
您当前的位置:学术堂 > 管理学论文 > 仓储管理论文 >


来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-04-20 共2667字



  摘 要






  Warehouse management has become an important way for enterprises to achieveprofitability and improve competitiveness, therefore, more and more enterprises beginto pay more attention to the construction of a modern warehouse management system.

  For the electric power enterprises, due to the large scale of materials, storagemanagement plays a more important role in the enterprise. However, the managementlevel of electric power enterprises in China is low, and most of them are lack ofscientific guidance, also the management of the modern warehouse management isnot used, which leads to the chaos of warehouse management, low efficiency and highoperating costs. To build a modern warehouse management system, reduce enterprisecost, to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises, has become a decisiveproblem urgently in the development of electric power company.

  Let's take “Zhoushan” electric power company as the research object. First of all,through a large number of literature reading to understand the modern warehousemanagement of new ideas; second, through the interview method and observationmethod to fully understand the “Zhoushan” electric power company's warehousemanagement status, has found its outstanding problems; third, combined with themanagement theory and enterprise status quo analysis and summarized the reasons forthe main and objective of the enterprise. Finally, put forward the “Zhoushan” electricpower company warehouse management system feasible optimization scheme.

  According to the research of this paper, the main problems of “Zhoushan”electric power company is currently the overall management level is low, theresources can not be rationally used. The main reason for these problems lies in thelow efficiency of storage, storage equipment, storage management personnel, lack ofexecutive power, material distribution is unreasonable, material and other aspects ofthe chaos and confusion, and so on. Optimization of storage scheme for “Zhoushan”

  electric power company is improved from the above five aspects. Finally, through theimplementation of the storage optimization scheme, we found that the operationefficiency, throughput capacity, space utilization ratio of the storage operationimproved greatly, and the full responsibility of the warehouse management is moreclear, and the work efficiency is also improved well. The research of this paper isnot only has a good guide to the storage system of “Zhoushan” electric powercompany, but also can provide reference for the similar enterprises.

  Key words: Electric power company; Warehouse management; Inventory; Material;Optimization

  目 录

  摘 要


  目 录

  1 绪 论

  1.1 研究背景与问题提出

  1.2 研究目的和意义

  1.2.1 研究目的

  1.2.2 研究意义

  1.3 研究内容和方法

  1.3.1 研究内容

  1.3.2 研究方法

  1.4 研究框架

  2 仓储管理理论简述

  2.1 仓储管理的概念及内容

  2.1.1 仓储管理的概念

  2.1.2 仓储管理的内容

  2.2 仓储管理理论的相关研究

  2.2.1 库存管理理论

  2.2.2 独立需求的仓储控制方法

  2.2.3 仓库机械作业的选择与配置

  2.2.4 现场管理理论

  2.2.5 仓库选址的相关研究

  2.2.6 仓库布局的相关研究

  3 舟山电力公司仓储管理现状

  3.1 舟山电力公司物流中心简介

  3.2 公司仓储管理现状

  3.2.1 现行出入库流程

  3.2.2 仓储基础设施现状

  3.2.3 仓库物资管理现状

  3.2.4 物资布局现状

  3.2.5 物资编码现状

  3.3 公司仓储管理存在的突出问题

  4 舟山电力公司仓储管理问题分析

  4.1 公司仓储管理问题的客观原因

  4.2 公司仓储管理问题的主观原因

  4.2.1 出入库效率低下

  4.2.2 仓储基础设施落后

  4.2.3 仓库物资管理执行不力

  4.2.4 物资布局不合理

  4.2.5 物资编码混乱

  5 舟山电力公司仓储优化方案与效用评价

  5.1 出入库作业流程优化

  5.2 增强仓储硬件能力

  5.3 建立有效的库存控制模型

  5.4 优化仓库布局

  5.5 制定统一的物料编码

  5.6 功能区域设计方案评价

  5.7 存储区设计方案评价

  6 结论与展望


  致 谢
