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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-11-16 共5770字


  摘 要
  农业和畜牧业在生产过程产生的各种农业废弃物大量增加,既浪费资源,又造成了严重的环境问题,也不利于农业生产。利用农业废弃物作为育苗基质,不但可以有效解决农业废弃物所造成的环境问题,还可以降低基质的生产成本。本试验以牛粪、猪粪、菇渣和锯末为材料,按照一定比例配制成混合基质,以发酵 7 个月、8 个月、腐熟商品基质和添加树皮的商品基质为研究对象,对其物理性质,化学性质和生物学性质进行检测,研究了不同堆腐时间,不同添加材料对基质性质的影响,取得主要结论如下:
  (1)研究了堆腐过程基质的基本性质变化随堆肥时间增长,堆肥 8 个月基质容重高于堆肥 7 个月基质容重;商品基质添加树皮对容重影响不大,腐熟商品基质容重大于未腐熟基质。腐熟商品基质的含水率明显高于添加树皮的商品基质。可能是由于添加树皮增加了基质的透气性,导致基质中水分蒸发,使含水率下降。
  堆腐 7 个月到 8 个月,基质 pH、EC 呈下降趋势,添加树皮商品基质的 pH、EC 明显低于腐熟商品基质。树皮中可电离盐离子含量低,添加树皮后,使基质中 EC 值降低。腐熟商品基质 pH、EC 值小于未腐熟基质。
  水土比 10:1 浸提,小白菜 GI、芽长、发芽率均高于水土比 5:1.随堆腐时间增长,小白菜 GI、芽长、发芽率均呈上升趋势。添加树皮商品基质,小白菜 GI、芽长、发芽率均高于腐熟商品基质。添加树皮后,降低了基质 pH 和 EC,降低了基质毒害性,从而提高了种子的发芽率,使种子芽长增加。
  (2)研究了堆腐过程基质的碳氮磷的变化规律基质堆肥过程中有机碳发生分解转化,堆腐 7 个月到 8 个月,水溶性碳含量呈上升趋势,碱溶性碳含量呈下降趋势;腐熟商品基质水溶性碳含量高于添加树皮商品基质,而碱溶性碳含量低于于添加树皮商品基质;总体看来,商品基质中水溶性碳、碱溶性碳含量低于未腐熟基质。
  全基质腐熟 7 个月到 8 个月,全氮和氨基酸态氮含量呈现出下降趋势。添加树皮可以显着降低基质中氮含量,对氨基酸态氮含量影响不显着。腐熟基质全氮和氨基酸态氮含量与未腐熟基质相比,呈下降趋势。
  随堆腐时间增长,堆腐 7 个月到 8 个月,基质中铵态氮含量呈现下降趋势;腐熟基质和添加树皮基质中铵态氮含量基本相同,添加树皮对基质中铵态氮含量影响不显着。
  商品基质与未腐熟基质中铵态氮含量差异显着。硝态氮与铵态氮含量变化相对应,堆腐7 个月到 8 个月,硝态氮含量变化不大;添加树皮商品基质硝态氮含量高于腐熟商品基质。添加树皮对基质中硝态氮含量影响极显着。腐熟基质中硝态氮含量明显高于未腐熟基质。以 NH4+-N/NO3--N 的比值小于 0.5 作为标准,商品基质达到腐熟标准。
  随堆腐时间增长,堆腐 7 个月到 8 个月,基质全 P 含量变化不大,全 K 含量呈上升趋势,腐熟基质全 P 含量与堆肥 7 个月和 8 个月基质相比差异极显着。添加树皮后,基质全 P、全 K 含量低于腐熟商品基质。可能树皮中全 P、全 K 含量较低,使基质中全 P、全 K 含量下降。
  (3)提出了利用矿物质改良基质保水性和导水性的技术基质添加珍珠岩或可以提高基质吸水量,且随添加比例的增大而升高,添加蛭石比添加珍珠岩吸水量多。基质与珍珠岩、基质与蛭石,比例为 3:2 配方最佳。
  添加珍珠岩和蛭石,可以提高基质的饱和含水量,且饱和含水量随基质与珍珠岩和蛭石比例的减小而增加。在基质比珍珠岩 3:2,基质:蛭石 2:3 时,饱和含水量基本达到最大。
  添加珍珠岩和蛭石后,基质的饱和导水率升高,且饱和导水率随基质与珍珠岩和蛭石比例的减小而增加。基质与珍珠岩比为 1:4 是饱和导水率上升最多。添加蛭石饱和导水率与纯基质饱和导水率差异显着。基质添加珍珠岩饱和导水率高于添加蛭石饱和导水率,呈极显着差异。基质饱和导水率与基质容重、初始水分含量呈负相关。
  当碳酸钙比例增加到 4%时到达最大。小白种子发芽指数在添加 4%碳酸钙和 4%氧化钙基质中差异不显着(P>0.05)。在添加 4%碳酸钙和 4%氧化钙基质中小白菜种子发芽较快,发芽整齐,且发芽率高。
  Recently, various agricultural wastes largely increase in the production process ofagriculture and animal husbandry. It wastes resources and causes serious environmentalproblems, which is not conducive to agricultural production. Agricultural wastes, as nurserysubstrate, can effectively solve environmental problems caused by agricultural wastes and canreduce the production cost of the matrix. The experiment materials are cow manure, pigmanure, mushroom residue and sawdust and we should make up mixed matrix according to acertain proportion. The objects of study are maturity matrixes fermented for 7 months and 8months, commercial maturity matrix and commercial maturity matrix added bark. This studyinvestigated the influences of different composting times and added materials on theproperties of substrate by the test of physical properties, chemical properties and biologicalproperties on substrate. The main conclusions obtained are as follows:
  (1) Study on the composting process, the basic properties changes of the substrate.
  With the increase of composting time,the bulk density of compost matrix density ofcompost for 8 months was higher than 7 months.The maturity commodity density is higherthan the non decomposed matrix.Compost water for 7 months was lower than that ofcomposting for 8 months.The water as commercial substrate was significantly higher than thatof the matrix add bark goods.Maybe due to the addition of bark increases, the permeability ofthe matrix, resulting in water evaporation in the matrix, the moisture content decreased.
