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来源:学术堂 作者:师老师
发布于:2019-06-20 共3625字

  摘 要

  目前,江西省进入老龄化已经十年,老龄化这一问题也日益突出,对政府管理能力、社会保障体系、社会和谐提出了新的挑战。如何让老年人得到足够的照顾和关心,需要科学应对,统筹安排。2015 年江西省有常住人口 456563 万人,其中有大约 1388%超过了 60 岁,更有 944%的人超过了 65 岁,其中有约百分之十五属于失能老人,需要接受长期的护理服务。在现实生活中,一般是由子女、大多数是中年人照顾失能老人。他们作为社会和家庭的顶梁柱,既要抚养自己的子女,又要照顾失能的父母,还必须辛苦地工作,这些因素综合产生了很多问题。







  Jiangxi province has entered the aging ten years,the aging problem has becomeincreasingly prominent,which brings new challenges to government management,social security and social stability How to let the elderly be taken care of and happy,need scientific response, overall arrangement Until the end of 2015,there are4,565,630,000 residents in Jiangxi province Among them,the proportion of thepopulation aged 60 and over,who is 65 years old or above,account for 1388% and944% of the total population, nearly twenty percent of the elderly people belong tothe elderly who have lost energy and need to receive long-term care In reality,thecare of the elderly is generally undertaken by the family and mainly by their children

  Their children should not only support their parents,but also raise their children,andthey also assume the main responsibilities of the work,which makes long-term careproduce a lot of problems Coupled with the decline of the physical function of theelderly,the continuous rising of medical costs and the insufficient protection of theexisting social insurance,it brings economic burden to families and brings negativeeffects to the society

  This research report is divided into four parts First, this paper introduces threebasic theories of long-term care insurance, including welfare pluralism theory,demographic transition theory and also Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory Secondly,the report introduces the basic situation of long-term care insurance in Jiangxi Next,it analyzes the opportunities facing the development of long-term care insurance inJiangxi Province, with a rapidly aging population, empty nest families, professionalcare and lack of family economic burden, but also pointed out that the development ofthis insurance challenge, both the lack of relevant laws and regulations, but also theproduct pricing is complex, lack of resources, nursing consumers do not understandthe problem Then, based on the provincial situation of Jiangxi province, this reportsummarizes the experience and lessons of long-term care insurance in the US, Japanand Qingdao, analyze them and get some enlightenment to the development oflong-term care insurance in Jiangxi Province Finally, based on the problems talkedabove, this report proposed some countermeasures and suggestions Thecountermeasures include: improving the relevant laws and regulations as soon aspossible; diversifying the source of funds; expanding the insurance coverage of thepopulation from urban workers to urban residents and rural population; combining various payment methods including payment of cash and provision of care services

  At present, Jiangxi is in the process of population aging As an important part ofsocial welfare, long-term care insurance should catch up with the pace of Jiangxi'sdevelopment, and give full play to promoting the harmonious development of societyand protecting the rights and interests of the elderly

  Key Words: Long-term Care Insurance; Nursing for The Aged; Ageing of population

  目 录


  1.1 调研背景与调研意义


  2016 年,人力和社会资源保障部第一批找到了十五个城市进行试点,分别计划推行长期护理保险,其中就有江西省上饶市。2017 年夏,江西省上饶市正式启动长期护理保险试点工作,这一试点对江西省来说既是机遇也是挑战。因此,本文的研究意义有如下三点:





  1.2 主要内容与结构安排
  1.3 调研实施过程
  1.4 本文的创新与不足
  1.4.1 本文的创新
  1.4.2 本文的不足


  2.1 福利多元主义理论
  2.2 人口转变理论
  2.3 马斯洛需求层次理论


  3.1 推行模式
  3.2 配套政策
  3.3 实施成效


  4.1 江西省发展长期护理保险面临的机遇
  4.1.1 人口加速老龄化
  4.1.2 家庭结构日趋空巢化
  4.1.3 失能人群缺少专业护理
  4.1.4 长期护理给家庭带来较大压力
  4.2 江西省发展长期护理保险面临的挑战
  4.2.1 缺少相关法律法规.
  4.2.2 产品定价复杂
  4.2.3 护理资源短缺
  4.2.4 消费者对险种缺乏了解


  5.1 国内外发展长期护理保险的经验
  5.1.1 美国的商业性长期护理保险模式
  5.1.2 日本的政府强制性长期护理保险模式
  5.1.3 青岛市的长期护理保险试点的经验
  5.2 国内外长期护理保险的发展经验对江西省的启示


  6.1 建立完善的政策法规体系
  6.2 资金来源多样化
  6.3 逐步扩大覆盖人群
  6.4 现金给付和护理服务给付相结合


