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来源:学术堂 作者:蒋老师
发布于:2017-07-05 共7509字





  The calculation of waterpower is the key step during the design of gas network of city.
  Model and method of calculating waterpower of gas network are introduced in this paper. Thecalculation of distributing gas problem has been well solved by using Newton law.
  The paper introduces simulation optimal calculation of development in pipeline design.
  Hydraulic calculation formula and familiar solutions were adopted and sumed up bysummarization. Through compared to many techniques for pipe optimization, it offers that wemust make use of the adjust measures to local conditions and synthesis appliance of thedevelopment principle, which well applies to analyses and distribution manage. This paperestablishes the target function of pipe diameter optimization, and utilizes Genetic Algorithm tooptimize the diameters of gas networks. The result shows that Genetic Algorithm can apply topipeline optimization efficiently.

  The present article forecasted the short load of the city gas pipe net under matlabenvironment which was founded on the global searching Genetic arithmetic and searching thepart of BP net in detail. According to the character of the city gas load, the randomicity,periodicity and the trend of the gas charge can be reflected by the application of BP ANN. GAsand BP ANNs algorithms were joined together and supplemented mutually by optimizing theinitial weight s of ANNs with GAs. It provided the academic evidence with design andconstruction of the storage gas. It proved that this method is efficient and credible by examiningthe historic data dunng the load forecasting of the city gas pipe net.

  The research works about gas load in both domestic and abroad have been reviewed.
  Based on statistics and modern optimization methods, literatures of gas load forecasting andpractice experiences were reviewed and induced, and categories of gas load forecasting havebeen made from different viewpoints. Forecasting method would be slected in accordance withapplication need and gas load variation characteristic.

  The research achievements of pipeline leak detection at home and abroad in recent yearshas been reviewed. There are two main methods of leak detection, hardware method andsoftware method. The superiority and imperfections of every method in their performance andfields are discussed. The sensitivity of leaks detection method based on dynamic quantitybalance cannot satisfy the measuring requirement because of influences of errors andrequirements on false alarm and detection speed. The sequential probability ratio test (SPRT),one of hypothesis test methods, is analyzed and improved. In the experimental test, it is foundthat this method can overcome the SPRT's shortcomings, and it can improve the detectionsensitivity and detection speed.

  Key Words: distribution pipeline; optimal and simulation; hydraulic calculation; short-load; leakage detection

  1. 1水力计算的发展情况
  1. 2管网的优化设计
  1. 3管网负荷的预测
  1 .4测漏技术的现状
  1 .5本文研究背景
  1. 6本文的主要研究内容

  2. 1燃气管网的水力计算基本公式
  2. 1 .1气体管段流量的基本方程
  2. 2管网各段的计算流量
  2. 3环状管网的水力计算
  2. 3. 1环状管网的基本数据模型
  2. 3. 2环状管网的计算步骤
  2. 3. 4实例计算
  2. 4本章小结
