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How to Improve College English Majors' Listening Ability

来源:毕业论文指导 作者:郑刚强;阮爱君
发布于:2020-08-27 共11484字


  Abstract...... ........ ........ ........

  Key words...... ........ ........ ........

  摘要...... ........ ........ ........

  关键词...... ........ ........ ........

  Introduction...... ........ ........ ........

  I. The Recent Situation of English Listening Course in College.......

  1. The Students' Psychological Classromm....................

  2. Teachers' Role in Recent Listening Classroom.................

  3. The Environment of English Listening Teaching in College......

  II. The Reasons for Poor English Listening Teaching in Cololege......

  1. The College Students Lack of Background Knowledge in  English   Listening.................................

  2 The Disadvantage Brought by Traditional English Listening Teaching  Environment.........................

  III.Sorme Solutions to Improve English Listening in College Stadents

  1. Geting College Students Understand Background Knowledge in English Listening..............

  2. Some New Strategies for College Students to lmprove English Listening....

  (1) Intensive listcning.........................

  (2) Extensive listcning.........................

  (3) Radio.........................

  (4) TV.........................

  (5) Internet.........................

  3. Creating the Moderm English Listening  Emvironmcnt..........

  (1) The use of video in english listening  class..............

  (2) See suitable fims in cnglish listening  class... ........

  4. Combination of Listening and Other Aspeets of Teaching Skills to Improve English .Listeming.........................


  致谢(Acknowledgemcnats) .........................

  Works Cited.........................


  How to Improve College English Majors'Listening Ability


  Wang Minggu


  Abstract: This paper 1 is to explore the effective skills of improving English listecning abilitry from the perspective of college stodcnts, teaching methods and tcaching environmenlt, In onder to find out the efoctive ways which are benedficial for collkge sudcnts to improve their English listcming ability, this paper puts forward some practical suggestioes wbich attach great importance to achicve the furnthar improvermicnt of college studcnes' sbility of Engish listcning by analyring the reasons that caused poor listening ability of college students.

  Key werds: College English majors; Listening ability; Teaching cnvifonmcm







  As we know, the world is BOW in the 21st century. English as a global language, plays In increasingly role in the cormmanicating world. In our country, the demand for people who can sccessfully understand  English is becoming more important as China is cntering WTO and is  going to hold 2008 Olympic Games. Therefore, the English listening  comprebscasion for college studcats is strongly advocated. English  listening provides a foumdation for all aspects of languge and cogitive  derclopment, and it plays a lfe-long role in the processes of leaming  and commanication essential to productive participation in life.

  English listening s one of the most challenging skills for college  shudents to develop, so devcloping college students listening ability is becorme more and more important. Although a great may college  students have passed the CET-4 or CET-6, they can't understand what  forcign fricnds rally mcan, The problcm causes the phenomcnon of  so-called dcaf English In onder to improve college. student in   listening ability flectively, safficicnt pactice will be of considcrable  help 1to study language in particulat. Just the old saying gocs  "Practice makes perfeer". It will not only throw light on the mutual  relations of various complex langunge phcnomenon, but also deepen  our knowledge of English listening to bave a higher level and a better  practice. Gencrally speaking, college stodents can't ignore the       importance of English listcning.

  (评析:Introduction 部分引出话题;指出英语听力对高职学生的重要性,但目前高中学生的现状是;听力能力较差,部分学生不喜欢上听力课.)

  丨. The Recent Situation of English Litening Course in College

  1. The Students" Psychological Conditions

  (1) Psychology rscarcbes show that im language cdassroom, potential dficulty of lstening is the psychological obstacle. College stdkents  always feel passive or tense when they listen to English listening. Even,sometimcs, college students are not sure what they have just heard. which causc bad etfect on students" bad psycbology or vicious cirele.

  (2) The quality of listening class is casy to cause psychological anxiety in college students. "Serioes anxicty occurs when students feel thery can not handle a listening task." The teacher-controlled structure often extends the state of anxiety with the feeling ofa vague fear and apprebension, While listening, college students always tend  to stop when they hcar an unfamiliar word or phrase and try to undcr-stand every word they hear. When they fail, tbey might also become  frightened, discouraged, tired, and develop a sense of failure.


