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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-03-31 共5401字


【1.1  1.2】审计机关及职能与权力监督理论 

  摘 要








  关键词:审计 权力运行 监控机制 研究


  Nowadays, audit supervision has played an important role in financial management ofgovernment financial revenue and expenditure, economic responsibility audit andcomprehensive management of the society, but today China is in the period of socialtransformation with complex situation, the auditors' illegal discipline cases often occur,which caused bad effects to society, creating clean audit institutions has become more urgent,audit authority of operation monitoring mechanism as one of the important means hasbecome extremely important . This paper intends to research on building the current auditauthority control mechanism. Through the method of literature study, qualitative analysis,experience summarization,case analysis and so on, this paper bases on systematic studyabout the evolution of domestic and foreign audit functions , basic theory and audit powers ofoversight authority supervising methods, carefully analyze auditors' illegal cases, from whichstudies the problems and root causes of the current operation monitoring mechanism for auditauthority, then we put forward concrete solutions from five aspects: monitoring system,monitoring mode, monitoring process, honest education and external supervision. This is theinnovation of this article.

  In the first part of the introduction, this paper describes the significance of the researchbackground of the audit authority building control mechanisms, the domestic and abroadresearch about authority building control mechanisms, as well as specific and detailedresearch ideas and methods and innovations in this article.

  In the second part , by understanding the origin and evolution of domestic and foreignaudit functions , this paper cites the foreign theory of the separation and restriction and thetheory of popular sovereignty, ancient power supervision which based on the imperial powersin China, as well as our contemporary supervision thinking followed Marx, Lenin, MaoZedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao, Xi Jinping and other comrades, then sumforeign and domestic audit power supervision methods and the processes of the study of auditauthority of operation monitoring mechanism since the 16thCPC National Congress, andprovide theoretical basis for study about strengthening the operation monitoring mechanismconstruction of audit authority under Chinese current situation.

  In the third part, this paper take a mechanism for monitoring the audit powers of theprobity political risk control mechanism, audit powers public operation mechanism and auditpowers operating assessment mechanisms which are established in the audit authority ofoperation monitoring mechanism that is carried by Hebei Provincial Audit Department asmain object of study, then understand the operation status of the current audit authoritymonitoring mechanism.

  In the fourth part, through analysis about the impact of the recent audit staff disciplineviolations, this paper summarizes the current audit power operation monitoring mechanismexist five problems: low system level operability and some extent of hysteresis; lowmonitoring efficiency and probity political risk control; the informed right of people and theauditors are not guaranteed; anti-corruption education in conjunction with the audit workdoes not match; low effectiveness of audit power supervision. Then the paper analyzes fiveroot causes of the mechanism, including lack of in-depth research, lack of technologicalmeans, limited public informed, lack of anti-corruption education and lack of outsidesupervision.

  In the fifth part, according to the questions and reasons that have been found, the papersuggests the specific solutions from five directions: monitoring system, monitoring method,monitoring process, honest education, external supervision. In the institutionalization of thetheory, the paper put forward to enhance the compatibility and operability, improve theinnovation degree, strengthen the supervision and accountability. In the technicalization ofsupervision, the paper proposes to establish the e-platform for risk management, earlywarning and disposition, and specific research programme for the authority to manage, run,and monitor the e-platform; In the transparency of monitor procedures, the paper putsforward to public the specific sectors, such as the items, process and finding of audit authority.

  In the thorough education of cheap politics, the paper notes three specific strategies, such asintensify the building of culture, strengthen education, enforce supervision and execution; Inthe extensive external supervision, the paper offers to give full play to the supervisory andmonitoring, and make full use of three supervisory role: the masses and the national people'sCongress, the CPPCC, the external supervision. Through a variety of ways, it can improveaudit power operating monitoring mechanism.

  At the same time, in the final concluding remark part, the paper presents that theimprovement of audit power operating monitoring mechanism is an arduous long-term task inthe conclusion. It must be combined with political reform. The task should continue toexplore actively, enhance innovation and be constantly improved to ensure that the auditsupervision will play a more prominent role in national governance.

  Key Words: Audit Power operating Monitoring mechanism Study

  目 录

  摘 要


  目 录

  引 言

  (一) 研究背景和意义

  1. 研究背景

  2. 研究意义

  (二) 国内外研究现状

  1. 国内研究综述

  2. 国外研究综述

  (三) 研究思路和研究方法

  1. 研究思路

  2. 研究方法

  (1) 文献研究法

  (2) 定性分析法

  (3) 经验总结法

  (4) 案件分析法

  (四) 本文的创新点和不足之处

  一、 审计权力运行监控机制的理论依据

  (一) 审计机关及职能

  1. 国外审计机关及职能

  2. 我国古代审计机关及职能

  3. 我国当代审计机关及职能

  (二) 权力监督理论

  1. 国外权力监督主要理论

  2. 我国古代权力监督主要理论

  3. 我国当代权力监督主要理论

  (三) 审计权力监督方法

  1. 国外审计外部监督方法

  2. 我国古代审计权力监督方法

  3. 我国当代审计权力监督方法

  二、 当前审计权力运行监控机制运行现状

  (一) 开展审计权力廉政风险防控机制情况




  三、 当前审计权力运行监控机制中的存在问题及原因分析

  (一) 审计人员违纪违法案例及主观原因剖析

  1. 审计人员违纪违法案例回顾

  (1) 沧州市审计局盐山审计组违规接受宴请,造成 1 名审计人员猝死


  2. 审计人员违纪主观原因剖析

  (二) 当前审计权力运行监控机制中存在问题和原因

  1. 当前审计权力运行监控机制中存在的问题

  (1) 监控机制中制度层面可操作性不强,部分存在有迟滞性

  (2) 监控机制中存在监控效率不高和廉政风险可控性差的问题


  (4) 监控机制中廉政教育与审计工作结合不紧密

  (5) 监控机制中对审计权力监督有效性不高

  2. 当前审计权力运行监控机制中存在问题的原因分析

  (1) 监控机制中制度缺乏深入化研究



  (4) 监控机制中对廉政教育开展不够

  (5) 监控机制中审计权力缺乏外部监督

  四、 新时期完善审计权力运行监控机制的解决途径

  (一) 注重监控管理制度化建设

  1. 增强制度可操作性和配套性

  2. 加大制度创新力度

  3. 加大对制度执行的监督和责任追究

  (二) 注重监控管理科技化建设

  1. 建立廉政风险管理、预警、处置电子平台

  2. 建立审计权力管理、运行、监控电子平台

  (三) 注重监控过程阳光化建设

  1. 加强审计权力事项公开

  2. 加强审计权力过程动态公开

  3. 加强审计权力结果公开

  (四) 注重廉政教育深入化建设

  1. 加大廉政文化建设

  2. 加大创新,加强廉政教育力度

  3. 加强廉政教育落实监督

  (五) 注重外部监督广泛化建设

  1. 充分发挥监察监督作用

  (1) 强化对领导班子的审计权力监督

  (2) 加强对审计人员运用审计权力监督

  (3) 强化对审计系统内部监控

  2. 充分发挥群众和人大、政协监督作用

  (1) 充分发挥群众监督作用

  (2) 充分发挥人大监督作用

  (3) 充分发挥政协监督作用

  3. 充分发挥外部同业互查监督作用

  结 论


  后 记
