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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-08-08 共3075字


【3.1  3.2】源于生活的行为课程 

  目 录

  摘 要


  第一章 绪 论

  一、 选题缘由

  二、 研究意义

  三、 文献综述

  四、 相关概念的界定

  五、 研究方法

  六、 创新与不足

  第二章 张雪门幼儿教育思想的产生背景及形成基础

  一、 张雪门幼儿教育思想的产生背景

  (一) 政治经济的变革

  (二) 中西文化的碰撞

  (三) 幼儿教育的现状

  (四) 平民教育的影响

  二、 张雪门幼儿教育思想形成的理论基础

  (一) 国外教育家思想的影响

  (二) 国内教育家思想的影响

  三、 张雪门幼儿教育思想形成的实践基础

  (一) 宁波办学时期

  (二) 北平教育实验时期

  (三) 台湾创业时期

  第三章 张雪门幼儿教育思想的主要内容

  一、 与时俱进的教育目的

  (一) 以发展儿童个性为目标

  (二) 以培养新一代国民为目标

  二、 源于生活的行为课程

  (一) 兼顾“个人与社会”的课程目的

  (二) 生活化的课程内容

  (三) 知情结合的课程实施

  (四) 师生共进的课程评价

  三、 培养理想的幼儿师资

  (一) 幼儿教师的培养目标

  (二) 幼儿教师必备的修养

  (三) 重视实习的培养方式

  第四章 张雪门幼儿教育思想的特色

  一、 时代特色

  二、 本土特色

  三、 生活特色

  第五章 对当代幼儿教育的启示

  一、 坚持普及幼儿教育

  二、 提倡科学育儿

  三、 尊重儿童的主体地位

  四、 幼儿园课程需要生活化

  五、 提高幼儿教师的个人修养

  结 语


  致 谢

    摘 要






  关键词 张雪门;幼儿教育;行为课程;幼儿师资


  Zhang Xuemen, is a famous early preschool education experts in our country, inthe 1930s 1940s Zhang Xuemen and Chen Heqin were known as “south Chen northZhang”, and they had an important influences on the early preschool education of China.

  With the development of the economy and technology and the progress of educationreform,his thought of curriculum behavior of kindergarten, preschool normal educationthought education have gradually became the research hot issues and experts also paidgreat attention to it. However through the author sorting the current research found thatthe study of Zhang Xuemen's thought usually from the view of micro research, only afew of them from the view of macro research, and summarized the enlightenment forour country's preschool education.

  Based on Zhang Xuemen's preschool education thought as the research object,through the detailed reading some major works of Zhang Xuemen. And combined withhis experience in preschool education, which mainly includes early childhood educationthoughts, mainly divides into the introduction, main body and conclusion this threeparts.

  First of all, the introduction part of this article, as the full text of the first chapter,mainly on his preschool education thought to review and summarize the existingresearch results, which points out its existing deficiencies and the reason that selectedthis subject and the research significance and relating concepts and defined illustratesrespectively, this paper also pointed out in this paper about the innovations andshortcomings about his thoughts.

  Secondly, the main part of this article, which is divided into four chapters: startingfrom the second chapter to the end of the chapter 5. The second chapter mainlyintroduces the background and forming progress of preschool education thought. Thoseobjective description are not only from the angle of history to in troduce China's politics,economy, culture and education background at that time. Also base on Zhang Xuemen'stheoretical and practical experience. The theoretical experience mainly basis on hisaboard study experience and this experience can help us make a comparison histhoughts. The practical experience is mainly based on his practice activities; The thirdchapter discusses the main content of Zhang Xuemen, preschool education thoughts,this chapter mainly includes the education purpose of his thoughts ,which keep pacewith the times. The theory of Zhang Xuemen's behavior course which originating fromlife and the training of the ideal Preschool teachers. The fourth chapter sums up thecharacteristics of preschool education thought. This chapter mainly makes a deepanalysis on preschool education thought era characteristics, local features and thefeature of life. The fifth chapter mainly evaluates the thought of early childhoodeducation and discusses the enlightenment of his thought to the development of ourcountry's preschool education.

  Finally, the part is a conclusion part and makes a generalization of this paper.

  Keywords: Zhang Xuemen; preschool education; kindergarten behavior curriculum;preschool teacher
