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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-06-07 共3205字


【绪论  第一章】对苏联时期中亚文学和人道主义思想的再认识 







  The salvoes of the October Revolution brought Central Asia a world-shaking change, it'sundoubtedly a huge turning that in literary creation mainly in the former oral literature changed intothe later written literature. The Soviet Union has greatly promoted the development of Central Asia, inthis era, the Central Asian literature world appeared two epoch-making influence literature masterslike Auezov and Aitmatov, because of their outstanding contributions, the world's eyes began to focuson the Central Asian literature. Throughout the Central Asia's literary creation in the Soviet-era, thenovel creation occupied an important position, and those thoughts on human dignity, human values,human destiny and so on in the creation reflect the attention and care to people of Central Asianwriters .Based on the existing study in this topic, this paper is trying to probe into the humanitarianismin the creation and the reasons of these thoughts through the analysis of the novels.

  This paper consists of the following parts:The first part is preface, elaborating on the presentresearch status at home and abroad, the purpose of the research, the ways of the research.The secondpart is the recognition of the Soviet-era Central Asian literature and humanitarianism. Considering thecurrent domestic elaboration on the Soviet-era Central Asian literature too little, the paper gives a briefreview about the situation of literary creation based on the definition of “Central Asia”. Moreover,through the recognition of humanitarianism to understand its real meaning and the humanitariancreation's background in Soviet Literature.The third part focuses on the analysis of the performance ofhumanitarianism in the Soviet-era Central Asia's novels. This is the core part of this paper, through theanalysis of the novels to probe into the humanitarianism in the creation. After research, it's easy tofind out that Central Asian writers show their attention and care to people through the writing onhardships of the people, female problems, humanity and emotion.The fourth part is to probe the rootcause of humanitarianism in the Soviet-era Central Asia's novels. Analysis of the causes ofHumanitarian creation from the Central Asian writers'personal experience and their literary horizon.

  After research, effect of childhood, adult unique life experience, traditional infection of Central Asia,the influence of Russian and Soviet Literature, all of these make contributions to Soviet-era CentralAsian writers'humanitarian creation.The fifth part is the conclusion, this part carries on the summaryto all the paper.It is worth noting, experts and scholars who do research on Soviet literature almost settheir sights on the Soviet Russian Literature which has glorious past, the Central Asian literature as animportant part of the Soviet Literature, didn't get enough attention. The Soviet-era Central Asianliterature is a special product produced in the special period and special region, it's an indispensablepart of the Soviet Literature, also a very important stage in the history of Central Asian literature,there's no doubt that probing into the humanitarianism in the creation can make up for the lack ofresearch and enrich the Soviet literature and Central Asian Literature, it's also the characteristic andinnovation of this paper.

  Key words: humanitarianism; Soviet-era Central Asia's novels; hardships of the people; femaleproblems; humanity and emotion





  第一章 对苏联时期中亚文学和人道主义思想的再认识

  1.1 苏联时期中亚文学简介

  1.1.1 “中亚”概念的界定

  1.1.2 苏联时期中亚文学概述

  1.2 何谓“人道主义

  1.2.1 人道主义的含义

  1.2.2 苏联文学与人道主义

  第二章 苏联时期中亚小说中人道主义思想在作品中的表现

  2.1 对民间疾苦的思考

  2.1.1 对艰苦环境的记叙

  2.1.2 对不合理现象的控诉

  2.1.3 对残酷战争的批判

  2.2 对女性问题的关注

  2.2.1 女性的觉醒

  2.2.2 女性的独立

  2.3 对人情人性的书写

  2.3.1 对亲子之爱的赞美

  2.3.2 对婚恋自主的颂歌

  2.3.3 对师生情谊的礼赞

  2.3.4 对民族友情的讴歌

  第三章 苏联时期中亚小说中人道主义思想的根源探由

  3.1 个人经历的磨砺

  3.1.1 童年的耳濡目染

  3.1.2 人生的独特体验

  3.2 作家们的文学视界

  3.2.1 中亚传统的侵染

  3.2.2 俄苏文学的影响



