Currently, the development of all-round talents gets more and more attention inuniversity education. Generally, like traditional teaching, the environment can alsounconsciously influence students' temperament and psychology. The idea gets more and moreapproval. People also communicate with each other in the environment at every moment,andobtain different feeling such as joy and sorrow. The spiritual communication closes thedistance and promotes emotion of each other. Besides,this meaningful and sentient spacewhich can produce imaginations and feelings can achieve results of improve memory.
Space is the product which connects senses,experiences and memories of the past. Beautifiil environment image can achieve spectacular effect. Man is the center of the environment, and influences each other. People are influenced by Environment with objects and their sense organ,and provided direct and real sensory stimulation. Through these elements people can experience and feel the environment. Campus type of invite type can attract students stay and watching,get them involved in positive activities in campus, and deliver the friendly and welcoming signal constantly. Students will naturally stay and play in the area which they are interested in,and enjoy the pleasant experience.
This article aims to explore the role of this kind of emotional space in university campusenvironment construction, at the same time to explore a kind of design of increasing lowintensity contact form in campus space. Finally the daily demand of teachers and students canbe satisfied, and an emotional, humanized, personalized and comfortable campus environmentspace can be created.
This thesis focuses on the selection of attributes. Attribute is an importantsyntactic component in grammar, but takes different forms in English and Chinese. Inthe analyses of David Hawkes5 and Yang Xianyi's English versions of Hong LouMeng about the selection of attributes in the Third Chapter,the thesis has madestudies on the attributes translation. At first, the translated attributes have beenclassified into groups in order to find out their sources in the source text. Then, thethesis makes comparisons between the two English versions and the source text toreveal the similarities and differences between two translated versions in attributesselection. On the basis of Toury's Norm theory and other translation theories, thegiven examples in Chapter Three and Four have demonstrated the translators'
decision-making process in attributes selection. Through the analysis of selectedattributes in the two English versions of Hong Lou Meng and their comparisons withthe source text, this thesis has concluded with three types about selection of Englishattributes in C-E translation practice, namely, the selection of attributes in the sourcetext, the selection of non-attributive syntactic components in the source text, and theselection of addition. For the norm theory of Toury, translation is an activity that isconstrained by sociocultural norms. According to the comparisons,the two Englishversions share similarities and differences in the selection of attributes. Among all thefactors that influence the translators,the dominant culture affects the initial norms oftranslators. The preliminary norms, which deal with the translators' situatedtranslating environment and translating styles, account for their differences on theselection of attributes. Based on the similarities of the two English versions, the thesishas concluded the translation norms of attributes in C-E translation practice: attributesin Chinese hold the similar syntactic position and information status so that they areusually translated into attributes in English; because of grammar differences of twolanguages and other factors, attributes in the ST can be transformed into othernon-attribute syntactic components; there are added attributes in the TTs, whoseexistence are constrained by the differences between the source language and targetlanguage. The selected attributes in the TT, either by addition or by conversion fromnon-attributive syntactic parts are all secondary in information status in thetranslational context. This thesis contains three parts. The first part reviews studies ofattributes in English and Chinese and their comparisons; the studies of attributetranslation and Hong Lou Meng's English versions. The second part is the main bodyof this thesis, including Chapter Three and Chapter Four. It reveals the sources ofattributes in the TTs with a description of their similarities and dissimilarities inattributes selection after a close examination of the attributes in the two versions. Itconcludes with some norms of attribute selection in line with Toury's theory of norm.
The third part is the conclusion of this thesis with the findings, limitations andsuggestions of this thesis.
This study takes the new curriculurn reform as the background, which focuses onclassroom learning behavior of high school students, as well as the present situation ofthis research at home and abroad today. Through the study of students' classroombehavior, the paper wants to understaml the high school students's classroom behavfor,especiallv high school students with learning difficulty in English .At the same time,through studying learning motivation learning strategy, and learning attitude of seniorhigh school students and high school students with feaming difficulty,the authorwants to change a point of view to put forward some suggestions and opink>ns on howto improve students' present situation Finally the author expects to get a moreeffective method to improve the ability of students' fcarning English. At the same time,the study is aimed to make the teachers happ>. and parents satisfied. Also, it hopes toget some effective methods to manage students for school administratfon managementof senior high school in English learning.
This paper researches the senior middle school students,classroom behavior withEnglish learning difficulty by using the method of qualitative research. The researchersets … Middte school as an example. The researcher chooses six excellent middleschool students and six middle school students with English learning difficulty, totallyabout 12 middle school students as the case study. Through the classroom observation,interviews and combined with the related research literature, theoretical research, theresearcher analyzes the present situation of excellent senior middle school students'
actions in the classroom and the students with learning difficulty in English. Theresearcher puts forward some suggestions about the problems of middle schoolstudents with learning difficulty in English.
Through the internal cause of the students with learning difficulty, learningattitudes,learning strategies, the learning base of the students with learningdifficulties,together with outer reasons, the environment of education, the teachers*education, and different families' influence, researchers put forward some pertinentopinions and suggestions. These opinions and suggestions include some opinions forsenior high school students, especially for the students with learning difficulty.
Namely the students with learning difficulty in English can by various methodsunderstand their own foundation to standardize the behavior of their classroom. Afterknowing the actual situation of the ir own, they can take real actions with the help ofthemselves, teachers and their parents. For high school English teachers , they shouldput forward some views that they try their best to treat every student equally, andcarefully understand the basis of every student: teach students in accordance withthe ir aptitude: elaborately design teaching content about students . And for the parentsof high school students with learning difficulty, they should live in peace togetherwith their children. They should understand “empathy: pay attention to cooperatingwith teachers' teaching and focus on their children's behaviors. Then school andsociety should create a good environment for high school students especially for highschool students with learning difficulty in English.