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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-07-02 共3224字


【2.2  2.3】关于世界经济危机出路的探索 

  摘 要

  2008 年资本主义世界内爆发了一次严重的世界性经济危机。这次危机始于金融领域并最终演变为一场结构性、全面性和制度性的深刻危机。资本主义国家共产党积极行动起来,依据马克思主义基本经济理论对这次危机的根源、性质、特征、后果等进行了全面系统的分析。





  关键词:资本主义国家共产党 经济危机 社会主义


  serious global economic crisis erupted in the capitalist world in 2008. The crisisstarted in the financial sector and eventua lly evolved into a deep crisis of structural,systemic and institutional, Communists of capitalist countries take action, in accordancewith the basic econom ic theory of Marxism analyzed the root cause s of the crisis, thenature, characteristics, consequences comprehensively and systematically.

  The Communist Par ties of capitalist countries believe that cap italism financialliberalization, the neoliberal m odel are the im portant cause of the crisis, the capitalistsystem and its inherent contradiction is the root of this crisis. Comprehensive, structured,Institutional sectors are the main feature of the crisis. In order to get out of the econom iccrisis, countries capitalist governments use a variety of economic levers to adjust, evenhesitate to use the power of the national government for the id eological propaganda,while passed the crisis to internal society, output the crisis to foreign. Nevertheless, somecountries even now are still in danger of insolvency.

  The Communist Parties of capitalist countri es believe that the relief m easuresimplemented by the governm ent are a bour geois crisis of the socialization andinternationalization process, and its fundamental purpose is to safeguard the fundamentalinterests of the bourgeoisie. To this end, the Communist Parties criticize its bailout policy,and put forward a series of specific strategies to deal with the crisis, and point to the onlyway out w hich is a socialist alternative to capitalism. Therefore, strengthening thestruggle against monopoly capitalism and imperialism, and promoting international jointworking people of the world, are the urgent task for the world socialist movement.

  The Communist Parties of capitalist countries are at the forefront of change, directlyfacing the challenges of the econom ic crisis and opportunity, so their describing andanalyze for the econo mic crisis will im prove our understanding of the nature of theeconomic crisis, further prom ote Marxist theoretical innovation of econom ic crisis. Ofcourse, the economic crisis provides a strategic opportunity for a new development of theworld socialist m ovement,. This is not only or the work ers' movement in cap italistcountries, but also a further improvement of the socialist system.

  final victory of socialism is inseparabl e from united struggle of the Communistcountries and the world proletarian , is inse parable from the courageously forward ofthe reality of the socialist countries. The outbreak of the crisis of capitalism promotes thematuration of proletarian power , the exploration of socialis m of the proletariat of allcountries.

  Key Words:The Communist Parties of Cpitalist Cuntries ,Eonomic Crisis,Socialism

  目 录




  0.1 选题的目的与意义

  0.1.1 选题的目的

  0.1.2 选题的意义

  0.2 国内外研究现状

  0.2.1 国外研究现状

  0.2.2 国内研究现状

  0.3 本文研究方法

  0.4 论文的创新点

  1 2008 年世界经济危机的发生发展过程

  1.1 2008 年世界经济危机的演变

  1.1.1 经济危机产生背景

  1.1.2 经济危机发展过程

  1.2 资产阶级的救市政策

  1.2.1 经济策略

  1.2.2 政治控制

  1.2.3 意识形态宣传

  1.2.4 对外转嫁

  2 资本主义国家共产党关于当前经济危机的理论分析

  2.1 对世界经济危机爆发原因的分析

  2.1.1 虚拟资本的过度积累是直接原因

  2.1.2 新自由主义政策的弊端是重要原因

  2.1.3 制度的固有矛盾是根本原因

  2.2 对世界经济危机性质的分析

  2.2.1 结构性、全面性和制度性

  2.2.2 制度危机

  2.3 关于世界经济危机出路的探索

  2.3.1 对资本主义现有制度的批判

  2.3.2 对社会主义替代方案的选择

  3 资本主义国家共产党关于当前经济危机的应对策略

  3.1 对资本主义纾困政策的批判

  3.1.1 反对所谓“援助”计划

  3.1.2 对资本家和富人征税

  3.2 对新自由主义的变革

  3.2.1 实现民主的国有化

  3.2.2 建立新的经济运行模式

  3.2.3 提出维护劳动群众经济权益具体政策

  3.3 加强反帝反垄断的团结斗争

  3.3.1 加强各国共产党和工人党在群众斗争中的领导作用

  3.3.2 重视意识形态的斗争问题,促进社会主义主观条件的成熟

  3.3.3 加强工人阶级和劳动群众的团结,注重国际合作

  4 资本主义国家共产党应对当前经济危机理论与策略对社会主义运动的影响

  4.1 对当代资本主义新变化及其走向产生新的认识

  4.1.1 坚定资本主义应该为经济危机负责的认识

  4.1.2 资本主义没有在此次危机中衰落的原因

  4.1.3 关于资本主义历史地位和发展趋向的新认识

  4.2 对世界社会主义运动总体态势的影响

  4.2.1 对工人阶级重塑社会主义信念的影响

  4.2.2 对各国共产党加强自身建设的影响

  4.2.3 对各国共产党斗争策略的影响

  4.2.4 对各国共产党相互关系的影响



