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来源:未知 作者:学术堂
发布于:2016-03-31 共5407字


【引言  第一章】新媒体时代政府网络舆情导向分析绪论 
【2.1 - 2.3】网络舆情爆发、演变及消亡阶段 
【2.4  2.5】邯郸水污染事件经验总结与启示 

  摘 要



  关键词:网络舆情 基层政府 舆论引导 新媒体


  Xi Jinping, emphasize in the national conference on publicity and ideologicalwork, it is necessary to work online media as the most important task, which is a newsituation for the rapid development of the Internet and other new media, newchallenges, new online media work deployment of new requirements. Internetworldwide in the rapid development of online media has been recognized afternewspapers, radio, TV's “fourth media.” The Internet has changed the originalecological environment of social public opinion , network public opinion influenceon political life order and social stability grow with each passing day. Some of themajor events of network public opinion let people begin to realize the great roleplayed by the network of social supervision. Meanwhile, if the network of publicopinion emergencies are not handled properly, is likely to induce negative emotions ofpeople, causing irregularities and excesses of the masses, and thus make a seriousthreat to social stability. Grassroots online media area is active and frequent networkpublic opinion in this area, to deal with the complex network of public opinion, publicopinion trends timely and accurate information, scientific guide online public opinion,is placed in front of the grass-roots government solved a major issue. Therefore, Ichoose to deal with this issue from the start and guide basic-level governmentsnetwork public opinion. This paper consists of three parts, the first part includes theforeword and introduction. The foreword part mainly introduced the new situationof network public opinion base faced by the grass-roots government at first, that hasbecome a problem, the current grass-roots governments have to face it. In the chapterof introduction,first introducing the research background of grass-roots governmentresponse and guide of internet public opinion, so that we are aware of the grass-rootsgovernment as the most basic administrative organization should pay more attentionto the general public use of network to release and spread the network public opinion.

  Then,from two aspects of positive and negative to analyze the influence of networkpublic opinion about grass-roots government management. That is, the network publicopinion is not only conducive to the grass-roots government to collect information,understanding public opinion, promoting open government information, improve thecredibility of the government, strengthen interaction, ease the public mood. But alsoincluding the negative impact about the authority and credibility of the grassrootsgovernment, the difficulty of handling crisis events, social harmony andstability. Finally, through the above analysis, we get the purpose and significance ofthe research of this paper, that is not only promoting the establishment of a completeset of network public opinion guiding mechanism, for the grass-rootsgovernment related staff to provide certain reference significance in the practicalwork, but also has important significance for the transformation of governmentfunctions, promoting people's participation in politics, improve the credibility of thegovernment, the maintenance of state power long period of stability and socialstability. The second part is the case analysis of the grass-roots government responseto public opinion. This paper separately from the network public opinion before theoutbreak stage to strengthen public opinion monitoring work, improvethe analysis ability of network public opinion, establish a sound early warningmechanism of network public opinion; and for the internet publicopinion evolution stage actively use a variety of ways to guide public opinion in thenetwork; and the initial network public opinion back down and disappearing stage ofthe demise of the follow up monitoring, tracking each department feedback, relatedstaff work summary to analyze the positive measures taken in Handan city waterpollution events in this specific case, the ultimate success of the guide of Internetpublic opinion, the elaboration of a complete set of the emergency mechanismof grass-roots government guidance of network public opinion. Then by summarizingthe experience and enlightenment, and find problems existing in the boot process ofwater pollution incident in Handan City, summarizes the basic government to guidethe problems commonly existing in network public opinion. The third part is basedon the analysis of the two parts, separately from network public opinion guiding theprinciple, the network public opinion management organization establishment, thenetwork public opinion before the outbreak of the prevention, early andtimely capture of network public opinion, the network public opinion medium-termcorrectly guide, network public opinion later leveraging public opinion events toexpand the positive propaganda, to enhance the credibility of the government andother aspects and puts forward some suggestions and countermeasures for thegrass-roots government response and guide of Internet public opinion work.

  More and more successfully resolved the crisis in a classic case of public opinion,to tell us: In the face of unexpected negative information on network , just coveringand removing have become the past. Enhance communication with users, the firsttime publish authoritative information, a positive response to the concerns of Internetusers, the government should show us what they done and accept the supervision ofall,are the secret of grass-roots government to resolve the crisis of network publicopinion. This article through the literature material and case analysis,combined withHandan City, a classic case of pollution incidents guide public opinion, under the newmedia background, specific methods of basic-level government to guide networkpublic opinion in detail. On the current there are some guidance significance forbasic-level government and relevant staff in the reality of the work.

  Key Words:Internet public opinion Basic-level government Public opinion guideNew media


  目 录

  摘 要


  引 言

  一、 绪论

  (一) 研究背景

  (二) 新媒体时代下的网络舆情对基层政府管理的影响

  1. 新媒体时代下的网络舆情对基层政府的积极影响

  2. 新媒体时代下的网络舆情对基层政府的消极影响

  (三) 研究的目的和意义

  二、 基层政府应对网络舆情的实例分析--邯郸水污染事件调查

  (一) 网络舆情爆发前阶段

  1. 加强舆情监控工作

  2. 提高分析研判网络舆情能力

  3. 建立健全网络舆情预警机制

  (二) 网络舆情爆发及演变阶段(积极运用多种方式引导网络舆论)

  1. 充分发挥政务微博舆论引导作用

  2. 协调电视台、广播、报纸、新闻发布会等传统媒体共同发声

  3. 充分发挥网络评论员的积极作用

  (三) 网络舆情的回落及消亡阶段

  1. 消退初期的继续跟进

  2. 各部门的跟踪反馈

  3. 相关工作人员的工作总结

  (四) 邯郸水污染事件经验总结与启示

  1. 经验总结

  2. 体会和启示

  (五) 邯郸水污染事件中基层政府在引导网络舆情方面有待改进的地方。

  1. 各县区网络舆情应对机构建立不健全

  2. 工作人员不足及专业素养还有待提高

  3. 政务微博等影响力不够,网络问政还不完善

  4. 缺少意见领袖、微博达人、草根博主的培养与联系

  三、 基层政府应对及引导好网络舆情的对策建议

  (一) 网络舆情的引导原则

  1. 坚持以防为主、倡导社会主旋律的原则

  2. 坚持透明公开、及时回应的原则

  3. 坚持统筹合作、积极互动的原则

  (二) 网络舆情管理工作的组织机构建立

  1. 领导重视

  2. 推进组织机构设立

  3. 提高工作人员素养

  (三) 网络舆情爆发前的预防工作

  1. 拓宽信息公开渠道,完善网络问政平台

  2. 提高门户网站、政务微博、官方微信的影响力和公信力

  3. 重视加强网络引导队伍建设

  (四) 网络舆情初期的及时捕捉

  1. 建立健全网络舆情预警机制

  2. 完善网络舆情研判分析制度

  (五) 网络舆情中期的正确引导

  1. 构建网络舆情引导机制

  2. 传统媒体与新媒体相结合的信息发布模式

  (六) 网络舆情后期借力舆情事件扩大正面宣传,提升政府公信力

  结 论


  后 记(含致谢)
