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来源:学术堂 作者:朱老师
发布于:2016-05-27 共12683字

  【1.1  1.2】上海市车险市场人伤理赔率高的原因分析
  【4.1  4.2】制定统一的《司法鉴定法》,严格法律规制
  【4.3  4.4】加强行政监督管控,完善行业自律机制建设
  一是荷兰经验。首先,荷兰在司法鉴定人的准入及考核上有较高的要求,培训内容丰富、时间跨度较长。对于鉴定人除了必备的相关领域的知识以及实施鉴定执业的技能和经验外,还强调鉴定人应具有一定的相关法律知识素养。其次,资格的期限性。司法鉴定人的资格证书和注册有效期一般为 4 年,期满后需重新申请、注册,意即司法鉴定人的资格并非是终身制的。
  制定配套的行政管理办法,对司法鉴定人和机构进行鉴定前、中、后的全程监督管控,以提升司法鉴定内在的自律机制和外部的监督机制。一是加强行风的建设,倡导完善自律管理机制。二是加强联动监督管理机制,如建立“鉴定机构和鉴定人员黑名单制度”,对每一个鉴定机构和鉴定人公开进行公信度信用评级的评定 .
  Under  the  background  of  sustained  and  high-speed  development  of  China'seconomic  development,  as  one  of  the  metropolitans  who  sits  at  the  front  line  ofChina's  economic  development,  although  Shanghai  has  actively  and  intentionallytook measures to control the number of motor vehicles, the uptrend of motor vehiclesquantity seems difficult to be effectively curbed. The swift increase of motor vehiclequantity leads to a deterioration of transportation conditions, a continuous increasingof  motor-related  transport  accidents  and  a  continuous  large  number  of  death  andpersonal  injuries  cases.  The  most  prominent  problem  is  the  increasing  proportionaccount  by  the  claims  for  personal  injuries in  the  total  claims  under  motor  insuranceof  various  insurance  companies.  These  accidents  and  claims  are  of  importance  anddifficulties in motor insurance claims of various insurance companies.
  The indemnity of personal injuries of motor insurance is becoming a problem ofsocial  well-being.  The  high  loss  ratio  in  this  regard  has  raised  the  premium  rate  ofmotor insurance. The cost of claims is growing with the economic development. Also,the  frequent  fraudulent  claims  caused  a  lot  of  undue  indemnities  which  seriouslyinfringe the insurance company's profit and the vehicle owner's interest who shall besubject  to  the  burden  of  high  premium  rate.  This  fact  is  actually  endangering  the sustainable  and  stable  development  of  the  motor  insurance  industry  and  thereforehampered the construction of China's harmonious society.
  The  author  is  graduated  in  the  major  of  forensic  medicine  and  has  ten  yearsclaims service work experiences in insurance company circle, and has focused on therelatively high loss ratio of Shanghai motor insurance personal injuries claim in a longterm  manner.  Through  analyzing  abundant  “first-hand”  data  and  precedents  whichcollected  from  CIRC  Shanghai,  Shanghai  Insurance  Association,  property  andcasualty  insurance  companies  and  brokers,  together  with  the  author's  personalpractical  experiences,  the  author  has  carried  out  a  relatively  solid  and  meticulousresearch  for  judicial  identification  of  personal  injury  and  related  legalcountermeasures  about  the  indemnity  of  personal  injuries  of  motor  insurance.Therefore this paper intends to start from the following three aspects.
  Section one, analyze the problems and reasons of the judicial identification of themotor insurance claims.
  Current  market  competition  and  identification  of  institutions  who  pursuit  theprofit  and  other  factors  leads  to  the  judicial  identification  of  market  chaos  layer  andthe problem identification continues to appear. To analysis the main reasons, there arethe following seven aspects.
  1.the  choice  of  assessment  time  has  a  greater  impact  on  the  identificationconclusions.
