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来源:未知 作者:学术堂
发布于:2016-06-15 共5589字


【3.4  3.5】哈尔滨市大众跆拳道发展的对策 

  摘 要


  一、哈尔滨市大众跆拳道市场规模不断壮大,目前在哈尔滨市跆拳道协会注册已有 32 家,大众跆拳道场馆在哈尔滨市区内分布不均匀,跆拳道馆以中、小型居多。





  六、哈尔滨市跆拳道的消费人群,主要以中小学学生为主,其次是青年人,I消费人群是为了休闲健身娱乐和掌握防身方法为主。参与跆拳道健身的消费者多以一年左右居多,年限越长的锻炼者人群较少,锻炼次数上都能坚持一周 2 次左右。
















  Along with the rapid and stable growth of national economy, the national publicabout their health consciousness gradually strengthened, types of fitness requirementsalso more and more high, tae kwon do project in the sharply development of ourcountry in recent years, tae kwon do project with its unique ways to attract the masspeople's favorite. This paper USES the literature material method, expert interviewmethod, observation method, questionnaire investigation and mathematical statisticsand other research methods, investigation on the current situation of Harbin citypublic taekwondo and analyzed and studied, the analysis of situation of Harbin citypublic taekwondo development trend in China, in view of the problems that exist inthe situation, put forward the corresponding countermeasures, the results show thatthe following conclusions:

  First, Harbin mass market is growing, and currently registered in Harbin,taekwondo association has 32, uneven distribution of mass taekwondo venue inHarbin area, taekwondo hall in the majority with medium and small.

  Second, Harbin city public Taekwondo Hall of the economic benefits on thepart of the Tao hall, considerable economic benefit, taekwondo students has gradually increased, the Tao hall area increased gradually, enhance service awareness, facilities Improved year by year, but there are still some Museum Foundation of regional road facilities not perfect, hidden trouble of safety awareness is not strong, direct influence the Road Museum to achieve better economic benefit and better development space.

  Three, along with our country sports management supervision system ofgradually perfect, taekwondo, pavilion, under the supervision of relevant departmentsof the management gradually to eliminate the previous part of the regional adversecompetition, such as: taekwondo hall management chaotic; Open house withoutopening formalities, taekwondo facilities security is poor, the pavilion operators onthe charge price is not reasonable, there are vicious competition of wushu sport, etc.

  Four, Taekwondo is currently marketing target location more widely the lackof accurate positioning, yet to develop marketing method is scientific and effective, taekwondo school enrollment patterns common to distributing flyers, stickers advertising, media publicity, the students and instructors introduce among sales form.

  Five, the tae kwon do project in Harbin male coach significantly more than thefemale coaches, coaches are mainly young people, mainly the average degree isrelatively low, in charge of fixed number of year is shorter, generally is not high, Danbusiness level general theory knowledge, some way pavilion undocumentedphenomenon, of a small group of professional sports coaches source non-sportscolleges students, mainly on part-time more taekwondo coach. Taekwondo trainingfor the number of times is not much, no more time in further education. Way bettertae kwon do business hall to coach image good, teaching ability, teaching style isunique, plus pavilion site location convenient transportation, deciding where to recruitstudents, directly affect the treatment of coaches monthly salary problem.

  Six, the tae kwon do consumers in Harbin, mainly primary and secondary schoolstudents, followed by young people, consumers for leisure fitness entertainment andto grasp the method of self-defense. Participate in taekwondo fitness more consumersin the majority with a year or so, duration of the longer the exercisers population less,exercise frequency can insist on 2 times a week or so.

  In view of the situation of expanding of Harbin public taekwondo market putforward the following Suggestions:

  1, Play the supervision and guidance functions in sports departments, strictlyexamine the qualifications to clear the museum.Harbin city sports management department should carry out rational distribution of Taekwondo market. The introduction of popular Taekwondo fitness market regulations as soon as possible, the site of the hardware facilities and securityissues in the Road Museum are strict requirements, specification of popular Taekwondo market development.