  Composting for 7 months to 8 months, pH matrix, EC decreased.Add bark goodssubstrate pH, EC was significantly lower than that of commercial maturity matrix,May beadded in the pine bark, increases the permeability of the matrix, the ammonia nitrogenvolatilization caused, resulting in the decrease of pH.Low ionizable salt ion content inbark,add the bark, the matrix EC decreased.
  Soil and water 10:1 leaching, the GI, bud length, germination rate of the cabbage werehigher than the soil and water ratio 5:1. With the increase of heap rot time, the growth of GI,bud length and germination rate of the young Chinese cabbage increased Add bark goodsmatrix, Chinese cabbage GI, bud length, germination rate was higher than the maturity ofcommercial substrates. After adding bark, the matrix pH and EC were decreased, the toxicityof matrix was decreased, and the germination rate of the seed increased, so the seed lengthincreased.
  (2) Study on the composting process, variation of carbon nitrogen and phosphorus of thematrix.
  The rapid decomposition of organic carbon during matrix composting,somedecomposition of water soluble organic carbon,the matrix of water soluble organic carboncontent increased.With the increasing of microbial activity,water soluble organic carbonconsumption,content reduced.With the increasing time of composting,composting for 7months to 8 months,water soluble carbon content increased,alkali soluble carbon contentdecreased; the water soluble carbon content of the maturity of commercial substrates is higherthan the matrix add bark goods,the alkali soluble carbon content is lower than the matrix addbark goods.water soluble carbon, alkali soluble carbon content of the commercial substrate islower than the non decomposed matrix of water soluble carbon.
  Composting for 7 months to 8 months,,total nitrogen and amino acid nitrogen contentshowed a downward trend.Add the bark can significantly reduce the total nitrogen content inthe matrix,the effect of amino acid nitrogen was not significant.The content of total nitrogenand amino acid nitrogen in the matrix decomposition compared with unfermentedsubstrate,decreased.
  With the increase of composting time,composting for 7 months to 8 months,The contentof ammonium nitrogen in the matrix showed a trend of decline.The content of ammoniumnitrogen in the decomposition of matrix and adding pine bark is basically the same.Effect ofadding bark on the content of ammonium nitrogen in the matrix is not significant.Thedifference of ammonium nitrogen in commodity matrix and unfermented matrixsignificantly.Composting for 7 months to 8 months,the nitrate content did not change;add thebark matrix content of nitrate nitrogen was higher than that of commercial maturitycommodity matrix.The content of nitrate in compost matrix was significantly lower than thatoin non decomposed matrix.Use the NH4+-N/NO3--N less than 0.5 as the standard,the goodsmatrix reach the composting standard .
