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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-08-02 共3063字



  摘 要


  在其他省市先行先试的基础上,河北省于 2014 年 9 月成为我国第 29 个私募债试点省份。但目前出现了私募债券在河北省一边被叫好,一边又没有任何实质性突破的尴尬局面,没有利用好其在解决中小企业融资问题方面的优势。同时,由于私募债券在我国起步较晚,学术界相关研究较少,尤其是省域内该领域的研究更为鲜见,因此,本文以促进河北省中小企业私募债的发行为目标,首先在相关概念界定的基础上,通过与创业板私募债券、银行间定向债务工具、中小企业集合债券、中小企业集合票据的比较分析,中小企业私募债券在发行灵活性、发行基本条件和投资者要求上具有很强的竞争力和一定的优势,应当成为当前解决中小企业融资难的一个重要渠道;其次从发展历程、主要特征、现在存在问题和原因及河北省的中小企业私募债券发展目前状况分析;然后分析河北省在试点发行过程中存在的问题有,宏观政策制定和贯彻落实不到位、私募债券具体配套优惠政策未出台、省域内发行主体对私募债券热情不高、资本市场参与程度不高,信用担保体系发展缓慢、河北省私募债券试点的时机不理想等;最后通过总结美国及欧洲在这方面的经验和启示,对改善河北省发展中小企业私募债券的现状提出要制定适合地方的私募债券管理细则、加强政策引导、培育发行主体、培养合格投资者、提高增信能力、建设中小企业信用信息平台六方面的具体建议。



  In China, most small and medium-sized enterprises are private , and they are supervisedby individual persons .They have the characteristics of small scales and weak risk resistance,so it is difficult to finance in the existing financial markets. Financing difficulty is the mainobstacle for its further development ,transformation and upgrading in small and medium-sizedenterprises ,and it also becomes a hot topic in academic circles. The publication of the pilotmeasures for thesmall and medium-sized enterprises' private palecement bond means that itsfinancing in China has just initiated, which provides a new way for financing, and also a newinvestment domain for the capital market.

  On the basis of other provinces and cities first try, Hebei province has become thetwenty-ninth private placement bond of countrywide small and medium-sized enterprises inSeptember 2014. Private placement bond is applauded, while there is no substantivebreakthrough and it is caught in the embarrassing situation in Hebei Province,which violatesits original intention. At the same time, through the retrieval of relevant academic literature,the academic research on private placement bond of small and medium-sized enterprises inHebei province is relatively small. Therefore, in this paper,the research is based on thecontermeasures of private placement bond of small and medium-sized enterprises .Firstly,onthe basis of related concepts, through the comparison and analysis of the private bonds, bankoriented debt instruments, small and medium enterprise collective bonds, and small andmedium enterprises, small and medium enterprise private bonds, private placement bond hasthe advantage and strong competitiveness of flexible issue , basic conditions and investorswhich becomes an important channel to solve the financing of small and medium enterprisesintroduce definition and characteristics of private placement bond of small and medium-sizedenterprises, and then analyze its development situation from development history ,principalcharacter ,present problems such as poor macroscopic policy formulation and implementation ,lack of specific supporting policies and enthusiasm of private equity bonds for private equityissue , low capital market participation and slow speed of credit guarantee systemunsatisfactory issue of private placement bond ,reasons and its current situation in HebeiProvince.Finally, from the experience of the United States , Europe and Asia, put forwardthe suggestion about healthy development of private placement bond of small andmedium-sized enterprises ,for example ,develop private bonds for local management rules,strengthen policy guidance, cultivate the main issue and qualified investors, enhance trustability and build credit information platform.

  Keywords: Private placement bond; Small and medium-sized enterprises;Hebei Province;Capitail market

    目 录

  摘 要


  第 1 章 绪论

  1.1 研究背景及意义

  1.1.1 选题背景

  1.1.2 选题意义

  1.2 国内外研究现状

  1.2.1 国外研究现状

  1.2.2 国内研究现状

  1.3 论文主要内容

  1.4 技术路线与研究方法

  1.4.1 技术路线

  1.5 创新点

  第 2 章 中小企业私募债券

  2.1 中小企业私募债券的定义与特点

  2.1.1 中小企业私募债券的定义

  2.1.2 中小企业私募债券的特点

  2.2 中小企业私募债券与其他金融工具的比较分析

  2.2.1 中小企业私募债券与创业板私募债券及银行间定向债务工具比较

  2.2.2 中小企业私募债券与中小企业集合债券/票据比较

  2.3 本章小结

  第 3 章 国内中小企业私募债券发展状况及存在问题

  3.1 我国中小企业私募债发展历程

  3.2 国内中小企业私募债券发展现状

  3.3 我国中小企业私募债发行主要特征

  3.4 我国中小企业私募债券市场存在的问题及原因

  3.5 本章小结

  第 4 章 河北省中小企业私募债券发展现状、优势及问题

  4.1 河北省中小企业概况

  4.2 河北省中小企业私募债券优势

  4.3 河北省中小企业私募债券融资存在的问题

  4.4 本章小结

  第 5 章 国内外私募债券及高收益债券经验

  5.1 美国中小企业私募债券融资经验

  5.2 欧洲高收益债券融资经验

  5.3 我国其他省域发展中小企业私募债券的经验

  5.4 本章小结

  第 6 章 河北省发展中小企业私募债券启示和对策

  6.1 国内外经验对河北省中小企业发展私募债券的启示

  6.2 河北省发展中小企业私募债券对策

  6.3 本章小结


  致 谢

