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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-05-24 共3225字


【4.1 - 4.3】哈尔滨市城市居民电视体育节目收视情况 
【4.4 - 4.6】电视体育节目影响居民体育意识的具体分析 

  摘 要







  Harbin is located in the heart of Northeast Asia, is to contact the Eurasiacontinental bridge and air corridors major hub city, known as the Pearl of EurasiaBridge. Unique natural and geographical environment, and the neighboring countriesof Russia, South Korea, Japan and other cultural exchanges, so that it has a distinctivestyle of urban sports culture. Harbin urban sports consciousness interacting with eachother in a multicultural development background, by today's advanced media,especially television media to disseminate the contents of the profound impact,showing the distinctive characteristics of the times.

  Through questionnaires, expert interviews, literature and other methods, Harbinurban sports consciousness characteristic feature of watching sports on television,content research attention. In practice, based on the investigation, Harbin cityresidents understand the basic characteristics of sports consciousness, summed TVsports program viewing behavior and habits, trying to explore television transmissionHarbin urban sports consciousness affect the situation. To promote innovation and thedevelopment of sports television programs to promote the popularization of scientificknowledge of sports to improve the degree of cognitive Harbin urban sports,accelerate scientific and modern, international transition Harbin urban sportsconsciousness, thereby serving urban culture to provide theoretical and physicalcharacteristics practical reference.

  Harbin urban sports consciousness distinctive, unique natural and geographicalconditions of urban culture and sports consciousness residents showed open, modern,international and other prominent features. TV sports programs have become urbanresidents of Harbin sports knowledge growth, strengthen sports consciousness, sportsupdates an important source of ideas. Survey results show excellent TV sportsprograms in the dissemination of sports information, sports culture at the same time,strengthen the sports consciousness Harbin residents. Promoting understanding ofurban residents in sports, to stimulate their interest in sports activities and integratelife and improve the quality of life of urban residents in Harbin, thereby acceleratingthe overall development of the people of Harbin quality. The sixth census, the residentpopulation of the city of Harbin has shown rapid expansion, accelerate aging andother trends, urban education levels higher than the province and the country, for thefuture development of the cultural construction of urban challenge. By TV sportsprograms, and expand exchanges in Harbin urban space sports activities to promotesports culture spread, so to maximize the role of television media, training Harbinurban sports consciousness development, construction of urban characteristics ofsports culture, help improve Harbin city quality of life of residents, establish thecorrect values of sports culture, promote the comprehensive development of thequality of residents of Harbin .

  Keywords: TV sports programs; Sports consciousness; Harbin city residents;

  目 录

  摘 要


  1 前 言

  1.1 选题依据

  1.2 选题意义

  2 文献综述

  2.1 国外文献综述

  2.2 国内文献综述

  2.3 体育意识相关研究

  2.3.1 体育意识的概念

  2.3.2 体育意识的特点

  2.4 电视体育节目相关研究

  3 研究对象与方法

  3.1 研究对象

  3.2 研究方法

  3.2.1 文献资料法

  3.2.2 问卷调查法

  3.2.3 访谈法

  3.2.4 数理统计法

  4 研究结果与分析

  4.1 哈尔滨市城市居民体育意识发展现状

  4.1.1 哈尔滨市城市体育文化背景

  4.1.2 哈尔滨城市体育文化特色发展现状

  4.1.3 哈尔滨市城市居民体育意识现状

  4.2 影响哈尔滨市城市居民体育意识因素的分析

  4.2.1 哈尔滨市城市居民特质对体育意识的影响

  4.2.2 哈尔滨市城市居民参与体育运动的动机

  4.2.3 哈尔滨市城市居民参与体育运动的需求

  4.2.4 年龄对哈尔滨市城市居民体育意识的影响

  4.3 哈尔滨市城市居民电视体育节目收视情况

  4.3.1 哈尔滨市城市居民经常收看电视体育节目

  4.3.2 哈尔滨市城市居民每周观看电视体育节目的频率

  4.3.3 哈尔滨市城市居民收看电视体育的动机

  4.4 哈尔滨城市居民电视体育节目收视特点的研究

  4.4.1 性别差异造成收视特征的不同

  4.4.2 年龄差异导致收看特征的改变

  4.4.3 文化水平差异导致收看特征的偏移

  4.5 电视体育节目影响哈尔滨市城市居民体育意识的具体分析

  4.5.1 电视体育节目对哈尔滨市城市居民体育知识的影响

  4.5.2 电视体育节目对哈尔滨市城市居民体育文化形态意识的影响

  4.6 电视体育节目对城市居民体育意识的负面影响

  4.6.1 收看电视体育节目不能替代亲身参与

  4.6.2 电视体育节目中体育信息的娱乐化

  5 结论与建议

  5.1 结论

  5.2 建议


  致 谢
