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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-04-07 共3642字



  摘 要





  关键词:河北省  农业产业集群  竞争力  发展模式


  As the foundation of the industry, agriculture plays an important role in the economicdevelopment of a country or a region , The party's 18 reported that applying industrialization,information technology, urbanization, agricultural modernization with Chinese characteristicsto the development of china, and Promoting the depth of integration of informationtechnology and industrialization, the positive interaction between urbanization andindustrialization and the coordination between urbanization and agricultural modernization,promoting the industrialization, information technology, urbanization, agriculturalmodernization in parallel. Promoting the socialist modernization, agricultural modernizationis crucial and support for achieving the dream of the foundation and pre-requisite for China.

  Under the premise of the four modernizations synchronized , developing the new agriculturalmodernization is the core tasks of agriculture and rural work. As a major agriculturalprovince , the level of Hebei's agricultural modernization needs to be improved.

  Especially in the face of a new round of industry adjustments, carrying the duty of agriculturaldevelopment, Hebei must support to the Beijing-Tianjin , how can explore a suitable path ofagricultural development, agricultural development and effective solution to the problem isrelated to the overall objective of achieve. As an agricultural industry's phenomenon ,agricultural industry cluster is not an effective development-modeo, but also a strategic,bearing an huge pushing force to the agricultural industry. Explore effective path for thedevelopment of agricultural industry cluster, with practical and theoretical significance,attracted many scholars to study it, but still not a good solution.

  This paper uses the theory of regional economy, industrial economy and agriculturaleconomics, development economics, organic biology, drawing on the results of researchpersonnel,further standardizing the definition of the agricultural industry cluster.Using factoranalysis model ,it constructed agricultural industry cluster evaluation index system andanalyzes the development of agricultural industry cluster.By Geological Survey, case analysis,it summarized the general pattern of agricultural industry cluster. It raised the issue ofagricultural industry cluster, and proposed the suggestions to the relevant issues.

  This paper is divided into seven parts. The first chapter introduces the background,purpose, meaning, ideas, innovation and deficiencies of this paper summarizes the researchstatus on clusters and agricultural industry cluster.The second chapter briefly introduces thetheory of agricultural industry cluster. The third chapter describes the status of outstandingdomestic and foreign agricultural industry cluster development experience and inspiration.

  The fourth chapter, reviewed the methods to identify industrial clusters, basing on thesemethods to building agricultural industry cluster competitiveness evaluation index system,accorded this index to analysis model Status of Agricultural Hebei's cluster development.Thefifth chapter analyzes the development of agricultural industry cluster of problems.The sixthchapter summarizes the development model of agricultural industry cluster, and case studies.Chapter VII put forward suggestions to the problem previously survey.

  Keywords:Hebei; Agricultural Industrial Cluster; Competitiveness;Development -model

    目 录

  摘 要


  目 录

  1 绪论

  1.1 研究背景

  1.2 研究目的及意义

  1.2.1 研究目的

  1.2.2 研究意义

  1.3 研究思路、研究方法和创新

  1.3.1 研究思路

  1.3.2 研究方法:

  1.3.3 可能的创新及不足

  1.4 文献综述

  1.4.1 产业集群的研究现状

  1.4.2 农业产业集群的研究现状

  1.4.3 文献评述

  2 概念界定及相关理论概述

  2.1 农业产业集群概念界定

  2.2 农业产业集群的特征

  2.3 农业产业集群发展的基本理论

  2.3.1 波特的钻石理论及其发展

  2.3.2 SCP 理论及其模型

  3 国内外农业产业集群发展经验与启示

  3.1 国外农业产业集群发展的经验与启示

  3.1.1 法国葡萄酒产业集群

  3.1.2 荷兰花卉产业集群

  3.2 国内农业产业集群发展的经验与启示

  3.2.1 山东寿光蔬菜产业集群

  3.2.2 天津花卉产业集群

  3.3 国内外发展农业产业集群的经验

  3.3.1 利用良好的区位优势

  3.3.2 充分发挥政府的作用

  3.3.3 重视农业科技发展

  3.3.4 构建产业链条,选择发展模式

  3.3.5 培育特色的农业中介服务组织

  4 河北省农业产业现状分析

  4.1 河北省农业产业发展现状

  4.2 河北省农业产业集群竞争力分析--基于因子分析模型

  4.2.1 产业集群的辨别方法

  4.2.2 指标构建

  4.2.3 实证过程

  4.2.4 结论分析

  4.3 河北省农业产业集群地区分布

  5 河北省农业产业集群发展中存在的问题

  5.1 农业产业集群整体规模较小,带动能力弱

  5.2 农业产业集群产业纵横向链条短、网络化发展水平低

  5.3 农业产业集群面临资源瓶颈

  5.4 政府公共服务水平有待提升

  5.5 农业中介服务组织发展水平低

  5.6 农业产业升级压力巨大

  5.7 农业产业集群品牌培育不足

  6 河北省农业产业集群发展模式

  6.1 龙头企业带动型

  6.2 专业化小城镇型

  6.3 农业科技园型

  6.4 特色农业主导型

  6.5 市场依托型

  6.6 休闲观光型

  7 河北省发展农业产业集群的对策

  7.1 转变农业产业集群发展理念

  7.2 做好农业产业集群整体规划、提升政府公共服务水平

  7.3 建设合作服务组织

  7.4 优化产业链

  7.5 培育农业集群品牌

  7.6 培育优秀企业家、培养农业企业管理人才

  7.7 完善现代农业科技支撑体系

  结 论


  后 记
