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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-05-24 共2733字


【第四章】 《我是歌手》节目品牌的新媒体推广策略

  目 录

  摘 要


  第 1 章 绪论

  1.1 研究背景与研究意义

  1.1.1 电视音乐选秀节目持续走红

  1.1.2 媒介融合时代新变化

  1.1.3 版权争议影响

  1.2 课题研究现状

  1.3 研究内容和方法

  1.3.1 研究内容

  1.3.2 研究方法

  第 2 章 电视音乐选秀节目品牌推广历程

  2.1 电视音乐选秀节目概述

  2.2 电视音乐选秀节目品牌推广的必要性及意义

  2.3 不同媒体时代电视音乐选秀节目的品牌推广历程

  2.3.1 传统媒体时代

  2.3.2 融合媒体时代

  第 3 章 电视音乐选秀节目品牌推广的理论及应用

  3.1 产品生命周期理论及应用

  3.1.1 产品生命周期理论

  3.1.2 产品生命周期理论的应用

  3.2 整合营销传播理论及应用

  3.2.1 整合营销传播理论

  3.2.2 整合营销传播理论的应用

  第 4 章 《我是歌手》节目品牌的新媒体推广策略

  4.1 渠道营销策略

  4.1.1 与大型门户网站战略合作

  4.1.2 与卫视官方网站台网联动

  4.1.3 微博病毒式营销

  4.1.5 微信互动传播


  4.2 内容营销策略

  4.2.1 注重口碑传播

  4.2.2 善用情感营销

  4.2.3 设置热点话题

  第 5 章 电视音乐选秀节目品牌新媒体推广中的问题及启示

  5.1 存在的问题

  5.1.1 话题制造过度

  5.1.2 内容重复投放

  5.1.3 推广策略缺乏新意

  5.1.4 版权争议制约节目发展

  5.2 对电视音乐选秀节目品牌新媒体推广的启示

  5.1.1 注重节目自身建设

  5.1.2 正确运用明星效应

  5.1.3 打造全媒体推广平台

  5.1.4 注重与传统媒体推广相结合

  结 语


  致 谢

  摘 要

  2005 年《超级女声》的播出,在国内掀起一股音乐选秀热潮,各省级卫视开始频频模仿、跟风,一时间各类音乐选秀节目充斥荧屏。随着“限娱令”的出台和同质化节目竞争日趋激烈,音乐选秀节目之间的比拼已经进入白热化阶段。各省级卫视开始逐步意识到,单纯依靠提升节目品质来争夺受众群体已经不足以保障节目的市场地位,同时也意识到品牌对于节目发展的重要性,并逐步投入大量精力到节目品牌推广中去。






  Since the “super singing girl” broadcast in 2005, all kinds of music television talentshow began to rise, followed the trend of a time, fulled of the screen. With theintroduction of “the cutback on TV entertainment” and homogenization ofthe increasingly fierce between programs, music television talent show competition hadbeen entered the white hot stage. The provincial satellite TV gradually realizedthat relying solely on improve the quality of the programs for the audience is notsufficient to ensure the program's market position, but also realize the importance ofbrand for program's development, and gradually put a lot of effort to show the brandpromotion.

  With the popularity of mobile phones, the Internet and other new media, the mediaindustry ushered in a new era of media convergence. Fusion media era is different fromthe traditional media era of radio and television. It has broader transmission channels,more three-dimensional marketing mode and the profit model is more diversified. It ismade in this period, the promotion of the brand of music television talent show needs topay the same attention to use new media and traditional media, and pay more attentionto the use of new media to brand promotion of the program.

  “I am a singer” as one of the most popular music talent show, its promotion ofbrand is successful. By cooperating with the portal website, TV website, weibo, WeChat,shout, and taking with event marketing, word-of-mouth marketing and emotionalmarketing strategy, the program stand out in a number of similar programs, wonmore audience. It is worth noting that, the program brand promotion of “I am a singer”by new media is successful, but there are still some problems, these problems willrestrict the development of the program's brand .

  This paper is based on both the product life cycle theory and the theory ofintegrated marketing communication, in combination with media convergence fromthe changes of the TV program brand promotion strategy under the background, fromthe two aspects of channel marketing and content marketing, analyzed the new mediabrand promotion strategy of “I am a singer” in detail. This paper has taken the firstset to the third set of “ I am a singer ” as examples, analyzed the problems ofpromotion strategy of domestic music television talent show by new media , and putforward to some suggestions for the domestic music television talent show to how topromote program's brand by new media.

  Keywords: music television talent show ; brand promotion; new media; strategy
