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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-05-10 共5716字



  摘 要


  在对美军事斗争实践中,毛泽东根据不同历史时期和国内外环境,采取不同的斗争策略,取得了对美军事斗争的伟大胜利,扞卫国家主权和领土完整。本文按照历史分析法,将对美军事斗争思想演变划分为针锋相对阶段、政治接触阶段、冷战共处阶段和联美抗苏阶段进行研究梳理。针锋相对阶段,从抗战胜利到朝鲜战争结束,以美国为首的西方国家通过支持国民党反共、支持法军侵越、侵占台湾海峡、武装干涉朝鲜内政,对红色中国实施全面封锁。以毛泽东为核心的中国共产党,针对美军事干涉的严峻形势,作出了从间接抗美积极自主争取抗战胜利果实,到“一边倒”打破封锁,再到抗美援朝直接对抗等一系列战略调整,与之展开了针锋相对的斗争,打破了封锁,提高了中国的国际地位。政治接触阶段,从抗美援朝战争结束到炮击金门,毛泽东基于解决台湾问题的现实考虑,通过日内瓦谈判、大使级会谈等面对面的方式与美国进行政治接触,并通过策略性地炮击金门,将美国逼回到谈判桌旁,维持了“一个中国”的局面,开辟了敌对状态下中美两国相互沟通和联系的新渠道。冷战共处阶段,从炮击金门结束至珍宝岛事件发生,美国通过建立东亚军事联盟、入侵越南和老挝、实施核讹诈等方式,对新中国实行“遏制”政策,毛泽东通过联合反美,援越援挝抗美、发展核工业,打破被动局面,有力地抵制了美霸权主义。联美抗苏阶段,从 1969 年到 1976 年,苏联军事力量扩张,美国战略力量收缩,通过“乒乓外交”缓和与美国的关系,实现了“一条线”联美制苏的目的,确保了中国利益,促进国际反对霸权主义统一战线的形成。


  深入探讨毛泽东对美军事斗争思想,对处理今后中美两国军事战略关系具有重要的历史借鉴意义和现实指导意义。首先,要从国际战略全局着眼,纵横捭阖,随着国际形势的变化而不断调整斗争策略,发展其他国家建立的友好关系,尊重世界的多样性,遵循和平共处五项原则,积极发展与西方主要发达国家的关系,改善中国的外交环境,使中国在对美关系中占据更加有利地位。其次,要着眼全局谋划,维护根本利益,敢于斗争积累经验,善于斗争以斗求变,立足军事斗争准备,采取积极防御,同时避免全面冲突 ,争取有利地位。再次,综合运用政治、经济、军事、文化、信息等多种手段,保障国家安全,实现国家利益的最大化。最后,要重视发展包括政治力、经济力、科学力、国防力、文教力、外交力、资源力在内的综合国力,巩固国家生存和发展利益的基础,提高中国的国际地位,赢得对美军事斗争的主动权。



  After the founding of new China, the military powers nations led by Americanincreased the threat of military force, continuing implemented the blockade, isolation,interference and aggression to our nation. The leadership of the first leading group whichfollows Mao Zedong as the core had accumulated rich experience of strategy againstAmerica in the military struggle, and put forward a series of scientific and effective copingstrategy. The formation of the content system of Mao Zedong' military struggle thought onAmerica properly pointed out the direction, method and measures in handling the Sino-U.S.

  relations. But in Mao Zedong and Mao Zedong thought research, to the American militaryideological struggle of haven't complete monograph and systemic discussion, especiallyMao Zedong to the U. S. military struggle basis points, the principles and ways of systemresearch is not sufficient. This paper in accordance with the “ review the history, tease outthe content, summarize the contribution, and guide the practice” research ideas, try tocarries on the summary to this struggle, to the U. military struggle thought of Mao Zedongresearch, provide reference for our country to the United States military struggle practice inthe future.

