摘 要
关键词:异地商会 地方治理 社会组织
With the constant development of human society, the functions and methods ofgovernment administration should also be renewed constantly so as to keep pace withsociety. As the intensity and scope of governmental functions gradually fall off, socialorganizations have entered the social management system, in which the chamber ofcommerce, including the alien chamber of commerce organization, will definitelyplay a more important role. The report made it clear that the new normal of “smallgovernment” and “big society” at the 18th party Congress will be beneficial forguiding social organizations to develop in a healthy and orderly way and fullyleveraging the fundamental role of the people in social management.Non-localchamber of commerce, as a part of social organization, possesses positive functionssuch as political participation, economy participation, culture participation and societyparticipation. Based on the the development of the times and social advancement,study on the current status, problems and corresponding countermeasure of alienchamber of commerce is revealing its importance.
Along with the continuous deepening of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinateddevelopment strategy , Non-local chamber of commerce organizations plays aninvaluable role which will promote effectively the development ofBeijing-Tianjin-Hebei policy, economic society and cultural activities, ensure regionalstability and strengthen international exchanges etc. However, the Non-local Chamberof Commerce in Hebei provides social services, promotes social development, at thesame time,it has some issues contrary to its healthy development. The management ofthe Non-local Chamber of Commerce organization in Hebei are still outstandingissues such as the registration of highthreshold,theenhancement of Self-control, the weakness of administrative supervision, thetendency of serious administrative, the imperfection of peopleware, the lag ofinformation technology, the significance of financial matter and so on. And it has aserious impact on the sustainable development and function. Therefore, measuresincluding establishing a comprehensive administration and supervision system,completing the party construction, implementing the construction of law system andenforcing the self-management function of alien chamber of commerce in Hebei areof great importance for the healthy and orderly development of Hebei province and itsalien chamber of commerce
Keywords: Hebei, Non-local chamber of commerce, local management, socialorganization
目 录
摘 要
1 绪论
1.1 研究背景
1.2 研究的目的及意义
2 国内外相关研究综述
3 河北异地商会发展现状
3.1 河北省概况
3.2 河北异地商会概况
3.3 河北异地商会功能分析
4 河北异地商会发展存在的主要问题
5 河北异地商会发展困境的原因剖析
6 切实推进河北异地商会建设的对策建议
后 记