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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-07-08 共3313字


【引言  第一章】颈椎病运动康复研究现状 

  摘 要

  目前已被证实与脊柱力学失衡有关的病症达 100 余种。近几年的报道显示,颈椎病的发病率不降反升,发病年龄不升反降,影响听力、视力、呼吸、平衡、肢体协调性、下肢力量等各项功能,而这几项功能与脑干供血、脊柱骨骼支撑能力、肌肉力量、运动模式是否合理密切相关。





  3.治疗前颈前屈状态下两组 I、II、V 波潜伏期高于正常体位,上肢前屈状态下 I、II、III 波高于正常体位,治疗后两组各波潜伏期均较治疗前缩短,差异具有统计学意义。

  治疗后观察组非正常体位下与正常体位相比无显着性差异,而对照组治疗后颈前屈状态下 V 波,上肢前屈状态下 II、III 波较正常体位潜伏期长,差异具有统计学意义。







  关键词:体位姿势 动作训练 颈椎病


  It has been linked to spinal mechanics imbalance disorders of more than 100 species. Inrecent years, reports indicate that the incidence of cervical disease rise, not fall, fallinginstead of rising age, the impact of hearing, vision, breathing, balance, physical coordination,leg strength and other functions, and that several features and blood supply to the brain stem,spinal bone supporting capacity, muscle strength, movement patterns are closely related towhether it is reasonable.

  The purpose of this study is to identify and influence posture correction posture trainingon cervical function to find a practical and easy method to promote the prevention andtreatment of cervical spondylosis sick of sources, to improve the quality of life, reduce painand prevent the occurrence of having positive effects.

  Conducted this study literature retrieval of this study confirm the feasibility ofinnovative and; experimental method using subjects were divided into observation group andthe control group, the observation group with routine treatment of cervical posture posturecorrection and functional training, group perform only routine treatment effect was evaluatedbefore and after treatment. Including imaging, treatment, and then from the bodycompositions, brainstem auditory evoked potentials and gait and other aspects of theevaluation, verify the positive impact of training on postural posture cervical function, theresults are as follows:

  1. The observation group in the image changes and statistical effect on average than thecontrol group.

  2. After the observation group body fat percentage is lower than before treatment,treatment, post-treatment observation group than the control group, with statisticalsignificance, before and after treatment in the control group was not significant. After the twogroups before treatment is higher than the value of the basal metabolic treatment, observationgroup after treatment was higher, with statistical significance.

  3. Under the two groups before treatment, neck flexion I, II, V wave latency is higherthan the normal position, the upper limb flexion under state I, II, III wave higher than normalposition, two groups after treatment than before treatment to shorten the latency Thedifference was statistically significant. No abnormal observation group after treatmentcompared with normal postural position under significant difference, but under the controlgroup V neck flexion wave flexion at upper state II, III wave than the normal position longincubation period, the difference was statistically significance.

  4.Two step length, stride frequency and stride after treatment were significantly betterthan before treatment, the two groups after the treatment, the observation group in step andpace better than that in the control group, with a significant gap.

  The conclusion is as follows:

  1. Cervical functional training with conventional treatment effect is better than a singleconventional treatment.

  2. The value of basal metabolism in patients with post-treatment (weight) increased, butlower body fat percentage, body metabolism improved.

  3. Treatment of balance and proprioceptive function in patients has been improved,brainstem blood supply has been improved, so the bad posture of tolerance increased.

  4. After treatment coordination function in patients with visual and auditory, sensory andmotor systems of the body to enhance and improve joint movement and muscle tensionaccuracy of the regulatory function, so that the finished higher quality operation.

  Recommendation: patients emphasize the importance of routine cervical function ofpoor posture, and establish actions to maintain consciousness, attention to analyze and assesspostural posture, exercise training should include basic movements and targeted action, todevelop a daily rest when Chiang Kai-shek and the action symmetry, coordination andcomplete diet when labor movements, the training should reflect personalized.

  Key Words: Posture Functional training Cervical spondylosis




  1 研究现状

  1.1 颈椎病的病因病机研究

  1.2 颈椎病与体位和运动的关系

  1.3 颈椎病的运动康复疗法

  2 研究对象与研究方法

  2.1 研究对象

  2.2 研究方法

  2.2.1 文献资料法

  2.2.2 实验法

  2.2.3 数理统计法

  3 研究结果与分析

  3.1 疗效评定

  3.1.1 影像变化

  3.1.2 疗效变化

  3.2 身体成分测试

  3.3 电生理检测

  3.4 步态测试

  3.5 讨论



