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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-04-07 共4793字





  本文从股票市场的功能和对产业结构优化的作用的一般理论入手,从理论上分析了产业结构优化需要借助于股票市场的力量来进行,探讨河北省上市公司利用股票市场扩大发展的实践中,河北省产业结构的演变趋势和各产业内部结构,并对河北省上市公司情况及上市公司利用股权再融资情况进行了分析,对河北省未能利用股票市场促进自身产业结构优化的原因进行探讨,并提出发展和完善河北省上市公司的数量和质量,进而提出了利用股票市场优化河北省产业结构的建议。本文第一章介绍了本文的研究背景和意义,介绍了国内外学者对股票市场影响产业结构的研究成果。第二章对产业结构优化和股权融资的概念进行了界定,简要介绍了产业结构相关理论,从理论上分析了股票市场对产业结构优化的作用,包括股票市场促进产业结构优化的功能分析、股票市场融资功能与三次产业的资金需求、股票市场对不同产业优化的促进作用。第三章首先介绍了河北产业结构的演变与现状,对河北省三次产业结构与全国平均水平及环渤海其他省市进行了比较,对河北省三次产业内部结构现状进行了分析。第四章分析了河北省上市股票在三个产业间的分布,分析了河北省各产业内部上市企业股票的数量和再融资情况,最后分析了河北省利用主板、中小企业板、创业板的上市股票基本情况和再融资情况,并从中发现了一定的问题。第五章基于河北省上市企业和融资情况,利用实证检验分析了股票市场对河北省产业结构优化影响,其中,本文的实证分析运用了 Johansen 协整检验,并建立了调整的 VECM 误差修正模型。结果显示股票市场与河北省产业结构优化成负相关关系,与之前的理论分析相矛盾。第六章结合第三章及第四章对河北省三个产业的基本情况和各产业上市股票情况,对河北省未能利用股票市场优化本省的产业结构的原因进行了分析,并对河北省如何利用股票市场优化产业结构提出了建议。例如河北省政府应利用政策导向机制引导和推进河北省上市股票在各产业间的分布,提高高新技术产业和新兴服务业在河北省上市企业中的占比,充分利用民营企业和外资企业优化产业结构,培养上市公司的种子企业,培养河北省自己的券商等,充分利用股票市场为产业结构调整和经济发展提供支持。



  Healthy and continued growth of the economy is closely related to the reasonableindustrial structure, in the large wave of economic reforms, as well as the rapid developmentof the world economy,rational industrial structure is very important. Hebei is a majoreconomic province, is an important city in northern China, the adjustment of economicstructure, optimize the industrial structure, to achieve the goal of integration of Beijing,Tianjin has important practical significance . Financial services provide a developed financialsystem can promote the improvement of productivity and economic growth, the stock marketas part of the financial system, and its integration into the development of the industry, topromote industrial structure optimization doubt a huge role. Stock market to achieve atransformation between savings and investment, and effective allocation of economicresources endowment, industrial structure optimization and upgrading of resources played asupporting role. Stock market financing function, mobility function, risk pricing, informationrevealing feature helps enterprises to improve corporate governance and enhance thecompany's overall competitiveness, not only can make the sustainable and healthydevelopment, but also provides businesses with property rights transposition andrecombination conditions to promote industrial structure optimization.

