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来源:学术堂 作者:任老师
发布于:2017-04-26 共3995字
  Abstract: in the context of the development of higher education, the development of English Majors in China is faced with many problems in the aspects of subject orientation, quality control and teachers. The construction of English major needs to discuss how to innovate, improve the quality of personnel training, and promote the development of discipline. Based on the literature analysis, combined with the relevant data from the English professional connotation, teaching quality standards, training objectives, curriculum setting, teaching mode, teaching evaluation, achievement test, teacher development and other aspects of English specialty construction is analyzed and put forward relevant suggestions, in order to promote the sustainable development of English majors.
  Key words: English major; reform; development; thinking;
  Abstract: graduation thesis (Design) is the main form of higher education to examine the comprehensive quality of students, and to evaluate the graduation results. It is not only an important teaching link to achieve the goal of personnel training, but also an important indicator of the evaluation of teaching level. In recent years, with the change of social demand for talents, the types and types of colleges and universities in our country are constantly refined. As for the types of colleges and universities, the initial research institutions, and then developed into a combination of research and application of colleges and universities, and then to promote the transformation of colleges and universities into the application of colleges and universities. As for the professional type, it clearly divided the research and application. In the face of these changes, college graduation thesis (Design) still follow the traditional model, did not make the corresponding changes and adjustments, the quality of its social criticism and questioned more and more. In this context, it is of great theoretical value and practical significance to carry out the reform of graduation thesis (design)。 Undergraduate and Vocational College English major personnel training specifications are different, the same professional direction of different personnel training objectives are also different, so the investigation of the talent should be different and highlight the pertinence. In recent years, some researchers have made a preliminary research on the graduation form of each major in Higher Vocational colleges. Under the guidance of the three theories of competency based evaluation theory, multiple intelligence theory and self-efficacy theory, we put forward the demonstration report as the graduation form of Applied English major in Higher Vocational colleges. Xiangxi Vocational and Technical College far Nationalities Department of Applied Foreign Language Application of English Majors in this study (education direction) as a case study, a total of 121 articles were collected by the analysis of graduation thesis, applied English major volume content (Education) quality analysis method research topic and qualitative content. At the same time, using the questionnaire to conduct a survey of the professional 14 full-time teachers, from the assessment objectives, assessment content, assessment of the implementation of the three graduation thesis illustrates the reasons affecting the quality of graduation thesis and. Through two surveys, we found that the problem was focused on the assessment objectives, assessment content, assessment of the implementation of the three aspects, and found the reasons for the problem. Have a detailed understanding of the basic requirements in the training target, on the case of higher vocational talent cooperation enterprise requirements, young children's English teacher occupation skill set and professional courses, puts forward four concrete models show report: mode of classroom teaching, children's drama and children English mode English story mode, children English dance mode. According to the relevant theoretical knowledge of the four models, the respective scoring criteria were established. In this paper, from the three aspects of curriculum factors, teacher factors and student factors, the paper further demonstrates the practical and effective measures to ensure the effective and effective presentation.
  Key words: graduation thesis (Design); Higher Vocational English education; presentation; evaluation system; guarantee condition;
  Abstract: as early as twentieth Century, foreign scholars began to focus on the study of English academic writing in the year of 80s. As a representative of ESP genre analysis school, Swales's theory of step analysis has been widely applied to the study of various chapters of academic papers. However, compared with other chapters, few studies focus on the conclusion, and lack of the conclusion of the thesis. This study assumes that there is a regular structure in the conclusion part of the graduate thesis of English majors, and this structure can be represented by the step analysis and the component element analysis. The research will be to answer the following three questions: (1) what are the English major graduate thesis conclusion chapter? (2) in order to realize these functions, how is the rhetorical structure conclusion chapter? (3) in which moves the rhetorical structure and conclusion chapter moves, each of which component elements and prominent language clues? The English Major Postgraduates in two language acquisition and English teaching direction of the graduation thesis as the research object, from the Chinese HowNet were randomly selected from 2012-2014 from three normal university graduate graduation thesis, a total of 90 articles. Based on the five step extraction of the Nwogu model and the analysis of the Bitchener model proposed by the author in the paper, the author establishes a new model of the five step and the thirteen step analysis in the field of applied linguistics. Through qualitative research methods described, the results of the study showed that English major graduate thesis conclusion chapter is mainly the following: summarize the current research (including research background, research purpose, research methods and research results, presents the overview) study found that the evaluation of theoretical research, evaluation of the practical significance of the study, discusses the limitations the current research and suggestions for future research. Second, in order to realize these functions, the 90 chapter conclusion rhetorical structure is composed of five moves altogether, namely “chapter”, “study on reproduction” and “research summary” and “evaluation”, and “future research suggestion”. The “reproduce” the four points “moves, presenting background information, research purpose, research questions or hypotheses presented”, “present research methods” and “general research achievements show”; “the study found that summarize the move is divided into three moves:” the study found in straight form “and” research results “,” interpretation of results “;” evaluation on the move can be divided into four moves, respectively is the “theoretical contribution to the evaluation of practical significance evaluation” and “explaining the theory and practice of contribution evaluation, evaluation of the limitations of the” five step “by the language; there is the” and “interpretation”. Finally, the five steps and the thirteen steps are made up of a certain component element or a certain language clue. The language and the thirteen steps are made up of a certain component element or a certain language clue.
  Key words: English major graduate thesis; structural analysis; component elements; language cues;