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来源:浙江工商大学 作者:王丞晖
发布于:2020-06-16 共5952字
  摘 要

  本文基于SOR模型,结合网络购物节特点,引入网络节庆促销、网站节庆设计、网络节庆互动以及节庆赔付承诺这四类反映网络购物节氛围的刺激(S),探究其对消费者购买意愿的影响机制。同时,注意到以往研究鲜少关注消极情绪对消费者购买意愿的影响,本文选取愉悦感、唤起感和紧迫感作为机体状态(O),其中愉悦感和唤起感作为积极情绪、紧迫感作为消极情绪,将消费者购买意愿作为反应变量(R)。本研究通过发放问卷来收集数据,回收有效问卷428份,使用Smart PLS对模型进行检验。
  关键词:   网络购物节;氛围;愉悦感;唤起感;紧迫感;购买意愿 。
  With the rapid development of e-commerce, the online shopping  festival represented by Tmall "Double Eleven" and Jingdong "6.18" has a significant impact on the annual sales of the platform. The online shopping festival has become an important time node for the e-commerce platform. In order to satisfy consumers' pursuit of a better life and to achieve good sales during the  shopping  festival,businesses  are  increasingly  focusing  on  creating  a  network  festival atmosphere through  various  marketing  methods,  in  order to  allow  consumers  to  have  a  good sensory experience and emotional experience in the process of shopping. However, it has been found that e-commerce companies use a variety of means to create an atmosphere and invest a lot of manpower and material resources, but the effect is not as good as expected. Therefore, it is  necessary  to  study  the  influence  of  different  network  festival  atmospheres  on  consumers' purchase  intention,  so  as  to  accurately  invest  limited  human  and  material  resources  into  the corresponding marketing activities.
  At present, the research on the atmosphere of online shopping festival mainly focuses on the  field  of  daily  online  shopping  atmosphere,  focusing  on  the  influence  of  factors  such  as product  promotion,  web  design  and  product  display  on  consumer  purchase.There  is  less research  on  the  online  shopping  atmosphere  created  by  large-scale  activities  such  as  online shopping festivals, and there is no emphasis on the impact of the unique shopping atmosphere during the shopping festival on consumer sentiment and behavior.Therefore, this article mainly explores the following questions: Which shopping festival atmosphere elements can effectively promote consumer purchases? What kind of path does the online shopping festival atmosphere created  by  the  merchants  affect  consumer  purchases?  What  factors  are  more  effective  in affecting consumers' purchase intention?
  Based on the SOR model and the characteristics of the online shopping festival, this paper introduces four kinds of incentives (S) reflecting the atmosphere of online shopping festivals, such  as  online  festival  promotion,  website  festival  design,  network  festival  interaction  and festival  payout  commitment,  to  explore  its  influence  mechanism  on  consumers'  purchase intention. At  the  same  time,  it  is  noted  that  previous  studies  have  paid  little  attention  to  the influence of negative emotions on consumers' purchase intention. This paper selects the sense of pleasure, arousal and urgency as the state of the body (O).Among them, the sense of pleasure and arousal are positive emotions and urgency as negative emotions, and consumers' purchase intention is taken as a reaction variable (R). In this study, data were collected by questionnaires, 428 valid questionnaires were collected, and the model was tested using Smart PLS.
  The conclusions of the study mainly include the following:
  (1) Network festival promotion, website  festival design, network festival  interaction and festival  payout  commitments  four  types  of  online  shopping  festival  atmosphere  have  a significant positive impact on consumers' purchase intention.They are indirect effects and need to be transmitted through the mediating effects of pleasure, arousal and urgency.
  (2) The four types of the online shopping festival atmosphere have significant differences in consumer sentiment. The network festival promotion and festival payout commitment have a more significant effect on the sense of pleasure and arousal, and the interaction between the website festival design and the network festival is more significant for the sense of urgency.
  (3)  The  sense  of  pleasure,  arousal  and  urgency  have  a  significant  positive  impact  on consumers' willingness to purchase. The sense of  urgency  has the  most significant impact on consumers'  willingness  to  purchase,  and  the  impact  of  pleasure  is  second.  And  the  sense  of pleasure,  arousal  and  urgency  have  a  significant mediating  effect  between  the  dimensions  of the online shopping festival and the willingness of consumers to purchase.
  Keywords :   online  shopping  festival;  atmosphere;  pleasure;  arousal;  urgency;  purchase intention 。
  1  绪论
  1.1 研究背景。
  1.1.1  现实背景 。

  1.1.2  理论背景 。

  1.2 研究意义.
  1.2.1  理论意义
  1.2.2  实践意义.
  1.3 研究内容
  1.3.1  研究的重点与难点
  1.3.2  文章组成.
  1.4. 研究思路和研究方法
  1.4.1  研究思路
  1.4.2  研究方法.
  1.5  主要创新点
  2  文献回顾.
  2.1 刺激-机体-反应(SOR)理论
  2.1.1  S-0-R理论概述.
  2.1.2  基于S-O-R模型的购买意愿的研究.
  2.2  消费情绪.
  2.2.1  消 费情绪的定义.
  2.2.2  消费情绪的维度
  2.3 网络购物节氛围的相关研
  2.3.1  网络购物节氛围的定义.
  2.3.2  网络购物 节氛围的划分.
  2.3.3  网络购物 节情境下重要因素研究.
  2.4 研究评述
  3 研究模型和研究假设
  3.1 研究模型
  3.2 研究假设.
  3.2.1 网络购物 节氛围与情绪的假设.
  3.2.2  情绪与购买意愿
  3.2.3  情绪的中介作用
  4  研究方法.
  4.1  问卷设计
  4.1.1  问卷设计 思路
  4.1.2  问卷 内容结构
  4.1.3  变量的测量.
  4.1.4  问卷前测 分析.
  4.2 问卷调查
  4.2.1  调查对 象选择
  4.2.2  调查数据 收集
  4.2.3  调查样本 分布
  4.3  数据分析方法.
  5  统计分析.
  5.1  测量模 型的信度与效度检验.
  5.1.1  信度检验
  5.1.2  效度检验
  5.1.3  数据同源性偏差分析
  5.2  结构模 型的参数估计与假设检
  5.2.1  网络购物节氛围对情绪的影响分析
  5.2.2  情绪对购 买意愿的影响分析
  5.3  结果分析与讨.
  5.3.1  网络购物节氛围对购买意愿的影响分析.
  5.3.2  情绪的中 介效应分析
  5.3.3  控制变量的影响分析.
  5.3.4  假设检验结果与最终模型
  6  结论与展望
  6.1  研究结论与启示
  6.1.1  研究结论
  6.1.2  管理启示.
  6.2  研究局限与展望
  6.2.1  研究局限
  6.2.2  研究展望






原文出处:王丞晖. 网络购物节氛围对消费者情绪及购买意愿的影响[D].浙江工商大学,2020.