  There  is  no  authoritative  department  in  our  country  to  make  a  specific,standardized  interpretation  of  the  evaluation  time.  In  actual  operation,  theidentification of the end of clinical treatment for the same object was always differentconclusion  by  expert  witness'  different  understanding  and  cognition.  In  addition,  thedifferences  of  the  rehabilitation  time  and  rehabilitation  results  of  different  patientswere also different, and due to the large time span, the conclusion of the re appraisalis not consistent with the conclusion of the initial identification.
  2. unilateral application by the injured person.
  In  accordance  with  the  existing  road  traffic  accident  process  in  Shanghai,  theinjured  could  require  traffic  accident  treatment  department  to  issue  a  disability  letter of  authorization  or  recommendation  and  he  can  choose  the  judicial  identificationinstitution  by  himself.  However,  this  free  choice  of  practice  has  many  drawbacks.Firstly, some injured compare the number of identification institutions conclusion, ortake  a  bride  to  the  expert  witness  to  get  the  higher  grade  identification.  Secondly,most of the identification institutions are self financing entries and they would like toshow  good  to  the  application  to  get  more  clients.  Thirdly,  “personal  injury  scalpers”will pursue the familiar judicial identification to see for higher grade identification.
  3.the problem of different the expert witness' qualities.
  In  the  current  judicial  appraisal  management  standard,  there  is  no  specificrequirement for the expert witness' legal literacy and ethics of the personnel.
  For example, for some identification institution which usually is called as socialinstitution, mostly they are operated by hospitals or companies with the characteristicsof  anchored  or  contracted  operation.  So  the  daily  identification  skills  and  legalliteracy  and  ethics  are  controlled  by  the  expert  witness  himself,  and  this  is  easy  toappear  different  expert  witness'  qualities  situation.  In  addition,  these  institutionscompletely rely on the market, they usually provide the lower identification and withhigh rate of distortion.
  4. the evaluation criteria of degree of disability are too old to be optimized andimproved.
  Firstly,  because  of  the  passage  of  time  and  the  corresponding  interpretationstandard  are  not  detailed  enough  and  other  reasons,  the  content  of  assessment  ofdisability for road traffic accidents in our country could not be adapted to the currentsituation. Secondly, for the judicial expertise opinion about the injury mostly will bedecided  by  the  expert  witness'  subjective  cognitive  level  for  the  injury  participationrate.  The  result  is  often  quite  different  from  the  different  expert  witness'  judicialexpertise opinion.
  5.  the  problem  of  the  difference  between  subjective  judgment  and  objectivefacts.
  The  disability  degree  assessment  or  identification  is  a  professional  knowledgeof personnel based on the corresponding objective material to make the identification, the subjective cognitive explanation. Only by the experience of the expert, too muchdependence on the identification of the subjective examination, the result is that eachof the identification of a different conclusions. It is hard to find if the expert witnessnegligence or intentional concession.
  6. the expert witness disdains to appear in  court,  it  is  not  easy  to  apply  for  there-identification.
  According  to  the  existing  legal  provisions  and  judicial  practice,  the  judicialrelief  measures  for  the  judicial  identification  of  the  views  are  mainly  the  followingtwo:
  The  first  one  is  the  confrontation  of  the  expert  witness  appearing  in  court  orwith  the  assistant  of  the  professional  expert.  But  in  the  judicial  practice,  the  expertwitness  seldom  appears  in  court,  and  the  professional  expert  wouldn't  like  to  appearin  court  either.  So  in  generally,  the  parties  or  the  courts  are  more  inclined  tore-identify. The other one is about re-identification. In current law, there are no clearrules about what kind of situations can be re-start the process of identification, and noclear  legal  basis  about  the  related  judging  standard  and  how  to  choose  theidentification  institution  and  expert.  This  is  easy  to  bring  the  doubt  for  the  judicialidentification opinion and the justice of court decision.
  7.the absence of administrative supervision and self-discipline management.
