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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-05-17 共3950字


【4.1  4.2】数据库整体设计与系统代码编制 
【4.3  4.4】系统性能与开发工具介绍 

  摘 要



  本系统使用 ASP 语言开发,利用 Dreamweaver8 平台设计界面和编写代码,采用最常用的 Access 数据库,实现查询沈阳市的旅游信息和相关信息。主要功能模块包含:景点信息、酒店信息、旅游路线、旅游快讯、旅游指南、沈阳特产、沈阳美食、沈阳民俗风情、沈阳游记攻略。

  整个系统使用 B/S 模式,客户会体验更好的效果,并且从实用界面、代码简约、开发快捷等角度,完成系统的主要工作 .其中包括旅游资源信息管理和用户信息管理,管理形式有“查询、添加、修改、删除、浏览”,同时系统采用 web 技术,开发一个实现用户管理、景点资源管理、宾馆信息管理、旅游线路信息管理等功能的旅游资源管理系统。

  此次论文主要包含以下过程。1 计划:对未来可能发生或待解决的问题进行总体定义,在制作开题报告工作中,制定论文研究内容范围和进度安排。2 分析:对该软件的分析与设想。分析用户需求,分析业务流程,分析功能结构。3 设计:主要就是把软件分解成模块。主要分为概要设计和详细设计两个阶段。4 系统代码编制:是指把软件功能转换成计算机系统理解的程序。5 系统测试及维护:系统测试最终目的是以最小的代价尽可能多的发现缺陷。制作一套完美的测试比例是测试工作的关键,做好维护工作不仅需要排除软件障碍,保证软件正常运行,还需要持续扩展功能,提高运行性能,为用户提高经济效益。




  关键词:旅游信息管理,ASP 语言开发,Dreamweaver8 平台


  With China's Internet economy and the continuous development and improvement ofpeople's living standards, tourism industry is more and more strong, the development of aspiralling out of control. The tourism industry is integrated with food, housing, travel,entertainment, shopping and so on. Among them, the core competitiveness of the tourismindustry is the tourism resources, the tourism industry is the fundamental survival. Thesustainable development of the tourism industry, the development and management of tourismresources to put forward higher requirements. How to better meet the needs of customers andcontinuously improve service quality has become the key to the development of the era ofinformation technology in all walks of life, tourism industry is the trend of information. Inthis paper, we use the Internet technology to build a functional, simple and practical,performance and stability of the tourism information management system.

  Shenyang tourism information management system, from a simple and practical point ofview. Various resources and user feedback information in the process of tourism. This systemis focused on providing reliable information about the tourist area, so it is very important tocollect relevant books for the early period of data collection.

  The system uses ASP language development, the use of Dreamweaver8 platform todesign the interface and code, the use of the most commonly used Access database, to achievethe Shenyang city tourism information and related information. Main function modulesinclude: the scenic spot information, hotel information, tourist routes, travel news, travelguide, specialty of Shenyang, Shenyang food, folk customs in Shenyang, Shenyang TravelsRaiders.

  The whole system uses the B/S mode, the customer will experience better effect, andfrom the practical interface, the code simple, the development of fast and so on, the mainwork of the system [G]. Including the tourism resources information management and userinformation management, management form of “query, add, modify, delete, browse”, and thesystem uses web technology, the development of a user management, scenic resourcemanagement, hotel information management, tourism line information management and otherfunctions of the tourism resources management system.

  This paper mainly includes the following processes. Plan 1: in the future may occur or beto solve the problem of defining the overall, in making the proposal work formulated theresearch scope and schedule arrangement. 2 Analysis: analysis and imagination of thesoftware. Analysis of user needs, analysis of business processes, functional structure analysis.

  3 design: the main is to decompose the software into modules. Mainly divided into two stagesof design and detailed design. 4 system code compilation: refers to the software function intoa computer system to understand the program. 5 system testing and maintenance: the ultimategoal of the system testing is to find the defects as many as possible at the minimum cost.

  Making a set of perfect test ratio is the key to the test work. It not only needs to be excludedfrom the software to ensure the normal operation of the software, but also needs to continue toexpand the function, improve the operating performance, improve the economic benefits forthe user.

  Through the work of graduate students, the concept design, design, detailed design, codewriting, mail management, software testing, and later maintenance of the software processengineering are fully developed. In actual project development process, it is not from the firststep to the final step, but in the next phase of the first phase of the previous stage or a fewsteps back, step by step to ensure the quality of the project.

  In the writing of the paper, I read a lot of books to read and reference, browse thedomestic part of the tourism management website and forum, the knowledge of theenrichment of my future growth path is very helpful, the completion of the paper also verifiedthe knowledge of the situation, while enhancing the ability to learn.

  And in the completion of the paper, the course of study in school have a more profoundunderstanding and understanding of the course of study is equivalent to a total review,promote the combination of theory and practice, so that I benefit from the shallow.

  Keywords:Tourism information management, ASP language development, Dreamweaver8 platform

  目 录

  第 1 章 绪 论

  1.1 研究背景及意义

  1.2 旅游信息管理的概念

  1.3 课题研究的目的与解决的问题

  1.4 论文的组织结构

  第 2 章 国内外旅游信息管理现状对比

  2.1 国内外旅游信息管理的现状

  2.2 课题发展前景

  第 3 章 系统需求分析与概要设计

  3.1 系统需求分析

  3.2 可行性分析

  3.3 概要设计

  3.4 功能模块设计

  3.5 系统功能表格设计

  第 4 章 系统的设计与实现

  4.1 数据库整体设计与 E-R 图

  4.1.1 用户界面设计原则

  4.1.2 画面一致性

  4.2 系统代码编制

  4.3 系统性能

  4.3.1 界面

  4.3.2 可操作性

  4.3.3 适应性

  4.3.4 透明性

  4.4 开发工具介绍

  4.4.1 Dreamweaver8

  4.4.2 Microsoft Office Access

  第 5 章 系统测试及维护

  5.1 黑盒测试和白盒测试

  5.2 系统的测试

  5.2.1 测试的目的

  5.2.2 测试的基本原则

  5.2.3 测试计划

  5.2.4 测试结果

  5.3 系统的维护

  第 6 章 总结与展望

  6.1 总结

  6.2 展望


  致 谢
