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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-07-19 共3764字




  县域文化创意产业是我国文化创意产业发展的重要组成部分,对于推动县域文化产业发展,特别是农村地区文化产业发展具有重要意义。本文以临安市县域文化创意产业为研究对象,在总结临安市县域文化创意产业发展现状、特点及成效的基础上,综合采用文献分析法、半结构式访谈法、典型案例调查法和 SWOT分析相结合的方法,深入剖析了临安县域文化创意产业发展所存在的优势与劣势,以及面临的机会与威胁,在此基础上分析了临安市县域文化创意产业发展的提升路径,从而为我国县域文化创意产业的发展提供理论支撑和实践指导。研究主要得出以下 4 点结论:

  (1)县域文化创意产业是临安市现代服务业发展的重要内容,在促进县域经济发展中具有重要作用。临安市文化创意产业发展具有产业门类齐全、产业发展精细化和产业发展园区化 3 大特点,经过多年发展,临安市县域文化创意产业取得了较好的发展成效,文化创意产业增加值保持稳步增长,同时产业结构层次得到逐步优化,文化的融合与创新速度正在加快。

  (2)通过对临安市县域文化创意产业发展的 SWOT 分析表明,临安市县域文化创意产业发展拥有区位优势、文化优势和人才优势,以及产业配套政策不完善、产业集聚能力不强、产业缺乏鲜明特色等发展劣势;外部发展面临着文化创意产业发展的历史机遇和县域经济发展带来的市场机遇,同时也面临着周边同行业竞争和县域经济结构调整过程中的不确定性的威胁。



  关键词:县域文化创意产业;县域经济;发展路径;SWOT 分析;临安


  Country cultural and creative industries is an important part of the cultural and creativeindustries, which plays an important role in promoting the development of country culturalindustries, especially in rural areas. In this paper, we take Lin'an country cultural and creativeindustries for example, summarized its status, characteristics and effectiveness, and then based ona combination method including comprehensive literature analysis, semi-structured interviews,typical case investigation and SWOT analysis, we analyzed its strengths and weaknesses,opportunities and threats in-depth. Finally we analyzed the upgrade path of Lin'an county culturaland creative industries, so as to provide theoretical support and practical guidance for thedevelopment of country cultural and creative industries. The main conclusions are as follows:

  Firstly, cultural and creative industries is an important part of modern service industry inLin'an city, which plays an important role in promoting economic development. There are threemajor characteristics for country cultural and creative industries in Lin'an city, which are widerange, refinement and park features. After years of development, Lin'an county cultural andcreative industries have achieved good development effectiveness, the added value has maintainedsteady growth, the industrial structure has been gradually optimized integration and the culture isaccelerating the pace of innovation.

  Secondly, through SWOT analysis on the development of Lin'an county cultural and creativeindustry, the study find that Lin'an county cultural and creative industries have geographicaladvantages, cultural advantages and personnel advantages, as well as imperfect supportingpolicies, not too strong industry concentration, the lack of a distinct industry features and so on.

  Besides its external development faces historic opportunity form the cultural and creative industrydevelopment and the market opportunities from the county's economic development, while alsofaces the threat of competition in the industry form the surrounding counties and the uncertaintyform the process of economic restructuring.

  Thirdly, on the development path of country cultural and creative industries in Lin'an, for theproblem of imperfect supporting policies, further improvement of government functions,enhancing service guide is needed; for the problem of not too strong industry concentration,building the park platform to promote industrial cluster development is needed; for the problem oflack of a distinct industry features, differentiating the layout, construction of regional brand isneeded; for the problem of competition threat form the surrounding counties, tamping foundation,building the core competitiveness is needed; finally, for the problem of uncertainty form theprocess of economic restructuring, based restructuring, promoting cultural integration anddevelopment is needed.

  Last but not least, the case study of county cultural and creative industries in Lin'an cityproviding a reference for the development of county cultural and creative industries in our country.

  In order to accelerate the development of county cultural and creative industries of our county, notonly favorable policy environment and industrial development of the market environment isneeded from the outside, but developing the distinctive characteristics of cultural and creativeproducts with comparative advantages under its own characteristics and advantages is needed soas to enhancing the importance of the county cultural and creative industries in the county'seconomic development.

    Key words: country cultural and creative industries; county economy; developing path; SWOTanalysis; Lin'an city




  1 引言

  1.1 研究背景与意义

  1.2 研究目标与内容

  1.2.1 研究目标

  1.2.2 研究内容

  1.3 研究方法与技术路线

  1.3.1 研究方法

  1.3.2 研究的技术路线

  1.4 数据来源

  1.5 研究特色

  2 相关理论与文献回顾

  2.1 研究相关理论回顾

  2.1.1 熊彼特的创新理论

  2.1.2 产业集聚理论

  2.2 文献综述

  2.2.1 文化创意产业的内涵

  2.2.2 文化创意产业发展的地域分异

  2.2.3 县域文化创意产业发展的实践

  2.2.4 研究述评

  3 临安市县域文化创意产业发展的现状、特点、成效与问题

  3.1 临安市县域文化创意产业发展的现状

  3.1.1 临安市县域文化创意产业发展背景

  3.1.2 临安市县域文化创意产业发展的基本情况

  3.2 临安市县域文化创意产业发展的特点

  3.2.1 内容涵盖领域广泛

  3.2.2 重点突出特色鲜明

  3.2.3 产业集聚效应明显

  3.3 临安市县域文化创意产业发展的成效

  3.3.1 产业增加值稳步增长

  3.3.2 产业结构层次逐步优化

  3.3.3 促进了文化的融合与创新

  3.4 临安市县域文化创意产业发展存在的问题

  3.4.1 文化创意体制约束

  3.4.2 文化创意氛围欠缺

  3.4.3 文化创意能力不强

  4 临安市县域文化创意产业发展的 SWOT 分析

  4.1 临安市县域文化创意产业发展的优势分析

  4.1.1 区位优势

  4.1.2 文化优势

  4.1.3 人才优势

  4.2 临安市县域文化创意产业发展的劣势分析

  4.2.1 产业配套政策不完善,产业政策驱动力不强

  4.2.2 跨区平台少,产业集聚能力不强

  4.2.3 同质化严重,产业缺乏鲜明特色

  4.3 临安市县域文化创意产业发展的机遇分析

  4.3.1 文化产业发展历史机遇

  4.3.2 经济发展的市场机遇

  4.4 临安市县域文化创意产业发展的威胁分析

  4.4.1 周边同行业竞争威胁

  4.4.2 结构调整不确定性威胁

  5 临安市县域文化创意产业发展的路径分析

  5.1 完善政府职能,强化政府服务引导

  5.2 打造跨区平台,促进产业集聚发展

  5.3 产业细化发展,建设县域乡土品牌

  5.4 夯实发展基础,提升产业核心竞争力

  5.5 立足经济转型,推动文化融合发展

  6 主要结论


