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来源:学术堂 作者:师老师
发布于:2019-06-20 共3587字

  摘 要





  In this paper, rural primary school teachers multi-disciplinary teaching asa starting point, a primary school in Shandong Province as the main researchobject, through the investigation and analysis of the local teaching situation,analysis of primary school teachers multi-disciplinary teaching reasons, effectsand problems In the careful investigation of the locals, the author introducesthree evaluation models for comprehensive analysis First, teachers'

  self-evaluation Through questionnaires and targeted interviews,teachers'attitudes and views on multidisciplinary teaching are obtained Second,students' internal evaluation As the main body of classroom learning, studentsare most qualified to comment on this teaching mode Introducingstudents'evaluation will help to communicate the relationship between teachersand students, form teacher-student communication and interaction, and makeboth sides participate in the thinking of this phenomenon Third, third partyresearchers evaluated The researcher himself and the relevant experiencedsingle-subject teachers attended the multi-disciplinary classroom in the field,and scored by the standard classroom observation scale To integrate threeaspects, we can get complete information and analysis The research process isdivided into three parts: the early stage, the middle stage and the later stage Inthe early stage, we mainly consulted the basic information of local rural primaryschools, and then designed questionnaires to collect basic information accordingto the relevant situation Sort out the effective questionnaires collected byrecycling Select the relevant representative questionnaires, looking for teachersand students to conduct in-depth interviews to obtain more information aboutthem In the mid-term, researchers processed the acquired information and beganto enter the actual multi-disciplinary teaching classroom, using the standardclassroom observation scale for case evaluation to verify the accuracy of theinformation obtained Supplementary information was not included in the questionnaires and interviews Finally, after integrating these data, it isconcluded that the current level of multidisciplinary teaching in rural primaryschools is actually in the middle-to-upper stage Then the researchers analyzedsome of the negative effects existing in the current multi-disciplinary teaching

  After reviewing the reasons for these negative effects, they found that themulti-disciplinary teachers still have problems such as excessive stress andobstruction of professional development In addition, as the developmentdirection of multi-disciplinary teachers, the author refers to the standards ofgeneral teachers to find out some shackles of the current professionaldevelopment of multi-disciplinary teachers Finally, some reflections andsuggestions are put forward from the aspects of self-improvement of teachers,the work of schools and related departments, and the training of teachers inColleges and universities, so as to play a certain reference role in the localprimary school education reform and the development of multi-disciplinaryteaching in primary schools

  Keywords: multidisciplinary teaching; Rural primary schools; Teaching status;Teacher development

  目 录




  我国对于基础教育重视由来已久,非常注重基础教育教师的培养。由于东部与西部、城市与农村区域发展不均衡及教育资源配置不均衡等问题,在进行“撤点并校”的过程中,虽然一定程度上缓解了农村基础教育的分散和不均衡问题,但是随着学校减少,单个学校学生数量增多,教师数量本身并没有上升。随着大学的进一步扩招,我国大学生数量迅速增长,但是毕业生愿意到西部地区和农村地区进行教学的数量并不多,大多数教育专业的学生为了自己的人生发展,选择留在城市学校或社会教育机构进行教学。2007 年 5 月,国务院决定对教育部直属师范大学实行免费师范生教育。2018 年 3 月,教育部等五个部门印发《教师教育振兴行动计划(2018-2022 年》(简称计划)提出,改进师范生免费教育政策,将“免费师范生”改称为“公费师范生”,并将其任期时间调整为 6 年。《计划》在其施行措施中一条提出,将进行“乡村教师素质提高行动,通过公费培养政策,为乡村小学补充全科教师。”国家对于公费师范生师资建设的重视,正好说明了对小学教学的重视,其中专门提出了为乡村小学补充全科教师,体现了国家对于乡村教师紧缺和改革教学模式的探索。将教师的任期时间改为六年,正好与小学的学制相符合,使得教师不会在学生完成小学教育的中途离岗,改变学生在六年教育期间屡换责任教师的尴尬局面,使得教师和学生能够达到更好的沟通互信与共同成长。这种将教师的培养策略上升到国家宏观政策层面,显示出了我国对于农村教育体制改革的决心。将培养乡村小学全科教师的政策写入行动计划之中,显示了我国已经将多学科教学,培养全科教师当作了促进教育发展的途径。

  目前,我国国内已经开始有学校进行整合课程的教学尝试,如清华大学附属小学已经开始尝试将国家规定的十几门课程整合为五大领域。在台湾地区,全科教师负责小学的“包班制”,一个班由 2-3 名教师负责,已经成为广为使用的模式。目前,深圳部分学校已经开展了小学试点。因此,探索农村小学教师多学科教学现状,了解学生的发展状态和教师的行为处境,可以为小学多学科教学模式的发展及农村教育的改革提供一些参考。



  二、X 小学学生与师资配备状况

  (一)X 小学概述