  2. Teachers' Role in Recent Listening Classroom

  (1)In Chima the colle liscmning tcaching is a rclatively new concept in the English classroom. It noeds to be scriously studied and promoted. It is olbvious that a teacher's proficiceney in language and cultural background needs to be improved. One burricr lics in the inefficiency of listcning class is teachers' indequate understanding the harm of exams and the concept "Practice rmakes perfeer, They require college students do various kinds ofexercises in cach class. Students ate in a passive station and oficn feel tired and bored. Teachers only ue lisening activities to "test liscning skill, rather than developing good listcning skilr, which leads to anxicty and apprcbsemsion

  (2) The phenomenon that college tcachers dominate in class is very scrious. In the teacher-dominated listening class, the teacher serves as a monitor and answer giver, The scleetion of listcning  materials depcnds cntirely. on the tcacber if there are no prcscribed  oees. Tbe lesson is easy to conduct and requires minimal prcparation. The disadvantage of this kind of listcning class lacks explicit communicative listening tasks. College students may feel unertain about themselves, and their lcaring abilitics.

  3. The Environment of English Listening Teaching in College

  in the traditiomal cevironmcnt of English lstcning tcaching, the  English teacher just use the tsape to play again and again for stodents to  finish the listening exercise, which could not attract the students.

  II The Reasens for Poor English Listening Teaching in College

  1. The College Sudents Lack of Background Knewledge in English Listening

  Rescarch  in cross-cultural pragmatics shows that some  misunderstandings are caused by diferent cultural background, That is  to say, if onc lacks background knowledge in listcning. he will become  entangled is a dungerous spiral of English karning that tends to  reinforce the negative effects So Kmowledge of the different cultural  backgrounds is critical to English listening success

  Why college major studeats can't improve English listening  cfflectively? Rccent study shous the essential reason is that college  studknts lack background knovwlodge in English Isstening. For instance,  there are two matcrials of the sarme dificulty, oBC explains somcthing about China's Spring Festivals, and the other is about Thanksgiving  Day of the westem countries. The former is easy to understand but the latter is more difficult, why? It is clcar becase the college studcnts  know lintle about the later. Tberefore their unfamiliar with west culture background knowledge. which leads to low level of English listcning.


  2. The Disadvantage Brought by Traditienal English Listening Teaching Environment

  As we all know, before college students cnter the college, they  have already had six years' experience of English stadying. However, they have becn studying hard jus for preparing for entrance of bigher cducation institutcs. So most of them attach the grcat importance to mcmorizing new words and expressions and pay much attention to   grammar points and laguage strsctures. They normally don't think  that English lstcning is as important s they expect, They think that it  is uneessary for them to learn English listening celealtly,

  What's more, in the currcnt situation of listcning study. the  college stuodents just use the ready-made materials in upe recorder to  listcn to the contcnt of stuody. Some tape matcrials are ahways suitable  for particular subjeets or disciplines. Some are often spoken at an  arificially slow pace, in prestige dialects that are Bot typical of  ordinary speech. Even some are quite often oral reading of written material spolken by an sctor and recorded in a studsio (he or she maybe  not a native spaker). That is to say that college students haven't find  appropriate materials of mcthods to lcam English listcning flectively. They doa't make good use of the moden tcachiog material, For  example: lisee to VOA or BBC in the radio, listcn to CCTV-9 in the TV, and sce some native flms. Appropriate methods will atract college stuodents' interests and build up tbeir confidence in listening.

  In traditional English listcning teaching cnvironment, it is common that the listening classroom is more or less dominant by the teacher use the invisible tape to play it again and agaim for various kinds of English listening tests, there is no warm or positive listcning cnvironment, which in turn may greatly hinder the college stadents from participating in the teaching and lcarming, To some extent, in these boring tcacbing cnvirommcnot, not only Englisb teacber have no effective mcthods that tcach csscntial knowledge to their students, but also college stodent can't execute a more active role and can't be kept motivated, interested and confident, which lead to Englisth listening teaching failore eventally.

