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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-07-19 共3055字


【4.1  4.2】碳汇林项目成本与收益分析 
【4.3  4.4】速丰林项目成本效益分析 




  基于实物期权理论和理性选择理论,以江西丰林投资开发有限公司碳汇造林投资项目为案例,利用净现值法、内部收益率法等对该项目的成本效益情况进行分析。研究结果表明,根据项目业主方的自行设计,如果按照速生丰产林经营,则经济效益主要来自于木材收益。根据对速生丰产林项目投资的净现金流量表分析可知,速生丰产林项目的净现值为 16033.86 万元,内部收益率为 14.34%;如果按照碳汇林经营,在不进行间伐、采脂的情况下,则效益来自于木材主伐收益与碳汇效益,并且碳汇即使是以 0.002 万元/吨的兜底价成交,也能够产生碳汇效益:净现值为 1481.27 万元,内部收益率为 8.75%.由此可见,进行碳汇造林项目经营的效益低于速生丰产林项目经营的效益。但由于《碳汇造林方法学》没有明确规定碳汇林项目在发展期间不允许间伐和采脂,所以碳汇造林项目木材收益应包括间伐、主伐与采脂效益,除此之外,还可获取额外的碳汇效益,总体预期效益明显。




  Climate warming is an internationally recognized global environment problem, which seriouslyaffects the development of economy and society. The carbon sink function of forest is the worldrecognized economic and effective and has great development potential (Chen Genchang, 2005)。 It isimportant to take measures to deal with climate change. Forestry carbon sequestration is an importantbasic material for forest management. Enterprises as an important subject of investment and carbonsequestration forestry, find out the influencing factors and obstacles of the forestry investment andcarbon sequestration, so as to take corresponding measures to formulate relevant policies to encouragemore enterprises to actively participate in the investment of carbon sequestration forestry, and promotethe sustainable development of carbon sinks.

  Based on real option theory and rational choice theory, to Jiangxi Fenglin investment andDevelopment Co., Ltd.carbon sequestration afforestation investment projects as a case, using the netpresent value method, internal rate of return method of the project cost benefit situation analysis. Theresults show that according to the project The owner's own design, if according to the fast growing andhigh-yield forest management, the economic benefits mainly come from the timber income.Offast-growing and high-yield plantation project investment net cash flow statement analysis shows thataccording to the fast-growing plantation project's net present value for 160338600 yuan, internal rate ofreturn is 14.34%; if in accordance with the carbon sink forest management, benefits from the timberfelling yield and benefit of carbon sequestration, and carbon sequestration even to 0.002 yuan / ton bagprice clinch a deal, it is possible to produce carbon sequestration benefits: net present value (NPV)14812700 yuan, internal revenue rate of 8.75%. Thus, the benefits of carbon sequestration afforestationprojects operating below the fast-growing and high-yield plantation project management benefit. Butdue to carbon sequestration afforestation method does not specify carbon Department of forest projectduring development does not allow thinning and tapping, so carbon sequestration afforestation projecttimber benefits should include thinning, felling and tapping efficiency, in addition, to obtain additionalcarbon sequestration benefits, total expected benefit is obvious.

  For the above research conclusions, the following policy recommendations are put forward: tosimplify the afforestation method, to improve the work efficiency, shorten the project packaging cycle,reduce the investment threshold of carbon sequestration forestry enterprises and strengthen thecooperation between enterprises and related trading platforms.

  Key words: Enterprise;Investment;Carbon sequestration forestry;Cost;Benefit.




  1 引言

  1.1 研究背景与意义

  1.2 研究目标与研究内容

  1.2.1 研究目标

  1.2.2 研究内容

  1.3 研究方法与技术路线

  1.3.1 研究方法

  1.3.2 技术路线

  1.4 相关概念与理论基础

  1.4.1 相关概念

  1.4.2 理论基础

  2 企业投资碳汇林的研究综述

  2.1 企业投资行为及其影响因素研究进展

  2.1.1 内部影响因素

  2.1.2 外部影响因素

  2.2 林业投融资相关研究

  2.2.1 林业投资困境

  2.2.2 林业投资机制

  2.2.3 林业投资渠道

  2.3 碳汇林业投融资相关研究

  2.3.1 碳汇林业投融资机制

  2.3.2 碳汇林业融资风险

  2.4 人工林经营成本效益相关研究

  2.4.1 人工林的经营成本构成

  2.4.2 人工林经营成本效益的分析方法

  2.4.3 人工林成本效益分析的贴现处理

  2.5 综合述评

  3 碳汇林业发展现状与投资问题

  3.1 碳汇林业发展现状

  3.1.1 建立中国绿色碳汇基金会

  3.1.2 积极开展碳汇造林项目

  3.2 碳汇林业投资的存在问题

  3.2.1 资金可持续性不够

  3.2.2 计量监测复杂且成本高

  3.2.3 造林土地要求高

  3.2.4 社会认知不足

  4 碳汇林与速丰林项目的成本效益分析

  4.1 案例介绍

  4.1.1 案例选择说明

  4.1.2 公司简介

  4.2 碳汇林项目成本效益分析

  4.2.1 造林措施及基本数据说明

  4.2.2 碳汇林项目成本分析

  4.2.3 碳汇林项目效益分析

  4.2.4 碳汇林项目投资评价

  4.3 速丰林项目成本效益分析

  4.3.1 造林措施及基本数据说明

  4.3.2 速丰林项目成本分析

  4.3.3 速丰林项目效益分析

  4.3.4 速丰林项目投资评价

  4.4 投资碳汇林与速丰林项目对比分析

  4.4.2 经营成本对比

  4.4.3 效益对比

  4.4.4 项目净现值对比

  5 结论与建议

  5.1 研究结论

  5.2 政策建议


