【引言 第一章】
摘 要
China is currently in a key period of social transformation, public safety incidentsincluding any food safety accident if not timely and effective treatment, will affect the socialstability and the evolution of a whole society public crisis events leading to more seriousconsequences. In this special transition period, the government as the main body ofmanagement, managers of public affairs, public service providers, public policy makers andthe public authority to exercise, whether it can play the role is especially important. In recentyears, such as Guangzhou“ Clenbuterol”, “poison milk powder” and other food safetyincidents continue to occur, not only seriously affects people's stable life, some even damageto people's life safety, but also for the national economy caused a great loss. The governmentas a food safety management main body is pushed to the forefront, has to face the societywidely questioned and accountability. The author thinks that the government as a food safetymanagement at the helm of their responsibility is not clear, how to fulfill their responsibilityis not clear, resulting in recent years food safety accident and three place. Therefore, thispaper aims to study how the government sets out from oneself to reflect on cause food safetyaccidents and aggravate the consequences and the entire food safety managementresponsibility, as the government more effective food safety management to provide realisticconsideration and suggestion.
This paper first discusses the related domestic and foreign food safety managementresearch on the government responsibility in the literature objectively reviewed, then the foodsafety management and the responsibility of the government and other related concepts,through the United States, the European Union and Japan, citing the advanced experience ofdeveloped country food safety supervision in China Food Safety government regulation indeficiency, and objectively from the food safety the characteristics of public goods and themarket failure and government intervention in two aspects: government food safetymanagement responsibility as well as the theoretical basis in the food safety law, governmentadministration, economic responsibility.
Secondly, the second part through the previous food safety incident review, reveals thefood safety in the whole society tremendous negative effects, including the personal safety of influence, social stabilization, social and economic impact, the credibility of the governmenteffect. This paper also from in recent years the occurrence of a food safety accident isanalyzed, especially on the legal security system, food safety management system andeconomic technology investment to wait for a respect undertook serious analysis, find out thegovernment assume responsibility in food safety management in the crux of the problem.
Then, the comprehensive analysis of the government supervision on food safety ofregulatory functions of the position is not clear and lack of coordination mechanism,regulatory authority is not unified, authoritative food safety supervision cost higher loss,some of these problems from the acquisition of raw materials, food production andprocessing, sales distribution until a table, each link is easy to make a mistake place, alsoobjective according to the situation of our country the present situation as well as the localcharacteristic elaborated food regulatory difficulties. This part also points out the food safetysupervision consciousness is weak, regulatory body set unreasonable, food safety standardsystem is not perfect, the market access system of food safety supervision is not perfect,technology is backward wait for a reason.
Finally, the advanced experience from abroad and combining the concrete nationalconditions of our country, from the government in food safety management should bear thelegal responsibility, political responsibility, economic responsibility and moral responsibilitysets out, put forward from perfect food safety laws and regulations, build reasonable andefficient food safety supervision system, establish a scientific and standard food safetycontrol system, exploration establish the new mechanism of the government supervision offood safety aspects of the strategy, to our country government in the aspects of food safetymanagement theory were added to improve.
Key words: food safety, food safety management, the responsibility of the government
目 录
(一) 选题意义
(二) 研究现状
(三) 研究方法
(一) 食品安全
(二) 食品安全监管中政府责任
1. 法律责任
2. 行政责任
3. 经济责任
(三) 食品安全监管中政府责任的依据
1. 食品安全的公共物品属性
2. 市场失灵与政府干预
(四) 发达国家食品安全监管
1. 发达国家食品安全监管概述
2. 发达国家食品安全监管经验
(一) 近些年食品安全问题案例
1. 瘦肉精事件
2. “潮安果脯”事件
3. “人造蜂蜜”事件
4. “昌黎葡萄酒”事件
(二) 食品安全问题的不良影响
1. 食品安全问题对人本身的影响
2. 对社会经济的影响
3. 对社会稳定的影响
4. 对政府公信力的影响
(一) 我国政府在食品安全监管过程中责任缺失的表现
1. 监管职能界定不清、协调机构权威性不足
2. 监管权力不统一
3. 食品安全监管成本高
(二) 导致食品安全监管中政府责任缺失的原因
2. 监管主体设置缺少科学性
3. 食品安全标准制度尚未完善
4. 继续完善市场准入机制
5. 监管手段和技术落后
(一) 制定食品安全法律法规,健全实施标准体系
1. 逐步明确食品安全法律法规体系
2. 制定科学合理的食品安全标准相关体系
(二) 完善监管体制,保障其切实可行
1. 日常性一般监管和专项检查相结合
2. 强化食品企业的主体责任
3. 充分发挥社会的监督作用
(三) 建立健全科学规范的食品安全控制体系
1. 建立食品安全方面风险评估的预警体系
2. 完善食品安全相关检验检测体系
3. 建立食品可追溯管理系统和食品召回制度
4. 加强食品安全方面政府执行力
5. 建立食品安全行政问责制度
6. 完善食品安全的政府救济机制
(四) 创新政府监管机制,探索新型食品安全监管
1. 将食品生产经营企业纳入征信管理机制
2. 严格执行行业禁入机制
3. 推动食品安全公益诉讼机制的建立
4. 用制度保障食品安全行政执法督促力度结语