  III. Some Solutions to Improve English Listening in College Sudents

  1. Getting College Students Understand Background Knonledge in Englih Listening

  The Cross-Cultural Speech Act Reaism Project (CCSARP) has pointcd out that the English listening lcarners should have appropriate social and cultural knonwledge and skills that have appropriste back. ground knowledge. That means college students should understand what they bcar according to their purpose of listening and their background knovledge. Gencrally spcaking. there cxists great lack of communication or liniks among diferent culural background and some efforts sbould be made to fll in the gap There are four componcnts for forcign cultures; cultural product, cultural practice, culural idcntity/ social variation and cultural institution. Therefore, this indicates that college English tcacher should choose o0 of these patterms of everyday life in wecstcrm country at last on  one  hand, college English teachers should give brief background information in English listcning  class to college students. On the other hand, college English teachers  sbould devise two lessons based on the westem background  knowlcdge, and alfter that tceachers sbould justify the appropriate content, topic, materials, activities, mctbodology and gencral approach according to whecther college students undcrstand the background knowlcdge of not. Those simple and convcenicnt strategies will stimulate college studcnts' intercsts and improve thcir English listcming ability elcctively.

  As to the collage students, if they don't snderstand westerm culture, history, gcography, socicty and custom, they can't lear English well.

  The language is a carrier of culture, where the listening conversation  involves the westerm background knowledge. Maybe it is difficult for college students to rcalize it. Thurs, it is more important to cencoarage them to read relevant boolks about western gograplhy, history, culture, stories and s0 on, which can broadcn their hortizons, in their spare time. Of course, to improve Englisth listcning of collge students in Englistb listening classes is a combination comtent in which the listening ability should continsously be inmproved. Therefore, those ways may help  college students kearn English listening flectively and understand all sorts of relative English knowledge casily,

  2. Some New Strategies for College Students to Improve English Listening

  (1)Intensive listening

  Listen to soveral tapes preciscly. The best mctbod is to follow the prescribed order, and then step by step to catch the speed Ar the beginning. our collkge students had better select several high quality reconds and modcrate speed tapes, their recording speed is gencrally 120 wornds one minute. In order to lay a good foundation, students should hear cach section of this part of recording repeatedly, dozens of times. They cam do some notes or d the dictation by themselves. When students finish one sentence, press the paase buttom, and then write it out. After having the whole esay dictated, they should check it with transcript. The contcnts of this section for cach time should be proper, a dialogue or an essay is cnough. For the beginners, it is particularly important, because it i the foundation for all English learmcrs, If college studcnts keep on listcning the standard tape every day, our progress is obvious and great. To sclect the precise rcording, college students should pay atention to the follow ing four respocts: 1) the recording is moderate speed (120 wonds per minute), 2) The recording is of high quality, clear, and genuinc. 3) It should include two diffcrent acccnts at kcast 4) It contains Amcrican acccnt and British spcent, when students feel that they acquire of good ability in this phase, plcase listen more speed tape.

  (2) Extensive listcning

  When college students have a foundation of intcasive listening. they can choose some interesting sorics to listen. These matcrials can make them familiar with the pronunciation and broaden their knowledge. In this phase, don't let tape stop: studcnts can just catch its  gencral idea of the reconding. If students can't understand what the speaker has said, please go back, and then listcn again. In case students still doa't catch the meaning, check the langmage points then continue to listcn. lo the course of listening. college students may meet some new words they don't undcrstand, if the words don't influcnce the whole conteets, studcots should leave them aside and coacentrate on  their listcning All those principlcs are helpful for college studcnts.

  (3) Radio

  Listen to the radio, especially VOA and BBC. News reports are idcal practice materials because they are casily accessible and there is a real rcason for studcats to listen: college studcnts want to know what's happening in the world. They could wake u five minutes earlier and listen to the mews in English. Make it a goal to learn several ncw words cach timc. Try 1o imitate the annoumcer and talk along with him.


  TV is an ecellent resource for listcning to English. The pictures help sudcnts understand what is being said. Especially watch CCTV-9, which is the English Channel Try to watch the mews in English instead of in Chinese. If collge students dose not have aceess to a TV, they may be able to watch movies on the Internet Listening to others' talk is a good preparation for talking yourself.

