例1.There is workto employ thousands ofpeo-ple .
例2.The field areunderwater after the heavyrain .
例3."Prince Oscarmustcome to the royal din-ner, Your Highness,"He said very firmly.
例4."Prince Oscarmust come to the royal din-ner, Your Highness"he said very firmly.
例3的斜体部分是"must",那么这句话是要强调"一定要去"这个语意,而例4的斜体部分是"Prince Oscar",那么例4强调的是"去的一定是Prince Oscar这个人"这个语意.由此可见,因为斜体部分的不同,同一个句子会有很大的语意上的差异.
例5.What does the doctor need to know?In theinitial interview the doctor needs to know as much aspossible about you , as it relates to your ailments.
This is the medical history, and although informaland brief it is the first step at arriving at a diagnosis.……此段中的斜体部分旨在强调这一段文字的重要性,要求读者格外注意.
例6. That man, strutting, preening, posing,and spouting nonsense, is a new kind of animatedcartoon, a sort of mentalMaGoo.
例7. He was a trueMicawberwho thought thatthe world owed him a living. Micawber是麦可勃先生,是狄·更斯的小说《大卫·科波菲尔》中的人物,虽然经济上暂陷困境,但始终乐观,认为总能否极泰来.因此Micawber不仅仅是一个人的名字,而且具有特殊的含义,这句话也是形容作者所说的这个人具有Mr Micawber一样的性格和特点,同样也用了斜体字.以示强调和借用.
例8. A recent BBC English programme asked agroup of English speakers to give their opinion on us-ing the word"Lover"to describe the person they love:
"'Lover',um, it just sounds too sexual,……""The word'lover'you wouldn't tend to use inconversations to your friends""I don't have a lover.""I don't know. It sort of implies, maybe you'renot living together, or maybe you're somebody'
s mistress.""It makes me blush a bit, actually, if people say'lover'. I always think, I don't think I reallywant to know that."Those people weren't happy about using theword"lover"to describe someone they're havinga relationship with. One of them even found theword embarrassing.
例9. What they were singing was a jubilanthymn that beginsO beautiful for spacious skies, /For amber waves of grain…It was a song that al-most all Americans today can remember havinglearned.
这段文字是作者在对一首很着名的美国歌曲"America the Beautiful"进行论述时,摘抄了其中的一句歌词,因此使用了斜体字.
例10. Stop Press:"Maastricht was a treaty toofar"so says Margeret Thatcher(ex-Prime Ministerof Britain) from the Sunday Times of 28 May 1995.
Mrs Thatcher has been vehemently opposed to theMaastricht Treaty designed to set in place the frame-work for a federal United States of Europe.
例11. Robbie: so do I〔He begins to turn offthe lights〕I have to turn off the lights, or else my fa-ther will get really angry. He says I never turn themout when I leave. If they come home and they're on….〔He moves his index finger across his throat toshow that his father will be angry.〕斜体字的部分为舞台说明,这种情况下使用斜体书写便于读者区分哪些是剧本对白,哪些是说明性文字.
例12.Family Album,U.S.A..(书名)
例13.American Beautywas also the screen de-but for screenwriter Alan Ball.(电影名)
例14. The first favorable comment came fromthe ChicagoTribune,and was followed by thespringfieldRepublican,a Massachusetts newspaper.(杂志名)
例15. It remember January 6 of last year-that's When the first album came out- and…Baby,One More Time〔the single〕was doing really well,and I was like,"Oh my God ,I can't wait for the al-bum to come out.…"(歌曲名)
例16. It was here that he made his famous"IHave a Dream"speech, in which he told about thedream he had for his four children.(演讲名).
例17.A Ride with Bill Gates Down the Infor-mation Highway.(标题)
例18. The book costs 50yuan.(汉语"元")
例19. If interested inqigong,you can take thetraining course at the club.(汉语"气功")
例20.…On which there first was graven acrowned A,And lower ,Amor vincit omnia.(拉丁文=Love conquers all)
例21.…But that which is specially to be notedis ,that those which aresui amantes,sine rivali,aremany times unfortunate.(拉丁文=Lovers of themselves without a rival)
例22. His"l"s and"c"s are indistinguishable.
例23."Tactics require concentration of troops,"This is a simple sentence,Tacticsis the subject andrequireis the predicate verb.
例24. Later in December, theMayflowercrossed Massachusetts Bay and anchored in PlymouthHarbour.