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来源:学术堂 作者:秦老师
发布于:2017-05-18 共14286字
[119]Sachin Modgil,Sanjay Sharma. Total productive maintenance, total quality management and operational performance[J]. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering,2016,224:.
  [120]Denise M Leggett,Linda M Parsons,Austin L Reitenga. Real Earnings Management and Subsequent Operating Performance[J]. IUP Journal of Operations Management,2016,154:.
  [121]. Science - Social Science; Data on Social Science Detailed by Researchers at University of Stirling (“If you are having a go at me, I am going to have a go at you': the changing nature of social relationships of bank work under performance management)[J]. Science Letter,2017,:.
  [122]. Science - Management Science; Researchers from Korea University Report Recent Findings in Management Science (Performance analysis of IEEE 802.15.4 superfrarne structure with the inactive period)[J]. Science Letter,2017,:.
  [123]. Science - Management Science; Data on Management Science Reported by I. Horvath and Co-Researchers (Mean field for performance models with deterministic delays and interrupts)[J]. Science Letter,2016,:.
  [124]. Science; University of Malaya Reports Findings in Management Science (Social media's impact on organizational performance and entrepreneurial orientation in organizations)[J]. Science Letter,2016,:.
  [125]Ra'ed Masa'deh,Rifat Shannak,Mahmoud Maqableh,Ali Tarhini. The impact of knowledge management on job performance in higher education[J]. Journal of Enterprise Information Management,2017,302:.
  [126]. Science - Management Science; Study Findings on Management Science Are Outlined in Reports from Hofstra University (Optimizing environmental expenditures for maximizing economic performance)[J]. Science Letter,2017,:.
  [127]. Science; Findings on Administrative Science Reported by Investigators at University of Central Florida (Structure and Network Performance: Horizontal and Vertical Networks in Emergency Management)[J]. Science Letter,2016,:.
  [128]. Solar Energy; Research Conducted at Department of Mechanical Engineering Has Provided New Information about Solar Energy (Experimental performance evaluation and modeling of jet impingement cooling for thermal management of photovoltaics)[J]. Energy Weekly News,2016,:.
  [129]Huy Quang Truong,Maria Sameiro,Ana Cristina Fernandes,Paulo Sampaio,Binh An Thi Duong,Hiep Hoang Duong,Estela Vilhenac. Supply chain management practices and firms' operational performance[J]. The International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management,2017,342:.
  [130]. Security; New Security Management Findings Has Been Reported by Investigators at University of Lausanne (Criminals and signals: An assessment of criminal performance in the carding underworld)[J]. Bioterrorism Week,2016,:.