  From the stock market's function and the general theory of the role of industrial structureoptimization starting from the theoretical analysis of the industrial structure optimizationneeds the help of the power of the stock market to explore the use of the stock market listedcompanies in Hebei Province, the expansion and development of practice, evolution trend ofthe industrial structure in Hebei Province and the internal structure of each industry, andHebei Province, listed companies and listed companies use equity financing situation isanalyzed, failed to take advantage of the stock market in Hebei Province to promote theirindustrial structure optimization reasons discussed and proposed to develop and improve thequantity and quality of the listed companies in Hebei Province, and then proposed the use ofthe stock market in Hebei industrial structure optimization recommendations. The firstchapter introduces the background and significance of this paper describes the impact of theindustrial structure of domestic and foreign scholars on the stock market research. The secondchapter of the concept of the industrial structure optimization and equity financing weredefined, briefly introduced the theory of industrial structure, the theoretical analysis of thestock market's role in optimizing the industrial structure, including the stock market andpromote industrial structure optimization of functional analysis, stock market financingfunction and three industrial demand for funds, stock market, promoting the role of thedifferent industrial optimization. The third chapter introduces the evolution and currentsituation of the industrial structure in Hebei, Hebei three industrial structure and the nationalaverage, and the Bohai Sea compared to other provinces, the internal structure of the status ofthe three industries in Hebei Province were analyzed. The fourth chapter analyzes the Hebeilisted shares distributed among the three industries analyzed the number and refinancing oflisted companies within the industry in Hebei each stock, the final analysis of the use of theboard listed in Hebei Province, the SME board, the GEM stock basic situation and refinancingsituation, and find some problems. The fifth chapter Based on Hebei Province listedenterprises and financing situation, take advantage of empirical test analyzed the the stockMarket, Optimize the impact on the Hebei Province the industrial structure, Among them, thethe empirical's This paper analyzes the use of a Johansen cointegration test, and established aadjust of VECM Error Correction Model. The results display stock Market with the HebeiProvincial industrial structure optimization into a negative correlation relationship betweenthe, with the theoretical analysis before the of phase contradiction. Chapter VI combined withChapter III and Chapter IV basic situation on the Hebei Province of the three industry and theeach industry listed stocks circumstances, pair Hebei Province failed to capitalize on stockMarket, Optimize the this province of the industrial structure of the reasons for conducted aanalyzed, and the Hebei Province How to take advantage of stock market optimize theindustrial the structure of put forward up recommendations.

  Keywords: Stock market; optimization of industrial structure; equity financing; listeddistribution




  1.1 选题的背景、目的、意义

  1.1.1 选题背景

  1.1.2 研究的目的和意义

  1.2 国内外研究综述

  1.2.1 国外研究现状

  1.2.2 国内研究现状

  1.3 研究思路及方法

  1.3.1 研究思路

  1.3.2 研究方法

  1.4 创新与不足


  2.1 核心概念界定

  2.1.1 产业结构优化

  2.1.2 股权融资

  2.2 产业结构优化相关理论

  2.2.1 产业间劳动力资源流动规律

  2.2.2 配第-克拉克定理

  2.2.3 产业结构变动趋势

  2.2.4 不平衡增长理论

  2.3 股票市场促进产业结构优化的理论分析

  2.3.1 股票市场促进产业结构优化的功能分析

  2.3.2 股票市场融资功能与三次产业资金需求特点

  2.3.3 股票市场对不同产业优化的促进作用

  3. 河北产业结构的现状与问题

  3.1 河北省三次产业结构与全国平均水平及其他省市的比较

  3.1.1 第一产业占比相对偏大

  3.1.2 经济发展对第二产业依赖偏大

  3.1.3 第三产业发展缓慢

  3.2 河北省三次产业内部结构分析

  3.2.1 第一产业结构不合理

  3.2.2 第二产业内部结构相对落后

  3.2.3 第三产业发展慢,缺乏创新


  4.1 河北省各产业企业的上市情况分析

  4.1.1 上市企业产业分布不合理,再融资能力严重不足

  4.1.2 第一产业上市企业稀缺,股权再融资匮乏

  4.1.3 第二产业内部结构不合理,上市及再融资过于偏重传统制造业

  4.1.4 第三产业上市公司均为传统服务业,新兴服务业与高新技术业发展不足

  4.2 河北上市公司在主板、中小板与创业板市场的情况


  5.1 变量的选取

  5.1.1 产业结构优化评价指标的选取

  5.1.2 资本市场发展指标选取

  5.1.3 控制变量

  5.2 数据来源及实证方法

  5.3 实证检验结果及分析

  5.3.1 平稳性检验

  5.3.2 Johansen 协整检验

  5.3.2 误差修正模型

  5.3.4 实证检验结果分析


  6.1 河北未能利用股票市场促进产业结构优化原因

  6.1.1 河北省上市企业少,运营质量不够理想

  6.1.2 产业政策缺乏前瞻性与合理性

  6.1.3 缺乏优质的上市种子企业

  6.1.4 上市公司的再融资能力较弱

  6.1.5 缺乏中介机构,服务不到位

  6.2 政策建议

  6.2.1 培养上市企业,强化上市公司再融资能力

  6.2.2 优化产业政策,改善上市公司产业结构

  6.2.3 充分发挥民营资本和外资在河北产业结构调整中的作用

  6.2.4 发展风险投资,积极组建产业投资基金

  6.2.5 大力培养投资银行等中介机构