  As  a  professional  technical  field  of  activity,  it  is  quite  difficult  for  judicialexpertise  to  supervise  the  administrative  supervision.  Supervision  and  managementare  often  not  implemented.  It  is  difficult  to  effectively  monitor  the  quality  of  thedisability  appraisal.  It  is  also  difficult  to  carry  out  substantive  supervision  andrestraint to the identification of institutions and the identification of human behavior.And  the  judicial  authentication  Association,  as  the  industry  self  regulatory  body,  thelegal  effect  of  the  punishment  circular  is  lower,  and  the  problem  of  the  professionaltechnical field is obviously insufficient.
  Section two, foreign experience for reference.
  1.the experience in Holland and Germany.
  China is a country of continental legal system which is the same with Hollandand  Germany,  compared  the  judicial  identification  of  people's  assessment  of  accessstandards, Holland and Germany have a higher standard.
  The  first  one  is  Holland  experience.  Firstly,  in  Holland,  the  judicialidentification  of  the  access  and  assessment  has  the  higher  requirements,  the  richertraining  content  and  longer  time  span.  Beside  the  necessary  areas  of  knowledge  andexperience  in  the  implementation  of  the  identification  of  the  practice,  the  expertwitness  is  also  required  a  certain  knowledge  of  the  relevant  laws.  Secondly,  it  isqualification period. Generally, the judicial expert witness qualification certificate andregistration  is  valid  for  4  years,  after  the  expiration,  they  need  to  re  apply  forregistration. This means that qualification is not is for life.
  The  second  one  is  Germany  experience.  The  judicial  expert  witness  should  bedivided into different levels according to public trust from high to low, the higher thelevel, the higher the requirement on integrity and moral conduct to the expert witness.For the highest level expert witness, who is not only strictly required the professionaltechnical knowledge and legal regulations of the assessment, but also investigated theintegrity of the applicant's past and moral conduct. Secondly, the applicant must makea  public  oath  before  the  applicant.  Finally,  the  German  litigation  law  also  gives  thespecific provisions of the priority to choose the high level expert witness.
  2.the experience in South Korea.
  In  the  early  years,  the  situation  of  insurance  fraud  in  South  Korea  is  similarwith  our  current  situation.  Therefore,  it  is  realistic  significance  to  understand  thesolution of South Korea.
  Firstly,  it  is  organizational  structure  security.  They  establish  the  department  ofthe  special  event  of  joint  insurance  policy,  different  departments  cooperate  together.
  Secondly,  they  establish  the  insurance  fraud  identification  system  to  analyze  theinvestigation  information  for  insurance  fraud  comprehensively,  such  as  insurancecontract,  accident  and  insurance  payment.  It  can  realize  trending  analysis  and  earlywarning,  and  search  for  the  collusion  between  the  suspects.  Furthermore,  theyestablish  the  insurance  crime  reporting  center.  General  publish  is  widely  appeal  to provide information and clues, if the information is helpful to expose the suspects, allof insurance association and companies will provide reward.
  Section third, realize the countermeasures research for the judicial identificationof the claims.
  1.the  unified  Judicial  Identification  Law  should  be  formulated  to  realize  strictlegal regulation.
  In  the  case  of  the  current  judicial  appraisal  activities,  we  should  speed  up  theestablishment of a unified Judicial Identification Law or approve the local legislationin advance, and the following aspects of regulation,
  Firstly,  we  should  improve  the  judicial  identification  of  the  access  standards,and  strengthen  the  judicial  identification  of  people's  basic  quality  requirements.Secondly,  we  should  unify  the  application  of  forensic  identification,  commissioning,acceptance,  the  implementation  of  the  standard  of  operation  to  exclude  theinterference of human factors on the judicial appraisal conclusion. Thirdly, we shouldconstruct multi levels of judicial appraisal system: (1) to classify the judicial expertiseand  institution;  (2)  To  support  the  authority  of  the  identification  of  institutions,improve  the  mechanism  of  re  appraisal  review;  (3)  To  establish  the  authority  of  theindividual  “national  team”  rating  agencies  in  certain  appraisal  projects,  in  someprojects, the identification of the institution is only accepted by the re appraisal or thecourt's commission.
