【引言 第一章】论《太玄》创作动因
【3.1 3.2】独好圣贤之书与着意追摹经典
【3.3】 《太玄》中创新立异的寻求
摘 要
关键词 扬雄 《太玄》 《法言》 儒道 《周易》 文化传统
Witness Yang xiong's behaviors and their interaction relations of literaturethought. This paper is composed of three sections as “Use wisdom to avoid calamity”,“Conform to the trend of the times” and “Article fame”.Revealing that Yang Xiong inthe philosophy and values of personal attention and get busy world with reality, whichis complex contradictions in his life eternal.
“Use wisdom to avoid calamity” come out of “Fa Yan”.It is expression ofadmiration to Ji Zi.The writing of “Tai Xuan” is the practice of “ Use wisdom toavoid calamity ”. It is the emergence of cultural awareness bear, being prepared forunexpected development and approval and admiration for forefathers.
“Conform to the trend of the times” is the issue that Yang Xiong attachedimportance to learning and temporized.“Ju Qin Mei Xin” is a controversial work.Thispaper argues that it is an important carrier of following social customs in YangXiong's later years.
“Article fame” from “Book of Han” ,written by Ban Gu,which conveys YangXiong's distinctive idea.He combined the traditional cultural essence,formingpsychological disposition of morality fame,in addition,practiced in the creation ofessays.This mainly embodied that his papers are full with care of humanism,whichmade them develop a school of them own in the stereotype at that time.The literatureof Yang Xiong have their unique features at mind,artistic style and handwriting.Alsoapply to his searching for the true,the good and the beautiful.There are some to learnand absorb from traditional cultural resources and his concern of reality.
Keywords Yang Xiong “Tai Xuan” “Fa Yan” Confucianism and Taoism“Zhou Yi” Cultural tradition
目 录
引 言
第 1 章 “以智远祸”:论《太玄》创作动因
1.1 对文化传统的钦敬
1.2 对危乱现实的忧患
1.3 对古代智者事迹的推崇
第 2 章 “顺世思想”:论扬雄的顺时应势
2.1 扬雄对儒士身份的自我认同
2.2 晚年顺世思想的集中体现--《剧秦美新》
2.2.1 感恩的情绪
2.2.2 符命的虚妄
2.2.3 封禅的意图
第 3 章 “文章成名”:论扬雄文名的树立
3.1 独好圣贤之书
3.2 着意追摹经典
3.3 寻求创新立异
3.3.1 熔铸经典,喻于世用的思想关怀
3.3.2 动静相宜,深刻典奥的艺术风格
3.3.3 直抵人性,贯通古今的选材行文
结 语
致 谢