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来源:学术堂 作者:秦老师
发布于:2017-05-18 共14286字

  [89]. Rev Launches Performance Management Platform[J]. Wireless News,2016,:.
  [90]. Waste Management Research; Researchers from Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines d'Ales Detail Findings in Waste Management Research [Influence of impurities on the performances of HIPS recycled from Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)][J]. Ecology, Environment & Conservation,2016,:.
  [91]Peter Heisig,Olunifesi Adekunle Suraj,Aino Kianto,Cosmas Kemboi,Gregorio Perez Arrau,Nasser Fathi Easa. Knowledge management and business performance: global experts' views on future research needs[J]. Journal of Knowledge Management,2016,206:.
  [92]. Conservation Research; New Conservation Research Findings Has Been Reported by Investigators at Curtin University (Performance evaluation and benchmarking of global waste management systems)[J]. Ecology, Environment & Conservation,2016,:.
  [93]. Wireless Communication Companies; Patent Issued for Automated Communications Device Field Testing, Performance Management, and Resource Allocation (USPTO 9462496)[J]. Telecommunications Weekly,2016,:.
  [94]. Air Transport Management; Findings from T. Blondiau et al Has Provided New Information about Air Transport Management (ACCHANGE: Building economic models to analyse the performance of air navigation service providers)[J]. Journal of Transportation,2016,:.
  [95]. Network and Systems Management; Data on Network and Systems Management Reported by Researchers at University of Sfax (Performance evaluation of legacy QCN for multicast and multiple unicast traffic transmission)[J]. Network Weekly News,2016,:.
  [96]. Navigant Research; ABB and IBM Rank as Leading Vendors of Asset Performance Management Solutions in Navigant Research Assessment[J]. Journal of Engineering,2016,:.
  [97]. Air Transport Management; New Air Transport Management Study Results Reported from N. Halpern et al (Factors affecting airport route development activity and performance)[J]. Journal of Transportation,2016,:.
  [98]Anonymous. Site Management Plays Key Role In Optimizing Tire Performance[J]. Rock Products,2016,11910:.
  [99]. Green Technology; Studies from University of Science Malaysia Provide New Data on Green Technology (Barriers to and enablers of sustainability integration in the performance management systems of an oil and gas company)[J]. Energy Weekly News,2016,:.
  [100]. Barghest Building Performance; Barghest Building Performance Wins 2016 Frost & Sullivan Award for 'Energy Management Solutions Entrepreneurial Company of the Year'[J]. Energy Weekly News,2016,:.
  [101]. Science; Findings on Science Reported by Investigators at Louisiana State University (Performance and cross-crop resistance of Cry1F-maize selected Spodoptera frugiperda on transgenic Bt cotton: implications for resistance management)[J]. Science Letter,2016,:.
  [102]. Nitrogen; Data on Nitrogen Reported by P. Garofalo and Colleagues (Sweet sorghum in a bioethanol supply chain: effects of different soil and nitrogen management on energy performances and greenhouse gas emissions)[J]. Energy Weekly News,2016,:.
  [103]. Office of Human Resources Management; 5 U.S.C. 4314(c)(4); Performance Review Board Membership[J]. The Federal Register / FIND,2016,81216:.
  [104]. Science; New Management Science Data Have Been Reported by Researchers at University of Texas (How Organizations Communicate Expertise Without Experts: Practices and Performances of Knowledge-Intensive Firms)[J]. Science Letter,2016,:.
  [105]Anonymous. MSC Shipmanagement chooses RINA software for fleet performance management[J]. Ocean News & Technology,2016,:.
  [106]. Science; Studies in the Area of Management Science Reported from Hebrew University (The performance of a single-server queue with preemptive random priorities)[J]. Science Letter,2016,:.
  [107]Tobias Schoenherr. Mobile Devices and Applications for Supply Chain Management: Process, Contingency, and Performance Effects[J]. Transportation Journal,2016,554:.
  [108]. Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget for Review and Approval; Comment Request; Upward Bound and Upward Bound Math Science Annual Performance Report[J]. The Federal Register / FIND,2016,81243:.
  [109]. Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget for Review and Approval; Comment Request; National Professional Development Program: Grantee Performance Report[J]. The Federal Register / FIND,2016,81250:.
  [110]Jamie Carpenter. Development management - Why the reach of a performance regime is set to grow[J]. Planning,2016,:.


  [111]. Science - Administrative Science; Researchers from Morgan State University Report Details of New Studies and Findings in the Area of Administrative Science (Tribal diversity, human resources management practices, and firm performance)[J]. Science Letter,2017,:.
  [112]. Science; Reports from A. Di Franco et al Highlight Recent Findings in Science (Five key attributes can increase marine protected areas performance for small-scale fisheries management)[J]. Science Letter,2016,:.
  [113]. Science - Management Science; Researchers from Aalto University Report Findings in Management Science (Managing country disruption risks and improving operational performance: risk management along integrated supply chains)[J]. Bioterrorism Week,2016,:.
  [114]. Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget for Review and Approval; Comment Request; Credit Enhancement for Charter School Facilities Program Performance Report[J]. The Federal Register / FIND,2016,81250:.
  [115]. Energy; New Energy Study Findings Have Been Reported from University of Perugia (Solid oxide fuel cell modelling: Electrochemical performance and thermal management during load-following operation)[J]. Energy Weekly News,2017,:.
  [116]. Science - Management Science; New Management Science Study Findings Reported from Lancaster University (On the performance of overlapping and non-overlapping temporal demand aggregation approaches)[J]. Science Letter,2016,:.
  [117]Cheryl Jekiel. Three steps to improve performance management[J]. Plant Engineering,2016,7010:.
  [118]. Science - Management Science; Researchers from Corvinus University Report New Studies and Findings in the Area of Management Science (The impact of subsidiaries' internal and external integration on operational performance)[J]. Science Letter,2016,:.
