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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-06-20 共3156字



  摘 要



  本文试图利用 SWOT 分析法来研究社会工作介入农民工服务,首先通过现有文献资料和项目资料来分析社会工作介入农民工服务的现状,根据此现状分析社会工作介入农民工服务中面临的困境,进而找出社会工作介入农民工服务的切入点,定位社工在介入中需要扮演的角色;其次,结合 SWOT 分析法总结出社会工作介入农民工服务的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战,最后,最后利用 SWOT 矩阵图的系统分析法,积极寻求推进社会工作介入农民工服务的战略对策,以提升农民工社会工作服务的针对性与实效性,并反思本文存在不足。

  关键词:农民工,服务,社会工作,SWOT 分析


  With the rapid industrialization and urbanization in China, it has not been a newphenomenon that the migrant workers work from rural to urban area. They create a hugewealth and make a great contribution to urban area, which push the pace of China'surbanization. Compared to their large pay, they have not been rewarded properly. Whilethe migrant workers live in cities, it is difficult for them to enjoy the same political,economic and social rights with natives. Migrant workers feel it difficult to integrateinto city life when encountering discrimination in employment, group events, rightinfringement and the lack of social welfare.

  Solving the problem of the migrant workers is related to enterprises, society andgovernment, which affects the whole body indeed. There is an necessary demand thatsocial workers provide social services for migrant workers. Just relying on policies ofgovernment is not enough. Social work service has some limitations because thelocalization and specialization of social work is not yet completed owing to China'sspecial conditions. Therefore, we collect and arrange the relevant literature about thesocial service of migrant workers. From the perspective of social work, we try toanalyze social work services which meet actual needs of migrant workers. Throughparticipating in Jiangbei city streets Chinese Construction Third Engineering BureauLtd IFC public school services, from the perspective of social work, we studied itsintervention into migrant workers services based on the theory of social work.

  This paper attempts to research social work involved in the migrant workersservice by SWOT analysis methods. Firstly, we use the existing literature and Projectinformation to analyze the current situation of social work involved in migrant workersservices, analyze the plight of social work involved in migrant workers servicesaccording to the current situation, then find out the entry point of social work involvedin migrant workers services, locate the role of social work involved in migrant workersservices. Then combined with the SWOT analysis summarizes the social workintervention of migrant workers service strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats,and finally, finally by using system analysis method of SWOT matrix graph, activelyseeking advance social work involved in the strategic countermeasure of rural migrantworkers in service, to improve the pertinence and effectiveness of rural migrant workersin social work service, and reflect on the shortcomings in this paper.

  Keywords: migrant workers, service, social work, SWOT analysis methods

    目 录



  1 绪 论

  1.1 问题提出

  1.2 研究意义

  1.2.1 理论意义

  1.2.2 现实意义

  1.3 研究方法和技术路线

  1.3.1 研究方法

  1.3.2 研究的技术路线

  1.4 研究的重、难点及创新之处

  1.4.1 研究重点

  1.4.2 研究难点

  1.4.3 创新之处

  1.5 相关概念的界定

  1.5.1 农民工

  1.5.2 农民工服务

  1.5.3 社会工作概念界定

  1.5.4 SWOT 分析方法的界定

  2 文献综述及理论基础

  2.1 文献综述

  2.1.1 关于社会工作介入农民工服务内容的文献研究

  2.1.2 关于社会工作介入农民工服务模式的文献研究

  2.1.3 对文献综述的简要述评

  2.2 理论基础

  2.2.1 马斯洛需求理论

  2.2.2 社会支持理论

  2.2.3 社会学习理论

  2.2.4 赋权理论

  3 社会工作介入农民工服务的现状分析

  3.1 服务对象基本情况

  3.2 农民工社会服务目标

  3.3 农民工社会服务内容

  4 社会工作介入农民工服务的角色分析

  4.1 社区社会服务直接提供者

  4.2 使能者

  4.3 权益保护者

  4.4 教育引导者

  4.5 政策倡导者

  5 社会工作介入农民工服务的 SWOT 分析

  5.1 内部优势 S

  5.1.1 社会工作的发展

  5.1.2 社会工作的社会使命

  5.1.3 社会工作的价值理念

  5.1.4 社会工作的实践性

  5.2 内部弱势 W

  5.2.1 社会工作专业化程度不高,本土化经验不足

  5.2.2 持久性、常规性服务不足

  5.3 外部机会 O

  5.3.1 政府对社会工作的构建与推动

  5.3.2 高校专业教育的蓬勃发展

  5.3.3 热衷公益,弘扬志愿服务的精神

  5.4 外部挑战 T

  5.4.1 农民工对社会工作的认知度较低

  5.4.2 缺乏良好的专业实践外部环境

  6 推进社会工作介入农民工服务的措施

  6.1 SO 战略:利用外部机遇,发挥内部优势

  6.1.1 要注重社工专业人才培养,培养高素质的社工人才

  6.1.2 大力推行“社工+志愿者”模式

  6.2 WO 战略:利用外部机遇,克服内部劣势

  6.2.1 提升社会工作者能力

  6.2.2 企业支持和积极配合为社会工作服务农民工提供保证

  6.3 ST 战略:利用内部优势,规避外部挑战

  6.3.1 完善农民工社会政策和法规,改善农民工社会福利体系

  6.3.2 注重社工专业实践教育

  6.4 WT 战略:克服内部弱势,规避外部挑战

  6.4.1 加强社会工作机构的管理

  6.4.2 政府加大农民工社会工作服务的购买力度

  6.4.3 增强社区服务的能力,促使农民工社会工作常规化

  7 结 语

  7.1 研究结论

  7.2 研究不足

  致 谢

