自从 1789 年法国将言论自由作为一项基本权利写进《人权与公民权宣言》以来,言论自由权利获得了全世界的认可,先后被各个国家写进自己的宪法,被认定为是公民的一项最基本的自由,具有极其重要的社会价值。一个国家公民是否具有言论自由权已经成为评判一个国家是否民主的重要标准。特别是到了现在的自媒体时代,人人都是记者,人人都是发言人,人们的言论自由得到了更多的表达途径,也理应受到更多的言论自由保护措施。
In 1789, the freedom of speech was written into the Declaration of human andcivil rights as a fundamental right in France.since then, the right to freedom of speechgained have get worldwide recognization,was written into their constitutions by manycountries. It was identified as one of the most fundamental freedoms of citizens, hasan extremely important social value. The freedom of speech has become an importantcriterion for judging whether a country is democratic or not. In the time of w-media,everyone can be a reporter, everyone can be a spokeman, the right to freedom ofspeech became more and more import,and it decive more protect.
This article will introduce the events of zhongtai jiufeng, based on the presentstatus of freedom, compared to the freedom of speech in Amercia and Germany. Tofind out the infufficient in our country, and give out the opinions and suggestions topertect the freedom of speech. It has great meaning for the improvement of thefreedom of speech.
This paper is divided into four parts:
The first part: The right to freedom. We will outlines the Meaning, scope of theright to freedom of speech. Analysis the traits and characteristics of the freedom ofspeech.
The second part: analysis of the protect in forgien countries. This section mainlydiscusses the measures to protect the freedom of speech in Amercia and Germany,learn, summing up their experience.
The third part: analysis of free speech protection in China. This section will treatthe zhongtai jiufeng event as the main case, analyze the status of freedom of speech inour country, to find out the deficiencies in the protect.
The fourth Part, opinions and suggestions to protect the freedom of speech.
Based on the parts indicated in the previous section, according to the problemsidentified, combined with China's actual situation, give out several opinions andsuggestions to improve the protect measures of the freedom of speech.
摘 要
弗鲁曼塔里伊(frumentarii)是罗马帝国元首制时期由皇帝直接领导具有通信、情报和监督职能的人员。作为维护皇权和中央集权的重要力量,他们在罗马帝国政治生活中的地位较为特殊。本文旨在罗马帝国的宏观历史背景下,较为全面地梳理弗鲁曼塔里伊建制与职能问题,考察其出现、发展、解散的全过程,探讨其职能活动与公元 2-3世纪不同历史阶段内皇权和中央集权之间的关系,同时考察罗马帝国时期通信、情报和监督工作的发展趋势以及皇帝在维护皇权和中央集权、进行国内统治上的政策动态等问题。
本文共分五章。第一章主要讨论弗鲁曼塔里伊作为皇帝的通信、情报和监督人员出现的时间,同时侧重从皇权和中央集权、皇权与近卫军长权力矛盾斗争的角度分析其出现的主要原因。第二章分别从弗鲁曼塔里伊的选拔与服役、弗鲁曼塔里伊的领导结构、弗鲁曼塔里伊的晋升与调转三个方面讨论其建制问题,分析其建制的特点及意义。第三章分别考察弗鲁曼塔里伊通信、情报和监督职能,讨论弗鲁曼塔里伊职能的演化过程与皇权和中央集权在公元 2-3 世纪不同历史阶段内特点之间的关系。第四章在梳理密探士兵(speculatores)、行省免役士兵(beneficiarii consularis)建制与职能的基础上,分析弗鲁曼塔里伊与行省政府中同类士兵的关系问题,同时考察公元 2 世纪后罗马帝国在行省管理上的政策演变趋势及中央政权和地方政权在运作上所具有的内在统一性和联系性。第五章考察弗鲁曼塔里伊滥用职权及导致其滥用职权现象的成因,同时结合稽查使(agentes in rebus)及戴克里先建立君主专制的相关改革措施,探讨弗鲁曼塔里伊解散的主要原因,分析通信、情报和监督工作对晚期罗马帝国皇权与中央集权的意义及其发展趋势。
从上述对弗鲁曼塔里伊问题的讨论可以看出,弗鲁曼塔里伊的出现是罗马帝国皇权和中央集权强化过程中的产物,体现了罗马帝国在行政管理上专业化、专门化的发展趋势,其职能活动反映了罗马帝国的政治、军事、经济形势在不同历史阶段内的基本特点。弗鲁曼塔里伊是皇帝维护皇权和中央集权、管理行省政治和经济事务等方面的重要力量,其出现、发展、解散的历史过程与公元 2-3 世纪不同历史时期内皇帝在维护皇权和中央集权上的实际需要密切相关,是皇权和中央集权发展链条中的重要环节。
The frumentarii were the agent in the role of messeng, secret service and supervise ofthe Roman Empire. As attached directly to the emperors, the frumentarii were the specialforce in maintaining the imperial power and centralization. This paper will discuss thefrumentarii in the historical background, in order to study its organizational system andduties, analyse the whole process of its development, research the relation between its dutiesand the imperial power in the 2-3 century A.D., at the same time discuss the tendency ofRoman Empire's imperial power in different historical stage as well as its domestic policy.
This thesis contains five chapters. Chapter one discusses the origins of frumentarii,analyses the coming of frumentarii. Chapter two discusses the recruitment and the service offrumentarii, the officers of the frumentarii, the promotions and transfers of frumentarii,analysis the characters of the organizational system of frumentarii. Chapter three discussesthe duties of frumentarii, analyse its development in different historical period and itsrelation with the imperial power in different historical stages of the 2-3 century A.D.
Chapterfour is based on the study of speculatores and beneficiarii consularii, analyse the relationsbetween frumentarii and them. Thereby we can see the tendency of the Roman Empire'spolicy in governing the province and the internal relations of the imperial power with thelocal power. Chapter five investigates the misconduct of frumentarii and its reason, analysisthe demise of frumentarii through the study of agentes in rebus and the policy of Diocletian.
By the comprehensive study of frumentarii, we can see that the coming in sight of thefrumentarii was the result of Roman imperial power, they represent the tendency of thespecialization of Roman government. The frumentarii developed and became an importantforce in maintaining the imperial power and the centralization in virtue of the emperors'actual requirement, their activities of frumentarii reflected the characteristics of the politicand economic condition of the Roman Empire in different stage. The frumentarii were theimportant part in the development of the imperial power and centralization, the emergenceand demise of them were the particular demand of the imperial power in 2-3 century A. D.