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来源:吉林大学 作者:温连凯
发布于:2017-02-21 共2451字


  摘 要
  The relationship between government and market is argued away since theyappear. In history, there are two kinds of extreme form which are called laissez-faireliberalism and planned economy. The former one takes the market as the leadingfactor while the latter focuses on government. Now the debate is no longer to chooseeither market or government, we know that they are both important. But the problemis which one is the main factor. Maybe we don't know the specific functions they twoshould carry on, but it has become a consensus that the harmony between them is thedriving force of the whole society.
  Hayek is one of the representative of neoliberals. Hayek's writings involve manyfields such as economy, politics and society. Among them, his advocacy of economicliberalism and the idea of spontaneous order make him a liberty. So I decide to statehis ideas as possible as I can in detail in this paper. The spontaneous order is the coreidea of his economy thought. He thinks that the most important problem in economyis to construct such an order and it's the key to understand his thought on therelationship between government and market. However the formation of thespontaneous order depends on individuals. In the contemporary society, the market isthe organization which is close to spontaneous order, so Hayek is a staunch supporterof the free market.By contrast, the government aims to maintain the authigenicspontaneous order. At the same time, Hayek reminds people to beware of the powerof the government has a tendency to unstoppable.
  This article aims to unscramble Hayek's core theory combined with theeconomic reform in recent China. We desire to seek the beneficial ingredients fromHayek's ideas. This article puts an emphasis on Hayek's spontaneous order in order tounscramble the relationship between government and market. In the paper, I state theclassical liberal ideas to make comparition with Hayek's related ideas. At the sametime, I state some political and philosophical terms to make the ideas more clear.
  Finally, I give some constructive advice to our courtry.
  Economic reform is the top priority in all reforms. If economic development isslow, others are all in vain. Today, China's reform is in the hardest time, Hayek'sthoughts in a few years ago may help us a lot. Although hayek's thoughts differ fromus in ideology, any idea or claim which accords with the current economic situationcan be used.
  Key Words:
  Hayek,Government,Market, Order

  目 录
  第 1 章 绪 论
  1.1 选题背景和意义
  1.1.1 选题背景
  1.1.2 选题意义
  1.2 现有研究综述
  1.2.1 国外研究现状
  1.2.2 国内研究现状
  1.3 论文结构和方法
  1.4 主要创新与不足
  第 2 章 哈耶克自发秩序思想概述
  2.1 经济自由思想
  2.1.1 经济自由的起源与定义
  2.1.2 经济自由的组织形式
  2.1.3 经济自由的重要意义
  2.2 进化的社会与秩序
  2.3 自发秩序与经济自由
  第 3 章 哈耶克的政府与市场职能观
  3.1 政府与市场的四种关系
  3.2 市场与经济自由
  3.3 政府及其职权范围
  3.4 政府与市场
  3.5 哈耶克理论主张中的争论点
  3.5.1 公平观及政府的职责问题
  3.5.2 国家公有与个人私有的问题
  第 4 章 哈耶克理论对于我国政府与市场关系的启示
  4.1 我国的改革现状及其特殊性
  4.2 哈耶克理论的启示
  第 5 章 结论
  致 谢
原文出处:温连凯. 哈耶克理论视角下的政府与市场关系研究[D].吉林大学,2016.