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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-03-12 共3777字


  【3.3  3.4】新型城镇化发展的机遇与挑战分析

  目 录

  1 绪 论
      1.1 选题背景
      1.2 研究目的及意义
          1.2.1 研究目的
          1.2.2 研究意义
      1.3 国内外研究现状分析
          1.3.1 国内研究现状分析
          1.3.2 国外研究现状分析
      1.4 研究方法
  2 新型城镇化的概念与理论基础
      2.1 新型城镇化的概念、价值与理念
          2.1.1 新型城镇化的概念
          2.1.2 新型城镇化的价值
          2.1.3 新型城镇化的理念
      2.2 新型城镇化理论支撑
          2.2.1 城乡一体化发展理论
          2.2.2 城市空间扩展方式理论
          2.2.3 城镇化发展阶段的规律性理论
          2.2.4 城镇化与工业化的关系理论
  3 青州市推进新型城镇化的 SWOT 分析
      3.1 青州市推进新型城镇化的优势分析
          3.1.1 人口保持低速平稳增长
          3.1.2 产业结构进一步优化
          3.1.3 规划城镇建设用地布局合理
          3.1.4 公共服务设施及基础设施建设提速,城乡面貌有新的变化
          3.1.5 文化建设与生态建设相得益彰
          3.1.6 城乡一体化发展成效明显
      3.2 青州市推进新型城镇化的劣势分析
          3.2.1 思想认识不到位
          3.2.2 城镇化发展不平衡
          3.2.3 土地使用模式造成了发展的瓶颈
          3.2.4 新型城镇化保障措施不力
          3.2.5 新型城镇化落后于工业化
      3.3 青州市推进新型城镇化的机遇分析
          3.3.1 面临新型城镇化加快发展的外部环境机遇
          3.3.2 区域发展机遇
      3.4 青州市推进新型城镇化的挑战分析
          3.4.1 面临潍坊市新型城镇化发展的拐点
          3.4.2 青州市城镇化水平不高
          3.4.3 区域竞争日趋激烈
  4 青州市推进新型城镇化建设的思路
      4.1 明确新型城镇化发展战略理念
          4.1.1 确定新型城镇化发展战略
          4.1.2 进一步融入“三区”与半岛城市群
      4.2 充分发挥规划在新型城镇化发展中的统筹引领作用
      4.3 加快构建新型城镇体系
          4.3.1 着眼发挥辐射带动作用,继续推进城区建设
          4.3.2 着眼提高承接承载能力,加快小城镇建设
      4.4 加强城镇基础设施建设
          4.4.1 加强城镇路网建设
          4.4.2 统筹建设城镇社会公共服务设施
      4.5 强化新型城镇化的产业支撑
          4.5.1 加速园区档次提升,加快发展服务业
          4.5.2 加速产业转型升级,加速现有企业扩张
      4.6 着力提升生态建设水平
  致 谢


  未来经济社会发展的大方向是城镇化。从目前的情况来看,我国已经开始转入了城镇化发展的关键期,尤其是“新型城镇化”建设已经成为重要的战略任务,摆上了议事日程。“新型城镇化”的“新”就是由过去片面注重追求城市规模扩大、空间扩张,改变为以提升城市的文化、公共服务等内涵为中心,真正使我们的城镇成为具有较高品质的适宜人居之所。城镇化的核心是农村人口转移到城镇,而不是建高楼、建广场。农村人口转移不出来,不仅农业的规模效益出不来,扩大内需也无法实现。新型城镇化建设的本质是用科学发展观来统领城镇化建设。但是,在大力推进新型城镇化建设的进程中,也出现了环境污染、低效能建设等比较突出的一些实际问题,主要表现在思想认识不到位,城镇化发展不平衡,土地使用模式造成了发展的瓶颈 ,新型城镇化保障措施不力 ,新型城镇化落后于工业化等多个方面的问题,所以,全面参考国外在城镇化建设中取得的实际经验,来总结思考青州市在开展新型城镇化进程中的得与失,为加快新型城镇化建设,提升城镇化发展水平,具有重要的现实价值。因此,在这样的大背景下,从当前青州市经济、社会发展的实际出发,采用 SWOT 分析法对青州市开展新型城镇化建设的情况展开系统性分析,然后提出了针对青州市新型城镇化建设的策略,对加快青州市经济社会发展,实现小康社会建设目标,具有重要的现实价值。




  第三部分,青州市推进新型城镇化的 SWOT 分析。重点分析了青州市推进新型城镇化的优势分析,青州市推进新型城镇化的劣势分析,青州市推进新型城镇化的机遇分析,青州市推进新型城镇化的挑战分析。




  The general direction of the future economic and social development of urbanization.

  From the point of the present situation, our country has begun to turn into a critical period ofdevelopment of urbanization, especially the new urbanization construction has become theimportant strategic task, placed on the agenda. \"Urbanization\" new \"new\" is from the pastone-sided focus on the pursuit of urban scale, space expansion, change to enhance theconnotation of city culture, public service as the center, really make our town has a highquality suitable for living. Urbanization is the core of the rural population transfer to the town,rather than build high-rise buildings, building square. The rural population transfer not tocome out, not only the scale of agriculture, and you won't come to expand domestic demandalso is unable to realize. The essence of the new type of urbanization construction is at thehead of the urbanization construction with the scientific outlook on development. But, in theprocess of promote the building of the new urbanization, have appeared in the pollution of theenvironment, construction of inefficient can stand out some practical problems, mainlydisplays in the ideological understanding does not reach the designated position, unbalanceddevelopment of urbanization, land use patterns caused a bottleneck in the development of newtype safeguard measures of urbanization, new urbanization lags behind industrialization, andother aspects of the problem, therefore, a comprehensive reference abroad of practicalexperience in the construction of urbanization, qingzhou to summarize the thinking to developnew type of urbanization in the profit and loss, to expedite the construction of the newurbanization, promote urbanization development level, has important practical value.

  Therefore, in this context, from the current qingzhou the reality of economic and socialdevelopment, using the SWOT analysis method to qingzhou to carry out the situation of theconstruction of the new type of urbanization on systemic analysis, and then put forward inview of the qingzhou of the construction of the new urbanization strategy, to speed up theeconomic and social development of qingzhou, realize well-off society construction target,have important practical value.

  This study focuses on four parts:

  The first part, introduction. This part of the paper selected topic background, researchpurpose and meaning, domestic and foreign research present situation analysis and researchmethods.

  The second part, the concept of new urbanization and theoretical basis. This partdiscusses the concept of new urbanization, the value and idea, the new urbanization theorysupport.

  The third part, qingzhou advancing the new urbanization of SWOT analysis. Analyzedadvantage analysis of qingzhou advancing the new urbanization, qingzhou propulsiondisadvantage analysis of the new urbanization, qingzhou propulsion of urbanization in thenew opportunity analysis, analysis of qingzhou propulsion of urbanization in the newchallenge.

  The fourth part, the thinking of promoting the construction of the new urbanizationqingzhou. Discusses the domestic and foreign new urbanization experience for reference, thenew urbanization strategy of clear concept, give full play to the planning in the new overallleading role in the development of urbanization, accelerate the establishment new type ofurban system, strengthening the construction of urban infrastructure, strengthen the newurbanization industry support, perfect the new urbanization construction of all kinds ofsecurity, enhance the level of ecological construction.

  Key words: Qingzhou city; urbanization; construction; current situation; thinking