  (5) lnternct

  it is now mach casicr to listen to the English language on the Interact. Tbe tcacher will need to bawe special software called "players" isalled 00 multi-computcr. Most sites work with two players, the Real player from Real Networks and the Windows Media Player from Microsoft. Both these packages are free and the teacher may already have them installed on mutti-computer. Search for English  matcrial on the net, Instead of chatting in Chinese on the nect, try to chat in English! Check out web sites o0 the Intermet that have been designed for college students and teachers. Some world-wide wchsites have recently come on line and are jointing Sino British language learming project with support from the British Council, China Central Radio and Television University and the BBC. Two sectioms of this free wcbsite will interest college students to lcam Englisb consciously.


  3. Creating the Modern English Listening Eavironment

  With the start of a mew millennium we have centered a mew information age. modcm environmcnt of English listcning atlaches great importance to achieve the improvement of English listening More modem icaching systemns ane thus nseded to help collkage studkats become thoughtful prticipants in a socialy-tich cavironment for learning Englisb listening and that feature collge students" use of English langage. To fll this p. English teachers sbould introdace ollege students those features of comsiderable teaching cnvironment  multimedis.

  (1) The use of video in English liscning class

  College studcents today have a strong visual oricntation becase of their contact with tclevision, movies and vidcos. It is a part of their lives, if msed carefally, it can be employed to the college stuadents' and English teacbers' leaming and teaching. Video, for cxample, has many uses in classroom. This medium makes explanations clearer, grabs the studcnts' intcrests, and is very adaptable to all level of studcnts and many different lessons for the material of listening.

  (2) See suitable films in English listening class

  Nowadays, the forcign fms have gainod immense popularity in Chinese market, so the number of EFL teachers cencourage college studcnts to see some suitable films is incrcasing rapidly im English listening class. The first thing teachers have to do is to choose a film, or teachers can give students the free right to list films they want to see, since not all films are suitable, tcacher should judge what type of film woald be appropriate to the students, but there are a few hits to be conmsidered: (a) Choose fims with clearly drawn main charascters. (b) Avoid films that assume detailed background knowledge of a subjeet or culture, which studcnts do no have.

  Some wel-knowm films, sach as The Aregamce cned Pegjulice, Romeo and Juliet, The Lion King, Hamle, and so on are roomcrnded. An Enghish teacher Beeds a furtbser worksheet to give out after the stadents vicwing the cntire film, Thc dicussion which it gencratcs the cnd product of the notc-aking the stadcnts have beon doing throughout the different background of the fhem and appeociate it 25 a whole,. The ollowup worksbeet should consist of: (a) Questions and tasks for discussion hased on the information the students have colleted on the film. (b) Students sbould ppraise the main themes, fEavorite sccnCS and charactes. For example, in the fihm The L.icom King, studcents can exchange their ideas about the difierenees and similarities between this film and other fims, if they know this drarma, or discuss the animal protection, erc.


  4. Combination of Listening and Other Aspeets of Teaching Skills to Impreve English Listening

  English listening. speaking, reading, writing are the fowr basic skills for the college students to lear English language well. Giencrally spcaking. these four skills can't be scparated. Pcople oftcn say "First listcning and speaking, then reading and writing". That's right. But in my personal opinion, this way of reading and writing is ooly suitable  for the beginning stage, for college students, listcning and speaking are more important. Bcfore tcachers anc going to have a ncw lcsson, do reading and writing first. Ask students to read the text in advance, and do some exercises comnected with the text, Listening and speaking are the major ways while teaching the new lessomn. Be sure to let the lesson go on in a forcign language situation. In English class, tcachers can ask students qucstions about the test, do some discussions, and check the students" homework, which can heclp students to understand or comprchend the sentcnces and the texl, It can alse help stadents nise their abilirty of listening and spcaking Thercfore,  as stated above, wbile tcachers are training these four skills, they'd better make full use of their teaching instniment, which means to use varictics of ways to stimulate the sudcns" intcrests.

  IV. Conclusion

  This paper analyzes that, in current tcaching of listening conditions, teachers and college stadcnts should pay cmough atention to ffective listening skill training. which greatly affeets students' communication with others. This paper analyzcs some main factors  that influence college students' listening ability, then it pets forward some practical solutions to these existing problems. With the  awarcness-raising and skill-cnabling listcning cxercises, college students can have more opportunitics to effectively improve their English listening ability to a bighar level.




  Works Cited


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  [6]王建国,夏德良.听力应试指南[M]. 上海:上海外语教育出版社,2001.





