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来源:学术堂 作者:郝老师
发布于:2015-06-24 共3878字


  Nowadays, global economy develops so fast,the success ratio of new productdevelopment is decided the company can serve or not. To develop new product consistently, itis not only to make company find more benefit but also to make company adapt thedevelopment of the market,help company improving the competence to be a long history firmin the situation.

  A lot of muti- national companies have very strong capacity on new productdevelopment. It is helpful to make a company improving competence in the market if they candevelop a product which is widely accepted by the market. More importance is that it makesthe company can earn lots of money, means that company can enhance research team further,e.g., Apple is such company. They concentrate the all of effort on the digital music systemeven at very critical condition. It helps apple enter a totally new area from a PC company afterit is successful. Also Ipod can be a demo to the iphone, all of new innovation product bringhuge profit for Apple. Based on that, Apple can invent more money to develop new PC & Pad,which keep Apple stay at the top of the technical companies in the world.

  New product development can't be success all the time. There is a risk behind it. Thepercentage of failure is quite high and the cost is huge as well. Sometimes, it may make acompany bankrupt. One of well-known case is the Iridium star invented by Motorola.

  Motorola spend 20 years to get it commercialization, however, the fact give them a bigsurprise. A low cost traditional cell phone has been occupied whole market. Due to lack ofstable customer source, Motorola lose lot of money and have to stop the business.

  We always face many challenges during new product development process. It is not onlybecause of traditional technical issue but also because of marketing change and internalcooperation. It is including initiating a process of new product development, product control,technical innovation and marketing innovation. New products development is ology ofmanagement system. Many companies have their own unique experience and method on it.

  And also have lots failure case which can help us to learn from it. We try to build up astandard way to our company on how to improve their efficiency on new productdevelopment based on so many experiences. It is the reason why I do the lecture.

  Key Words: New product development; process control; technical innovation; marketinginnovation


  As a long term incentive, equity incentive plays an important role in corporategovernance mechanism. It makes operators or employees participate in business decision,profit-sharing and risk-taking like stockholders and devote themselves into the company'slong term development by empowering them to acquire company's stock or correspondingeconomic benefits. Equity incentive is getting more and more attentions from capital marketsand public companies and becomes an important part of enterprise's core managementcompensation.

  593 public companies in 2526 which IPO in China's A-share market have announced theimplementation of equity incentive plans since China Securities Regulatory Commissionpromulgated Public Companies Incentive Management Measures (Trial)。This paper selectedseveral representative samples from these 593 companies after studied the basic concepts andviewpoints on equity incentive from home and abroad. It analyzed the reasons for success orfailure in their equity incentive plans and summarized the implementation status andinspiration of equity incentive in China's capital market.

  DFL is a representative compMiy which IPO in GEM of China's A-share market and itsequity incentive is in process. I found that the design of equity incentive plans had a greatrelationship with the market condition, time node, grant price, performance goals and taxesetc through doing research on the program design,assessment objective,implementation andincentive effect of DFL's equity incentive plan. And only with good communications withincentive personnel and a coherent and sustainable equity incentive plan could companiesenhance their operating performance and achieve long-term healthy development. Afterstudied equity incentive plans of several sample companies and DFL, I thought someimprovements need to be done in laws and supporting systems about China's publiccompanies' equity incentive plans and I made some personal advices in this issue.

  In conclusion, I found that the implementation of equity incentive plans in publiccompanies had become a trend based on the research of this paper. Strengthening relatedpolicies and implementing equity incentive and employee stock ownership plans could bebeneficial to the construction of China's capital market and improving the management abilityof China's A-share public companies.

  Key words : Equity Incentive; Public Company; DFL; Design and Optimization


  With the Chinese 4G era,consumers are increasingly demanding on mobile Internetservices. Three operators are establishing a large-scale 4G network, at the same time,thehigh quality service and competition of flow business are to further upgrade.

  This paper takes Gansu Unicom Company as the research object,analyzes itsrelationship marketing strategy based on related theories and previous literature. Sincenew changes has been brought by 4G license issuance to the development of telecom industry,the competition situation of telecom industry is analyzed with the “five forces model”, andseveral service innovation cases serves as a reference for the relationship marketing strategyof Gansu Unicom. A SWOT analysis is conducted to evaluate the external environment andinternal conditions of Gansu Unicom,which points out the necessity of genus Unicom toimplement relationship marketing. Based on the above analysis, this paper puts forward sixspecific strategies for the implementation of relationship marketing in Gansu Unicom,including external customers, internal customers, government, suppliers, distributors andcompetitors. To ensure the implementation of the relationship marketing strategy, a series ofsecurity measures should be adopted,such as work focus, departments' integration,networkconstruction, staff learning, rules and regulations, service system, and continuousimprovement, etc.

  The research of relationship marketing strategy of Gansu Unicom will help GansuUnicom improve its customer relationship management, and have theoretical and practicalsignificance for the company to solve development problem bring by 4G. At the same time,this research will provide reference for other telecommunication enterprises to implementrelationship marketing.

  Key words: 4G; relationship marketing; telecom industry; competition


  FY Glass is a world famous auto parts company and has a high market share. In the faceof the fierce competition in the industry, enterprises have to pay close attention to maintainexisting customers and keep existing market share, then turn its focus to the direction of“perfect and strongest”. Based on the actual situation of FY glass,this article established thespecific enterprise customer satisfaction analysis model from the point of two types ofcustomer (domestic joint venture and the domestic independent brand), to determine theinfluence factors of customer satisfaction,and at the end of the article using the analytichierarchy process (AHP) to determine each factor's impact on customer satisfaction. Based onthe result of analysis, this article gave some suggestions to improve customer satisfactionmanagement of FY glass to make the conclusion of this research has the stronger operabilityand more practical to provide theory and method support for the enterprise.

  Key Words: Auto parts,FY Glass, Customer Satisfaction, AHP