  In the United States military struggle and practice, Mao Zedong according to thedifferent historical period and the domestic and foreign environment, take different tacticsof struggle, and achieved a great victory in the U.S. military struggle, to safeguard nationalsovereignty and territorial integrity. This paper according to the historical analysis method,will the U.S. military ideological struggle of evolution is divided for tit for tat stage, stagefor political engagement, cold war coexistence stage and uniting with America against theUSSR stage to sort out. Tit for tat stage is from the end of the victory of the war ofresistance against Japan to the Korean War. The western countries headed by the UnitedStates through support the Chinese Communist Party, support the French army in Vietnam,occupation of Taiwan Strait, armed intervention in the internal affairs of North Korea,implement the overall closure of Red China's. With Mao Zedong as the core of theCommunist Party of China, due to the serious situation of American military intervention,made a indirectly from the war to resist US aggression and actively strive for fruits ofvictory in the war of resistance against Japan, to “leaning to one side” to break the blockade,to resist direct confrontation and a series of strategic adjustment, and launched a tit for tatfight, breaking through the blockade and improve the international status of China. Politicalcontact stage, from the Korean War ended to the shelling of Jinmen, Mao Zedongsettlement of the Taiwan question based on practical considerations, through negotiations inGeneva, Ambassador level talks, such as face to face with the United States politicalcontact and through strategic shelling of Jinmen, the United States forced back to thenegotiating table, maintain a situation of “one China”, opened up a new channel of Sino UStwo countries to communicate with each other under the state of hostility. Cold warcoexistence stage, from the shelling of Jinmen until the end of the Zhenbao Island incidentoccurred, the United States through establish military alliance in East Asia, invasion ofVietnam and Laos, the implementation of nuclear blackmail, etc., of new China implement“containment” policy, Mao Zedong by United against America, Vietnam Laos to aid the warto resist US aggression and expansion of the nuclear industry, break the passive situation,effectively boycotted the hegemony of the United States. Uniting with America against theUSSR stage is from 1969 to 1976. Soviet military expansion, contraction of Americanstrategic power, through the “ping pong diplomacy” to ease the relationship with the UnitedStates, the realization of the “one line” United Artists of the Soviet Union, to ensure that theinterests of China, promote international opposition to hegemonies united front formation.

  Through summary, this paper argues that Mao Zedong's main content of the militarystruggle against the US is a complete system from the fundamental point, basic principleand basic form of the military struggle of the US. The fundamental starting point is in ofbased on the judgment of war and peace, in order to promote the world revolution as the1and territorial integrity is not violated for the bottom line, formulate and adjust to theAmerican military tactics of struggle, tit for Tat against U.S. imperialism, the maximumsafeguard national security and national interests. The basic ways is to rely on the masseslaunched the people's war and unite the power of established United Front againsthegemony, based on the David and Goliath and flexible method for victory. The basicprinciple is the scientific analysis of the situation and the enemy force contrast enhancedwin confidence, from a practical point of view the implementation of proper operationalguidance, from the overall situation of avoiding all-out conflict and not to abandon thereconciliation, adhere to the “rational, beneficial, principle of struggle day”, both tosafeguard the interests of the state, but also to avoid face-to-face direct militaryconfrontation, always grasp the initiative in the war.

  Mao Zedong to the US military struggle thought, and to deal with the future of SinoUS military strategic relationship has important historical significance and practicalguidance. First of all, from the point of view of international strategic situation, maneuvers,with the international situation changes constantly adjust tactics of struggle, development ofother countries to establish friendly relations, respect the diversity of the world, followedthe five principles of peaceful coexistence, and the positive development of the majorwestern developed countries, to improve China's environmental diplomacy, the Chinese inrelations with the United States occupy a more advantageous position. Secondly, to focuson the overall plan, safeguard the fundamental interests, dare to struggle to accumulateexperience, good at struggling to fight the change, based preparations for military struggle,to take active defense, while avoiding all-out conflict, for an advantageous position. Again,we use the comprehensive of political, economic, military, cultural, information and othermeans to protect national security, the maximization of national interests. Finally, to attachimportance to development, including political power, economic power, science, nationaldefense force, culture force, diplomatic power, resources, power, comprehensive nationalstrength, consolidate the foundation of national survival and development interests, toimprove China's international status, win the initiative in the U.S. military struggle.

  Key words: Mao Zedong,to the United States,military struggle,thought

  目 录

  摘 要


  第一章 前 言

  1.1 研究现状和研究意义

  1.1.1 研究现状

  1.1.2 研究意义

  1.2 研究主要内容和研究方法

  1.2.1 研究主要内容

  1.2.2 研究方法

  第二章 毛泽东对美军事斗争的实践脉络

  2.1 针锋相对阶段的对美军事斗争

  2.2 政治接触阶段的对美军事斗争

  2.3 冷战共处阶段的对美军事斗争

  2.4 联美抗苏阶段的对美军事斗争

  第三章 毛泽东对美军事斗争思想的主要内容

  3.1 毛泽东对美军事斗争的根本出发点

  3.1.1 对战争与和平作出新判断,在世界革命中思考谋划

  3.1.2 扞卫国家主权和安全,以国家利益为最高准则

  3.2 毛泽东对美军事斗争的基本方式

  3.2.1 坚持人民战争

  3.2.2 重视统一战线

  3.2.3 立足以弱胜强

  3.3 毛泽东对美军事斗争的基本原则

  3.3.1 敢于斗争又善于斗争

  3.3.2 力避全面冲突且不弃和解

  3.3.3 具体斗争实践中坚持“三有”掌握主动

  第四章 毛泽东对美军事斗争思想的当代价值

  4.1 纵横捭阖国际战略,赢得对美斗争主动权

  4.2 敢于斗争积累经验,善于斗争以斗求变

  4.3 运用国家政权筹划战争,多法并举维护国家安全

  4.4 提升综合国力,合力制胜

  第五章 结束语


  致 谢