  In  addition,  we  should  also  develop  a  standard  specification  for  collectingopinions  for  judicial  identification.  (1)  We  should  make  the  collecting  opinionstandard for judicial identification and also make the expert witness appearing in courtrules  by  the  courts  and  judicial  administrative  agencies  together.  (2)  We  shouldestablishment  of  medical  professional  and  technical  officer  system.  (3)  We  shouldestablish special supervision and management mechanism. (4) We should establish aclear judicial expert responsibility system, and the wrong identification and correctionmechanism.
  The oath method is helpful to remind and bind the expert and is able to upholdthe  law's  authority.  Therefore,  it  is  feasible  to  build  an  oath  measure  for  judicialexpert.
  2.make Anti Insurance Fraud Laws, and establish anti insurance fraud system.
  First of all, we should formulate a unified Anti Insurance Fraud Laws, clear theconcept and scope of the insurance fraud, which is good for the competent departmentunified understanding of the insurance fraud and take effectively action. Secondly, weshould  establish  a  network  platform  for  the  anti  fraud  work  of  the  judicialidentification,  and  shear  the  exchange  information  to  the  corresponding  department.Thirdly,  establish  the  reporting  center  of  the  judicial  identification  to  realize  prizereport to achieve the social effects of prevention and treatment.
  3.improve  the  self  regulatory  mechanism  of  the  judicial  identification  industryand strengthen the administrative supervision and control mechanism.
  To  develop  a  complete  set  of  administrative  measures  to  improve  thesupervision  and  control  of  the  whole  course  of  the  judicial  expert  witness  and  theinstitution,  in  order  to  improve  the  internal  self-discipline  mechanism  and  externalsupervision  mechanism:  (1)  To  strengthen  the  construction  of  morals,  advocatingperfect  self-discipline  management  mechanism.  (2)  To  strengthen  the  linkagesupervision  and  management  mechanism,  such  as  the  establishment  for  theidentification  system  and  the  identification  of  the  black  list  system  to  assess  eachidentification mechanism and expert witness publicly.
  4.strengthen the internal construction of the insurance industry and explore newmechanisms for dealing with disputes.
  Establish a complete insurance claims operation system and dispute settlementmechanism,  and  cooperate  with  the  judicial  system  to  reduce  the  judicial  resourcesoccupation from motor insurance claims.
  Firstly, we can build a special network data platform for motor insurance injurycases,  with  the  way  of  big  data  analysis,  supervise  the  whole  judicial  process,  toenhance  the  transparency  of  judicial  identification  and  improve  the  objective  justice.Secondly,  we  can  establish  a  new  type  of  quick  handing  mechanism  for  insurance contract  disputes,  and  considering  from  the  timeliness,  impartiality,  authority,legitimacy of the multi dimension considerations, it is a good way to set up a specialarbitration court.
  This  paper  mainly  focus  on  the  detailed  discussion  and  analysis  of  improvingthe  thinking  and  strategies  of  judicial  identification  of  personal  injuries  claims  undermotor  insurance  by  using  the  methods  of  original  analysis  and  empirical  analysis,learning from the judicial identification systems of Holland and Germany, the Koreaninsurance  anti-fraud  measures.  This  paper  also  provides  relevant  legal  strategies  andsuggestions from multiple aspects of system, policies and techniques to the aforesaidissues  to  improve  the  jurisprudence  and  authority  of  judicial  identification  andpromote  the  advancement  of  anti-fraud  business  in  motor  insurance  claims  and  thesteady  growth  of  motor  insurance  for  further  realization  of  the  value  of  judicialidentification, the maintenance of China's justice and the construction of a trusty andharmonious society.
  [Keywords]Personal Injuries claims of Motor Insurance;JudicialIdentification of Personal Injury; Supervision and Regulation;Construction of Mechanism
  目  录
  导  言
  第一章 上海市车险人伤理赔现状分析
  第二章 司法鉴定的主观性和客观性问题分析
  第三章 域外经验借鉴
  第四章 实现上海市人伤理赔司法鉴定公正的对策研究
  结 语