  With the increase of composting time,composting for 7 months to 8 months, the total Pcontent changed little,the content of totle Pand K increased;The content of P in full maturitywere significantly different than the compost substrate 7 and 8 months.Add the bark, matrix P,K content is lower than commercial maturity commodity matrix.
  (3) Put forward the technology, which uses mineral to improved matrix water retentionand water permeability.
  Add perlite or vermiculite can improve the water absorbing capacity of matrix,increasedwith the adding proportion.The effect of vermiculite was better than perlite.The maximumsaturated water content was reached on the ration of 2:3 both for the additive of perlite andvermiculite.
  Add perlite or vermiculite can improve the saturated water content of matrix,increasedwith the the decrease of matrix and perlite adding proportion.The maximum saturated watercontent was reached on the ration of 2:3 both for the additive of perlite and vermiculite.
  Add perlite or vermiculite can improve the saturated water content of matrix,increasedwith the the decrease of matrix and perlite adding proportion.Matrix and perlite ratio of 1:4 isthe largest increase in saturated hydraulic conductivity. Saturated hydraulic conductivity ofadding vermiculite and the pure matrix conductivity difference.The saturated hydraulicconductivity of adding perlite matrix higher than adding vermiculite, there was extremelysignificant difference.Matrix saturated hydraulic conductivity and bulk density,initial moisturecontent was negatively correlated.
  (4)Put forward rhe technology to improve the substrate germination rate.
  Addition of calcium carbonate and calcium oxide in matrix, the effect of raw matriximprovement obvious.Advantageous to Chinese cabbage seed germination. with the increasedof calcium carbonate and calcium oxide content,the germination rate, germination potentialand germination index were increased,When calcium carbonate increased to 4% , reaching themaximum.White seed germination index in the presence of 4% calcium carbonate and 4%calcium oxide matrix had no significant difference.With the addition of 4% calcium carbonateand 4% calcium oxide matrix,cabbage seeds germination fast and neatly,and seed germinationrate higher.
  KEYWORDS: substrate; chemical properties; water holding capacity; hydraulic conductivity;germination test

  目 录
  第一章 绪论
  1.1 研究背景及意义
  1.2 国内外的研究进展
  1.2.1 基质的发展趋势
  1.2.2 利用农业废弃物生产基质的研究状况
  1.2.3 无土栽培发展前景
  1.2.4 基质选材
  1.2.5 农业有机固体废弃物基质配方筛选
  1.3 基质理化特性在栽培中的影响
  1.3.1 基质的物理性质与植物生长
  1.3.2 基质化学性质与植物生长
  1.3.3 理想基质理化性质
  1.3.4 基质水分特性在栽培中的影响
  第二章 基质的基本参数和腐熟度变化
  2.1 引言
  2.2 材料与方法
  2.2.1 试验材料
  2.2.2 测定项目与方法
  2.3 结果与讨论
  2.3.1 容重、pH 值、EC 值和含水量的变化
  2.3.2 种子发芽试验
  2.4 小结
  第三章 不同腐熟程度基质化学参数的变化
  3.1 引言
  3.2 材料与方法
  3.2.1 基质原料与配方
  3.2.2 测定项目与方法
  3.3 结果与分析
  3.3.1 有机质、易氧化碳的变化
  3.3.2 水溶性、碱溶性碳的变化
  3.3.3 全氮、氨基酸态氮的变化
  3.3.4 铵态氮和硝态氮的变化
  3.3.5 全 p、全 k 的变化
  3.4 小结
  第四章 添加矿物对基质吸水性的改良
  4.1 引言
  4.2 材料与方法
  4.2.1 实验材料
  4.2.2 测定项目与方法
  4.3 结果与分析
  4.3.1 添加珍珠岩和蛭石对基质吸水过程的影响
  4.3.2 珍珠岩和蛭石对基质饱和含水量的影响
  4.3.3 珍珠岩和蛭石对基质吸水速率的影响
  4.3.4 蛭石和珍珠岩对基质渗透率的影响
  4.4 小结
  第五章 添加碳酸钙和氧化钙对基质发芽率的影响
  5.1 引言
  5.2 材料与方法
  5.2.1 试验方法
  5.2.2 数据处理
  5.3 结果与分析
  5.4 小结
  第六章 结论
  致 谢