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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-08-16 共2410字



  摘 要

  冰心自 1919 年初登文坛时起,便开始了漫长的写作历程。她是“五四”时期中国第一代女作家,更是一位时刻心系广大少年儿童成长的儿童文学家。她于不同时期创作的儿童文学作品呈现出迥异的风格,极大满足了身处不同时代的少1研读,结合以往冰心儿童文学的研究成果,将其作品置于具体的创作背景中加以客观评价。除了引言和结语,本文共分为三章:

  第一章 用真、善、美滋养儿童心灵。重点探索冰心儿童文学作品中审美性和教育性的关系。以冰心逐渐形成的儿童观为依托,审视作家是如何通过引导儿童进行积极主动的审美活动来达到实现对儿童教育的创作意图的。冰心通过对儿童进行爱的颂扬、美的启迪和善的教育,使儿童在收获喜悦感的同时,也启迪了儿童的心智、开拓了视野,很多作品兼具“审美性”和“教育性”的双重特性。

  第二章 儿童读者意识的波动起伏。以冰心在不同历史时期的儿童文学创作中所体现的儿童读者意识的变化为线索,梳理其儿童文学观的嬗变。纵观冰心一生的儿童文学创作,她对儿童文学的认识和思考经历了由“感性”到“理性”、由“不自觉”到“自觉”、由“无意识”到“有意识”的发展过程。从作品创作的角度来审视,冰心的儿童读者意识却是反复不定的:有时读者意识是明晰的,而表现得可能缺少趣味;有时读者意识又是模糊的,但表现得却也童趣盎然。

  第三章 不拘一格的艺术探索。冰心的儿童文学在文体上、语言上可以说是与众不同的。本章通过对冰心儿童文学中复调式的叙述视角、雅俗相揉的语言风格和“能表现自己”的抒情文学体裁这三方面进行探索和思考,揭示冰心儿童文学独特的艺术魅力:作品的风格时而充满童趣,时而又蕴含不易于儿童理解的成人意绪,呈现出不拘一格的特点。



  Since Bing Xin boarded the literature world in the early 1919, she began a longjourney of writing. She was the first generation of Chinese women writers in the MayFourth period, and she was a children litterateur who always taking care of the majority ofchildren's growth. Her creative works of different periods presented the different styles,greatly met the aesthetic needs of children in different ages, warmly welcomed by thereaders. This paper is mainly through careful reading of Bing Xin's children's literature,combined with the previous research achievement about Bing Xin, which will be placedon an objective assessment of creative works in the background. Thesis is divided intothree chapters:

  The first chapter is to nourish the children's mind with the truth, goodness andbeauty. It will focus on the exploration of the relationship between aesthetic andeducational in the works of Bing Xin. As Bing Xin gradually formed the concept ofchildren as the basis, to examine the writers how to guide the children to achieve therealization of the education by aesthetic activities. Bing Xin's works make children inharvest happiness at the same time, also inspire the children's mind and develop theirvision by enlightening children's love, beauty and goodness. A lot of works have both thecharacteristics of aesthetic and educational.

  The second chapter is the fluctuation of the children reader consciousness. It willchange Bing Xin in different historical periods of the children's literature embodied in thechildren's reader awareness as a clue, combs the evolution of the children's literature view.

  The creation of children's literature in Bing Xin's life, and she told the children's literaturethinking and understanding which has experienced from “sensibility” to “sense”, from“unconsciously” to “consciously” of the development process. To examine her productcreation, Bing Xin's children reader consciousness is so variable: sometimes the readerconsciousness is clear, but it may behave uninteresting; sometimes the readerconsciousness is vague, but the works may be full of fun.

  The third chapter will focus on the distinctive artistic exploration. Bing Xin'schildren's literature is different in form and language. By exploration and thinking thepolyphonic narrative perspective, complex modal language style and “to express herself”lyric literature such three aspects, reveal the unique artistic charm of Bing Xin's children'sliterature: the style of works sometimes is full of fun;sometimes it is not easy for childrento understand.

  Key words: Bing Xin; children's literature; the view on children; the view onchildren's education; the view on children's literature

  目 录


  Abstract(key words)

















