizing corporate value. Based on the special industrialbackground of agriculture, this paper discusses the relationship between capital structure andcorporate performance of agricultural listed companies from the perspective of enterpriseinternal governance.
In terms of sample selection, 12 typical agricultural listed companies from 2010 to 2019 onthe website of Securities Star were selected as representatives. Firstly, the sample data werequalitative analyzed by descriptive statistical analysis. Secondly, the individual fixed effectmodel was selected by LM test and Hausman test. The LSDV method was used to conductempirical research on the panel data by Stata software, and the final conclusion was drawn bycomprehensive qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis results.In this paper, the theory ofcapital structure and corporate performance is divided into three periods: traditional, modern andnew modern. The traditional capital structure theory mainly includes three parts: net incometheory, net operating income theory and traditional theory. Modern capital structure theorymainly includes MM theory, modified MM theory and tradeoff theory. The theory of new capitalstructure includes agency cost theory, information transfer theory and pecking order theory.
Through descriptive statistical analysis, it can be seen that the equity structure of China'sagricultural listed companies is unbalanced, and the current liability ratio is high. The averagereturn on equity is about one-fifth of that of A-share listed companies, and the averageasset-liability ratio is less than half of that of A-share listed companies.
Secondly, return on equity is selected as the measurement index of corporate performance.
Selecting the indicators representing the whole capital structure and the variables representingthe internal indicators of the capital structure to measure the capital structure more systematically.
After screening, the asset-liability ratio was selected as the index representing the overall capitalstructure, the long-term debt-liability ratio, short-term debt-liability ratio and currentdebt-liability ratio were selected as the measurement index of the debt structure, and the ownership concentration degree, equity balance degree and equity nature were selected as themeasurement index of the ownership structure. At the same time, based on the integrity andcomprehensiveness of the model, variables such as company size, main business growth rate,total asset turnover, cash service ratio and so on are selected as the indicators to measurecompany size, growth ability, operation ability and cash flow ability as the control variables inthis paper. In the first step, LM test and Hausman test were carried out to select the appropriateindividual fixed effect model for model construction. The second step is to select relevantfinancial panel data of Chinese agricultural listed companies as the sample data empirically, andconcluded that corporate performance of listed companies of China's agriculture and significantnegative correlation relationship between asset-liability ratio, cash and debt servicing ratio wassignificantly positive correlation between, and no significant correlation between equityownership structure.
According to the empirical results, combined with the descriptive statistical analysis and thecurrent situation of China's agricultural listed companies, we found that China's agriculturallisted companies have several problems:
①the asset-liability ratio is relatively low, not fully usethe leverage effect;②the current liability ratio is too high, easy to lead to financial risks;③Underuse of Scale Effect.
Qualitative analysis results show that the asset-liability ratio of listed agricultural companiesin China is too low, but empirical research shows that the asset-liability ratio is negativelycorrelated with corporate performance, that is, the lower the asset-liability ratio is, the better thecorporate performance is. Obviously, these two results are contradictory. The empirical resultsare contradictory to the qualitative analysis, and the reason may be that the proportion of currentliabilities in the debt structure is too high, leading to the company's capital turnover difficultiesand higher debt repayment pressure. Therefore, the higher the total liabilities, the higher thecurrent liabilities, the higher the debt repayment pressure, and the lower the companyperformance. It is not simply believed that reducing asset-liability ratio can improve corporateperformance based on empirical research results, but needs to be combined with qualitativeanalysis and actual situation to make a comprehensive analysis.
Based on the results of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, there is no significantcorrelation between ownership structure and corporate performance. Therefore, this paper mainlyputs forward corresponding optimization suggestions for agricultural enterprises from theperspective of debt structure: The total liabilities ratio, non-current liabilities ratio and currentliabilities ratio should be appropriately increased, and the increase of non-current liabilitiesshould be greater than the decrease of current liabilities, so that the total liabilities are increased, and leverage effect should be effectively used to give play to the scale effect. In addition, due tothe consideration of agricultural industry, agricultural enterprises to obtain long-term liabilities,need with the help of the government and financial institutions, therefore, this article from theperspective of government and financial institutions, relevant Suggestions are put forward: inview of the financial institutions, securities firms should be positive for the innovation offinancial tools, according to the characteristics of agricultural listed companies to meet theirfinancing needs of enterprises of different conventional; As far as the government is concerned,relevant functional departments should make credit endorsement for agricultural enterprises andfacilitate their long-term financing by improving their credit qualifications.
Key words : Agricultural listed companies; Capital structure; Current liability ratio。
(一)研究背景 。
1. MM理论及修正后的MM理论
四、实证分析 .
五、 结 论
(1)资产负债率相对较低,未充分利用杠杆效应从我国农业上市公司资产负债率的统计分析结果可以看出,我国农业上市公司的资产负债率较低, 比A股上市公司平均资产负债率的一半还少。但是实证研究结果却显示,我国农业上市企业的公司绩效与资产负债率有显着的负相关关系,即资产负债率越低,公司绩效越高。定性分析与定量分析的结果是相互矛盾的,需要进一步对此进行探讨。根据修正后的MM理论,债务融资因其抵税作用,可以有效降低企业成本,增加公司绩效。我国农业上市公司的负债比例已经是一个较低的状态,进一步降低负债比率,债务的抵税效益减小,企业的成本必定增加,会导致公司绩效降低,这显然与实证结论的研究不符。但是实证研究结果是根据现实的数据测算得出,也是存在一定的依据,所以需要对出现这一测算结果的原因进行深入探究。通过对流动负债、长期负债率和现金偿债率的分析,本文对资产负债率与公司绩效呈负相关关系的原因进行推测:我国农业上市公司的负债大多数来源于流动负债,流动负债比率过高,但与其相对应的现金偿债率却很低,短期偿债能力与短期负债水平高度悬殊。资产负债率越高意味着负债越多,负债越多意味着流动负债越多,流动负债越多则表明企业有较大的偿债压力及财务风险,因此会影响企业的日常经营活动,降低公司绩效。流动负债过高,而短期偿债能力却远远不足,给企业带来源源不断的资金周转压力,导致公司绩效降低。实证研究的结果也证实了这一推测,流动负债与公司绩效负相关,而现金能力对公司绩效有积极影响。
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