  2, Strengthen the management of Taekwondo coaches, provide more opportunities to further study.The Sports Bureau of the relevant departments to give policy support, to play a role as a bridge between the Harbin Taekwondo Association, often organize Road Museum match and training work, promote exchanges between various RoadMuseum learning. The introduction of scientific management concept, improve themanagement level, increases the Sino Korean Taekwondo exchange activities, strengthen the operation of the market economy.

  3, Increase their treatment.According to the work length of service and level, the physical education departments of the government to develop certain reward system, improve the coach' swage subsidies, to better promote the dynamic coaches learning progress.

  4, Improve the teaching and museum curator of Taekwondo coaches management ability.Harbin City Museum curator to improve management ability, have the certificate of professional taekwondo coach hire, improve the comprehensive quality of coaches, coaches teaching quality strict supervision, improve the way the museum is equipped with infrastructure, strengthen the cultivation of the safety consciousness.

  5, Determine the exact location of popular Taekwondo market. A broad understanding of the psychological motivation of Tae Kwon Do Consumers in Harbin City, to determine a good popular Taekwondo marketing targetpositioning, seeking the right market position, to meet the different needs of mass taekwondo. The refinement of marketing method introduced in line with Harbincity public Taekwondo development, promote the public participation to Taekwondo fitness, stimulate the market consumption.

  6, By the Harbin City Taekwondo Association formulated strict appraisal standards and measures to upgrade.The related sports management department issued regulations, concrete standard specification for Taekwondo assessment, strict control of coaches and curator access fees phenomenon not reasonable in the upgrade exam.

  Key words: Harbin; The mass taekwondo; The coach; members

    目 录

  摘 要


  目 录

  1 前 言

  1.1 研究目的

  1.2 研究意义

  1.3 文献综述

  1.3.1 大众跆拳道的定义

  1.3.2 国外跆拳道发展现状

  1.3.3 国内跆拳道发展现状

  2 研究对象和方法

  2.1 研究对象

  2.2 研究方法

  2.2.1 文献资料法

  2.2.2 专家访谈法

  2.2.3 观察法

  2.2.4 问卷调查法

  2.2.5 数理统计法

  3 研究结果与分析

  3.1 哈尔滨市大众跆拳道馆的基本状况

  3.1.1 跆拳道馆的数量情况

  3.1.2 道馆的基础设施与配套设施情况

  3.1.3 道馆经营年限情况

  3.1.4 道馆锻炼的安全情况

  3.1.5 跆拳道馆的宣传方式

  3.2 哈尔滨市大众跆拳道的会员现状与分析

  3.2.1 会员的性别和年龄情况

  3.2.2 会员的收入状况和消费情况

  3.2.3 会员了解跆拳道的途径

  3.2.4 会员参加锻炼的目的

  3.2.5 会员锻炼时间、次数、强度情况

  3.2.6 会员对教学情况的态度

  3.2.7 会员对跆拳道基本知识了解情况

  3.3 哈尔滨市大众跆拳道教练员队伍的现状与分析

  3.3.1 教练员的性别和年龄结构

  3.3.2 教练员的个人收入情况

  3.3.3 教练员学历结构和段位情况

  3.3.4 教练员执教年限情况

  3.3.5 教练员学习跆拳道的途径

  3.3.6 教练员业务培训学习情况

  3.3.7 教练员的教学能力情况

  3.4 哈尔滨市大众跆拳道发展的主要制约因素分析

  3.4.1 开展大众跆拳道管政策不规范

  3.4.2 教学师资力量弱与教练员的综合素质较低

  3.4.3 道馆的硬件设施较差

  3.5 哈尔滨市大众跆拳道发展的对策

  3.5.1 加强相关政府部门跆拳道协会的监督和指导作用

  3.5.2 提高道馆馆长的管理能力

  3.5.3 提高大众跆拳道教练员的专业素质

  3.5.4 加强跆拳道道馆之间的交流与沟通

  3.5.5 扩大媒体对跆拳道宣传力度

  4 结论与建议

  4.1 结论

  4.2 建议


  致 谢
