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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-05-05 共2623字



  摘 要

  被誉为“朝阳行业”的中国寿险业在工业 4.0 和大数据时代背景下,营销模式与营销策略层出不穷,市场竞争异常激烈,东吴人寿自 2011 年创建以来,业务规模快速提升,经营水平不断提高,综合实力快速增强。作为一家总部在地方,又面向全国市场的一家新公司,如何在现有的市场竞争中赢得一席之地,如何在众多的新公司中脱颖而出,如何顺应瞬息万变的市场,满足客户需求,营销策略就显得尤其重要。

  本文从寿险的发展轨迹入手,重点分析江苏寿险市场现状,运用文献研究法、现场研究法和定量分析法,研究保险市场的特点。本文重点阐述营销学 4P、4C 及 4R 理论和寿险营销特点,试图说明寿险营销的独特性。本文在研究对象上尚属首次,对东吴人寿概况及营销现状做了详细描述,也对其营销策略进行阐述,从产品、价格、渠道、促销等多个方面进行分析,指出存在的问题,并分析具体原因。结合江苏寿险市场的细分及特点根据实地调研,提出东吴人寿公司现有营销策略创新方向,设定东吴人寿营销策略的总体思路和目标以及解决方案。为了保证以上策略能有效实施,本文还给出了具体实施步骤和保障。本文的研究和分析,提出的观念及要点会对正在快速发展的东吴人寿起到积极正面的作用,对于尊重客观营销规律,树立正确营销观念,设计有效的营销策略,组建可持续发展分支机构也有很大的帮助,同时也希望东吴人寿割据一方,早日问鼎中原。



  Under the background of Big-data and Industry 4.0 Era, Chinese life insuranceindustry, though known as sunrise industry, has a very fierce market competition withendlessly emerging marketing modes and strategies. Since its establishment in 2011,the Soochow Life Insurance has enhanced its actual strength remarkably and rapidly,but at the same time it faces immense competition and market pressure. As a newcompany encountered by national competition with its headquarter set locally, thestrategies of marketing loom up importantly on how to win a tiny space in extantmarkets competition, how to stand out among various new companies and how toaccommodate clients' demands in constantly changing markets.

  Starting from the development tracks of life insurance, the thesis emphaticallyanalyzes the status quo of life insurance markets in Jiangsu Province and researchesthe features of life insurance by using literature, doing field investigation andquantitative analysis methods. In order to illustrate peculiarity life insurancemarketing, relevant marketing theories such as 4C, 4Cs and 4R have been explicated.

  In terms of research objects, it is the first time to describe in detail the survey andmarketing status quo of the Soochow Life Insurance, explicate its strategies ofproducts marketing by analyses in products, prices, channels and sale promotion,point out present problems and search specific reasons. Combining subdivisions andfeatures of life insurance markets in the Jiangsu Province and according to fieldinvestigation, this thesis puts forward the orientation of marketing strategy innovationand points out general thinking and goal of marketing strategy of the Soochow LifeInsurance. For the purpose of ensuring efficient enforcement of strategies above, thisthesis gives steps of enforcement, organization and system guarantee. At last, specificresolutions initiated by problems are forwarded, also with deficiencies in the thesisand directions in further research.

  Research, detailed analysis and viewpoints proposed play an active role to theSoochow Life Insurance which is in a rapid rise and are also helpful to set up a correctmarketing view, build effective marketing strategies and organizesustainable-developing teams. Hope the Soochow Life Insurance a successfulcompany and have a lot of businesses in the future.

  Keywords: Soochow life insurance,Life insurance,Life insurance marketing,Marketing Strategy

    目 录

  摘 要


  第一章 绪 论

  1.1 研究背景及意义

  1.1.1 世界寿险发展

  1.1.2 中国寿险发展

  1.1.3 江苏寿险发展

  1.1.4 研究问题与意义


  1.2.1 研究内容

  1.2.2 研究方法

  1.3 技术路线和研究框架

  1.3.1 技术路线

  1.3.2 研究框架

  第二章 寿险营销理论依据

  2.1 营销理论

  2.1.1 4P 营销理论

  2.1.2 4C 营销理论

  2.1.3 4R 营销理论

  2.2 寿险营销理论特点

  2.2.1 寿险营销理论定义

  2.2.2 二八定律

  2.2.3 关系营销

  2.2.4 体验营销

  第三章 东吴人寿公司营销现状及问题研究

  3.1 东吴人寿及业务的基本概况

  3.1.1 东吴人寿介绍

  3.1.2 东吴人寿业务概况

  3.2 东吴人寿市场营销现状

  3.2.1 东吴人寿外部环境分析

  3.2.2 东吴人寿内部环境分析

  3.2.3 东吴人寿市场竞争分析

  3.3 东吴人寿营销策略存在的问题及原因分析

  3.3.1 产品失衡

  3.3.2 价格失效

  3.3.3 渠道单一

  3.3.4 促销简单

  第四章 东吴人寿目标市场分析

  4.1 江苏寿险市场的细分及特点

  4.1.1 市场规模扩大

  4.1.2 市场主体增多

  4.1.3 市场竞争激烈

  4.1.4 销售渠道多样

  4.2 东吴人寿目标市场选择

  4.3 东吴人寿市场定位

  第五章 东吴人寿营销策略设计

  5.1 营销策略设计的总体思路

  5.2 营销策略设计的目标

  5.3 营销策略研究

  5.3.1 价格策略设计

  5.3.2 产品策略设计

  5.3.3 渠道策略设计

  5.3.4 促销策略设计

  第六章 东吴人寿营销策略的实施和保障

  6.1 营销策略的实施步骤

  6.2 营销策略的实施保障

  6.2.1 组织保障

  6.2.2 制度保障

  6.2.3 营销队伍

  6.2.4 政府支持

  第七章 主要结论与研究方向

  7.1 主要结论

  7.2 存在问题与研究方向


  致 谢
