摘 要
改革开放 30 多年来,我国社会获得了长足发展,人们的物质生活水平得到了空前的提高,精神生活也日渐丰富。然而人们道德水平的提高却没能跟上物质生活水平提高的脚步,道德领域出现的一系列问题不得不引起我们的注意,道德冷漠就是其中之一。目前道德冷漠问题渐渐成为了严重的社会问题,不仅影响社会秩序的正常运转,也影响着社会主义和谐社会的构建。因此,加强对道德冷漠问题的关注和研究,分析其产生根源并从中找到解决方式意义重大。
关键词:道德 道德冷漠 旁观者 受助者
With more than 30 years' reform and opening up policy, China's market economyera gradually accumulates a lot of material wealth and people's living standards hasbeen ascending to an unprecedented level. Chinese people's spiritual life has becomemore abundant. However, the improvement of people's moral standards failed to equalwith the pace of improving living standards. The moral issues have been so thick thatwe should draw our attention to the moral indifference. At present, the problem ofmoral indifference is not a personal issue, but it gradually become a serious of socialproblem. Not only it affects the normal social order, but also hinders the constructionof a socialist harmonious society. Therefore, it's necessary to strengthen theattention of moral indifference and analyze the reason behind this phenomena to findthe solutions.
On a basis of this theory in ethics, integrated use of related disciplines such associology, psychology, pedadogy theory to study this issue. This paper provides athorough analysis of the following four parts:
Firstly, the concept of moral indifference and forms. On the basis of analysis ofother scholars, moral cognition, emotion and moral behavior and moral point of viewof moral indifference to explain the concept. According to the different forms ofmorality, the moral indifference is divided into two basic types: moral indifferenceand moral indifference of the recipients of spectator.
Secondly, the cause of moral indifference from socio-psychological factoes,social factoes, moral, moral education. The first reason is the individual consciousness,individual moral awareness is the main reason for the lack of moral indifference,which affect moral cognition, moral emotion, moral beliefs. Secondly, social andcultural aspects. Human survival and development is inseparable from the society.
The social environment is bound to have an impact on people's thinking and behavior.
Negative factors affecting the Western cultural values and traditional culture ofconflict is the root of the formation of the cultural phenomenon in moral indifference.
Finally,the perspective of moral indifference in socialb environment. The socialassistance system,moral reward and punishment system are imperfect. The medias,lacking of the correct guidance of public opinion, is the social and environmentalfactors.
Thirdly, the countermeasure of moral indifference. To solve the problem ofmoral indifference needs to adhere to the four principles, that is, Humanistic principle ,the principle of caring, trust, and the principle of responsibility. To solve the problemof moral indifference, we must first lay a solid foundation and moral construction,through strengthening moral awareness, cultivate moral emotions, strengthen anddevelop the socialist moral convictions strong moral will to strengthen the moralconsciousness by family education, school education and social education tostrengthen the moral education. Secondly, to ensure development and moralconstruction. The main method is to improve the social assistance system andestablish a sound moral reward and punishment mechanism. Thirdly, we mustmaintain the stability and moral construction by promoting traditional Chinese virtues,moral and exemplary role model for establishing and nurturing socialist core values toimprove the cultural infrastructure and maintain the stability and moral construction.
Finally, improve the moral construction environment and ensure that the correctdirection of the media to strengthen the network of moral construction to create agood social and moral atmosphere.
Keywords:ethics moral indifference spectator recipients
目 录
一、 道德冷漠的内涵、类型及影响
(一) 道德冷漠的内涵
1. 道德知行的失调
2. 道德情感的匮乏
3. 道德行为的偏差
(二) 道德冷漠的类型
1. 旁观者的冷漠
2. 受助者的冷漠
(三) 道德冷漠的弊害
1. 道德关系的疏远
2. 道德责任感的降低
3. 不利于社会主义和谐社会的构建
二、 当前道德冷漠现象的表现及成因
(一) 道德冷漠的表现
1. 社会信任感低
2. 道德勇气的丧失
3. 道德义务的蔑视
(二) 道德冷漠产生的原因
1. 道德意识欠缺
2. 多元文化的影响
3. 社会道德环境因素影响
三、 扭转道德冷漠现象的伦理对策
(一) 基本原则
1. 人本原则
2. 关怀原则
3. 信任原则
4. 责任原则
(二) 转变道德冷漠现象的具体对策
1. 夯实道德建设的基础
2. 保障道德建设的发展
3. 维护道德建设的持续稳定
4. 改善道德建设的环境