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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-03-24 共2033字



  摘 要





  The issue of grain security has always been a hot issue, especially for China, adensely populated country. Ensure national grain security is not only related to China'seconomic problems, more related to the political problem. For the protection of China'sfood security, China has been doing unremitting efforts, having achieved great results.

  In the research, a multiple liner regression model is used to analyze the determinedfactors of the grain production. A natural logarithmic equation and a linear equation areused for predicting China's domestic grain demand gap in the next decade. It showsChina's future food gap will be bigger and bigger;Then calculated the four major foodimport dependence agree and the imports concentration. The results show that there is lowimport dependence and a high imports concentration, so China should maintain anappropriate scale of imports and import structure. And according to the results, somepolicy about improving grain trade situation and ensuring grain security are proposed. TheChina's food problems must be placed in the international environment, the grain trade willbe conducive to China's food security. Therefore, the protection of China's food securitymust start from the grain production mechanism, circulation mechanism, reservemechanism, the market system, food policy and constantly improve the food productionsystem, food security reserves system, the residents food safety system, food securitymarket system and food security policy, thus fundamentally solve the problem of foodsecurity of China.

  Key Words: Grain Import ,Grain Security, Policy

    目 录

  第 1 章 绪论

  1.1 选题背景

  1.2 研究意义

  1.3 文献综述

  1.4 主要研究方法

  1.5 论文创新之处

  1.6 本文基本框架

  第 2 章 粮食安全概念与影响因素分析

  2.1 粮食安全概念

  2.2 粮食安全的度量指标

  2.3 粮食安全影响因素分析

  第 3 章 中国粮食供求现状及趋势

  3.1 中国粮食生产需求现状

  3.1.1 国内粮食生产现状

  3.1.2 国内粮食消费现状

  3.2 粮食国内生产因素模型

  3.2.1 模型基本假设

  3.2.2 粮食生产指标选择及数据来源

  3.2.3 模型计算与检验

  3.2.4 结果分析

  3.3 国内粮食供求缺口预测

  3.3.1 粮食产量模型及未来十年产量预测

  3.3.2 未来十年国内粮食消费量预测

  3.3.3 中国粮食供求缺口预测

  第 4 章 粮食净进口依存度与进口集中度分析

  4.1 中国粮食贸易现状及结构分析

  4.2 中国粮食净进口依存度分析

  4.3 中国粮食进口集中度分析

  4.4 粮食进口依存度和进口集中度对中国粮食安全影响

  4.4.1 保持合理粮食进口规模

  4.4.2 高进口集中度对中国粮食安全影响

  第 5 章 中国粮食安全战略与政策

  5.1 通过分散进口以降低粮食进口集中度

  5.2 适度提高粮食净进口依存度的目标

  5.3 建立粮食安全生产和替代体系

  5.4 完善粮食安全储备体系

  5.5 建立粮食安全市场体系

  5.6 建立居民粮食安全体系

  5.7 完善中国粮食安全政策

  第 6 章 结论


